
How Would You Describe Molly From The Book

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How would you feel if you to travel from Boston to New York only with a friend and barely have enough money to buy train tickets? Wander the streets of voluminous, noisy New York City in the winter without a home, no parent, or no help. Well, that is what Molly had to go through, throughout the book. She is a strong , sassy girl that goes through many confusing, effervescent, and cliffhanging rides. If you were to guess what kind of cloths that Molly wears you probably guess some athletic type or dri-fit because it’s a sports book, well you guessed right. She also has sparkling, blond hair and has excellent basketball skills. She mainly spends time talking to her one friend Sam and her free time. When she isn't talking to Sam or doing homework she will go and read the letters that her mom wrote for her. Jenney(Molly's mom) knew that she wouldn't understand until she got older. To describe Molly you would start off with her spectacular athleticism, which is probably the reason she is the star player on her basketball team. Another trait that Molly has is her sassiness. She talks back and always makes an unexpected comment that very sarcastic. Next, Molly could be described as a try-hard because when someone tells her no, she doesn't take no for an answer. She would go back and try the next day or …show more content…

So in the middle of the night, she met with her friend Sam, and he calculated the cost of a ticket for both of them. Then out of nowhere Mollys sister came out of her room and overheard them talking about the money and handed them a stack of money and then said “ Just go I already counted the money, there is enough,” she said. After they left and got on the train for Boston to New York they finally arrived in New York to go and straighten things between her and her

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