In the years 1933 to 1945, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party conducted one of the largest genocides in history. It was called the Holocaust. Hitler and the Nazis were against the Jewish population in Germany. Over 6 million Jews were killed during this time. The Jews were kept in concentration camps, used as slaves, and killed in gas chambers. The reason the Holocaust went on for so long was because the effects of World War I were distracting Germany from the Holocaust. The effects of the past war affected Germany because they were focused on expanding the country, the war made Germany unstable, and the Germans believed that the Jews caused the penalties of losing World War I. Germany was enraged over their loss in World War I, so they were focused on expanding Germany to regain dominance over Europe. “Still reeling from Germany’s defeat in World War I, Hitler’s government envisioned a vast, new empire of “living space” (Lebensraum) in eastern Europe. The realization of German dominance of Europe, its leaders calculated, would require war.” Germany wanted to regain dominance in Europe and the only way they could do that was to go into war, despite the Treaty of Versailles. This distracted from the holocaust because it focuses Germany’s …show more content…
The extreme changes that took place in Germany after World War I made Germany a very unstable country causing many extreme political parties to form. Their democratic party was not doing well and widely disliked, because they inherited a bad situation after World War I. They were broken down and many smaller parties appeared, including communists, the Christian Social Union, the Christian Democratic Union, and eventually, The Nazis. They were promised many things by Hitler and the Nazi party and that pleased them, which made the Germans want to vote for Hitler because they wanted stability in their country again. (1920’s-30’s,
The Holocaust was an event that Hitler a German leader placed upon his own country. Hitler placed knowledge on many believing that he was one of germany's best leaders in the textual it states some reasons about how Hitler became a german leader and how it effected Germany, “Germany has been struggling since 1918, When it was defeated in World War I. The German people felt humiliated, tired, and bitter. Hitler and his Nazi party rose to power by tapping into these feelings. Hitler declared that Germans were superior to everyone else. He also offered up scapegoat for all of Germany’s problems….” also found, “Hitler’s influence spread”. The Holocaust started because of why they hated the Jews is because of Hitler and how he acted towards the Jews because of the race he thought they were when they were just a religion.
The Holocaust was a genocide lead out by the government of Germany lead by Adolf Hitler,his goal was to rid the world of all non-germans. This all was set in place on January 30th,1933.As a result, in World War II Hitler took rule in Germany and build concentration camps and took Jews and threw them in the camps. They were forced to work,starved,and beaten.Consequently,just about 12 million people overall died because of these malicious crimes.Regular German citizens would just stand by and watch as a jew was brutally beaten to death on the street!Not only did the natzis
The holocaust was established by hitler to execute even more jews. About 6 million jews lost their lives during the holocaust. German authorities targeted groups that had a different racial inferiority. During world war II the germans went by the “final solution” a policy to murder all jews. The holocaust was a big shock for the jews. This dramatic experience still haunt the streets of germany.
When Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, he immediately began enforcing an authoritative state. An authoritative state is a state favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. Hitler started a world war to achieve his dream of world domination. The war left behind an estimated 72 million dead, among them 47 million civilians, of whom some six million were Jewish. Jews were the targets of the Holocaust because Hitler hated Jews and blamed them for all of the problems in the world. Throughout the years of the Holocaust, this is seen in many ways, starting from the Nazis having book burnings to get rid of un-German writings proclaiming the death of Jewish intellectualism all the way to the extremity of the mass murder of Jews. This process progressed rapidly, and it had lasting effects for the entire world.
As tensions mounted up until the point of World War II and the war stormed through Europe, another battle silently raged. Not only did Hitler and the Nazi party wage war on countries throughout Europe, they also assaulted and purged entire innocent groups. The Holocaust began in 1933 and reached its height in WW II, while coming to an end with the war in 1945. Hitler used the Holocaust as a mechanism to rid his "racially superior" German state of any "inferior" groups (especially Jews) that would be of some threat or sign of inferiority to Germany. As a result of the Holocaust, millions of men, women, and children of various national, ethnic, and social
The Holocaust has impacted the world in various of ways. A plethora of Jews were displaced in Germany and severely harmed. The effects of the Holocaust can still be viewed in today's society. The Nazis believed that exterminating the Jews was justified because the Jews were not only a low and bad race, but were affecting the lives of the Germans negatively. Hitler and the Nazis blamed them for all the social and economic problems in Germany. Adolf Hitler then planned to get rid of the all Jews living in Germany, or all around Europe. After years of Nazi soldiers ruling in Germany, Jews were consistently persecuted severely. Hitler’s final solution became known as the Holocaust, under the cover of the world war, with mass killing centers constructed
The Holocaust and a war took place because of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party. They believed the Jewish people and other groups were inferior to the Germans and a threat to society ( The Nazis thought of them as a race, and not a religious group (Berenbaum). They also blamed the Jewish for the country’s defeat in World War I in 1918. Because of this hatred towards the Jewish people, Adolf Hitler wanted a European war that would end the Jewish communities in Germany and cause racial purity and expansion of his power ( Adolf Hitler gained his power to do so when he
The Holocaust was a tragic event that happened during WW2. Behind all of this was one man known to be one of the scariest,most evil person ever to live , Adolf Hitler. Hitler came into power
The Holocaust was an terrible event that happened from 1933 to 1945. Approximately eleven million people were killed by the Nazis. A genocidal policy was passed by Adolf Hitler after he became the leader of Germany in 1933. His goal was to get rid of all the Jews in Europe and those who are considered in his "undesirable" list. As countries such as Italy, Japan, and Austria units with Germany and became the Axis Powers, they started invading and taking over other countries around them in Europe. I believe there are reasons that can explain why we still study about the Holocaust today.
