
How World War I Affected Germany From The Holocaust

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In the years 1933 to 1945, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party conducted one of the largest genocides in history. It was called the Holocaust. Hitler and the Nazis were against the Jewish population in Germany. Over 6 million Jews were killed during this time. The Jews were kept in concentration camps, used as slaves, and killed in gas chambers. The reason the Holocaust went on for so long was because the effects of World War I were distracting Germany from the Holocaust. The effects of the past war affected Germany because they were focused on expanding the country, the war made Germany unstable, and the Germans believed that the Jews caused the penalties of losing World War I. Germany was enraged over their loss in World War I, so they were focused on expanding Germany to regain dominance over Europe. “Still reeling from Germany’s defeat in World War I, Hitler’s government envisioned a vast, new empire of “living space” (Lebensraum) in eastern Europe. The realization of German dominance of Europe, its leaders calculated, would require war.” Germany wanted to regain dominance in Europe and the only way they could do that was to go into war, despite the Treaty of Versailles. This distracted from the holocaust because it focuses Germany’s …show more content…

The extreme changes that took place in Germany after World War I made Germany a very unstable country causing many extreme political parties to form. Their democratic party was not doing well and widely disliked, because they inherited a bad situation after World War I. They were broken down and many smaller parties appeared, including communists, the Christian Social Union, the Christian Democratic Union, and eventually, The Nazis. They were promised many things by Hitler and the Nazi party and that pleased them, which made the Germans want to vote for Hitler because they wanted stability in their country again. (1920’s-30’s,

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