The Holocaust was a mass murder of millions of individuals’ primary to and during World War II. “Only 54 percent of the people surveyed by the Anti- Defamation League (ADL) in a massive, global poll has ever heard of the Holocaust” (Wiener-Bronner). The Holocaust was from 1933-1945 and was run by German leader named Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a man who wanted to create his own race of people. Therefore to create this race, he wiped out anyone who did not have the specific descriptions that he wanted. For people to fit into his race, they had to have blue eyes and blond hair. This excluded the Jews and from then on Hitler slowly dehumanized them. In the concentration camp the first thing they had to pass was the selection test. The selection test was what the SS man (German soldiers) used to determine who was fit for work. Usually children, mothers, and elders were the first to die because they were not mentally fit for the work they were going to be given. People who passed the selection process either died of starvation, disease, fatigue, or assassination. It took twelve years before anyone intervened and by then it was too late for millions of people. Even though over twelve million people died during the Holocaust, genocides have still happened in Rwanda, Darfur and Cambodia.
In the holocaust Jewish women, men and children were treated unfairly and cruelly by the Nazis. After Germany lost World War One they were in shock are they were searching for someone to blame. This is then when Hitler had came to power. Hitler had felt that the loss of World War One was the fault of the Jews. The German Government was willing to agree with Hitler no matter what proposal it was. Hitler proceeded to begin the segregation of Jews after he was elected chancellor. Jews were then separated from the schools, stores, and most of all society. However, not all germans believed it was the fault of the Jews, So then Hitler used propaganda and he also controlled the media to win over people. Hitler only let the people see what he wanted
The Holocaust was one of, if not the worst mass murder in history. The Nazis did one of the most horrifying things you could think of, killing so many innocent people. Many different groups of people other than jews were also victims of this tragic event. Some of those other groups were: LGBTQ individuals, the physically and mentally disabled, slavs, and members of opposing political groups. These groups of people were ripped from their homes and put into concentration camps. The Nazis would either separate them from their family or they would keep them together and they would have to watch the Nazis torture their family and friends. During this very tragic point in history, more than six million Jewish lives were taken, in total there were over 12 million victims of the Holocaust. Not only did this affect the survivors it also affected families of the victims, survivors and anybody else that was connected through this tragedy. The Nazis, came to “power” in January 1933, which was during a time Germany was going through an economic hardship. They believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, were "inferior.” Adolf Hitler played a very big factor in everything that went down. Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party and was also known as the dictator of the Holocaust. The Nazis did have others that were Hitler’s “army” and they took orders from Hitler to do awful things to the victims and they were commonly known as
The Holocaust was the murder and persecution of approximately 6 million Jews and many others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January of 1933. The Nazis thought that the “inferior” Jews were a threat to the “racially superior” German racial community. The death camps were operated from 1941 to 1945, and many people lost their lives or were forced to work in concentration camps during these years. The story leading up to the Holocaust, how the terrible event affected people’s lives, and how it came to and end are all topics that make this historic event worth learning about.
During the 1930’s Germany was at an all time low as the worldwide economic depression hit Germany hard. The confidence in Germany from the people was lacking due to the fresh memory of their defeat in World War I. This caused great need of a new leader, someone who could give the people change, and Adolf Hitler knew he could do just that. His rapid rise to power began when he started to promise things that intrigued the German people. He promised the hopeless and needy a better life, and promised opportunities that were exactly what the people needed. This caught the attention of so many young unemployed and middle class people. His party, known as the Nazi Party, won 33 percent of the votes in the 1932 elections. And by January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, which was the head of the German government. Germany started to feel like they might've found the leader they'd been so desperate for.
Hitler had shown unwillingness to tolerate the Jews and once he was appointed Chancellor, he started to take elimination measures like deportation, forced emigration, and isolation to enforce his belief. He took advantage of Germany’s weakness in World War One, then used it as an opportunity to blame the Jews for Germany’s defeat. Hitler’s political party was the largest political party in Germany thus allowing them to draw very large crowds to gatherings. He had very good oratory speeches with hand gestures that easily manipulated people to adhere to his views. Hitler constantly targeted the Jews because he knew people believed in these speeches. People in Germany were already anti-semitic but Hitler made it worse by constantly consuming them in his speeches. From the way he spoke about the Jews, we could clearly see the possibility of genocide. Hitler wanted Germany to be free of any humans that anyone other than his ideal master race so he personally selected bodyguards to be part of a group called the SS. Hitler was responsible for ordering the SS to carry out the extermination of anyone who did not fit this ideal. The SS handled oppositions using force and as a result of which people were forced to give into the idea of violence. Sometimes people purposely went along with this Holocaust ideal due to the fear of getting killed. These terrors allowed the holocaust occur