How would you like to go to school year round? Sitting in hard chairs learning instead of enjoying your summer. Having to focus rather than be outside. In my opinion, I disagree on having children to go to school yearly. Children would rather want to relax, spend time with family, and have the opportunity to do other activities. Everyone loves to relax in the summer. Having the time take a break from school work is fun. Children enjoy sleeping in and not having to wake up early to catch the bus. Every child needs a break in the summer. Relaxing and sinking up the sun is what summer is all about. Spending time with family is important. It’s hard to enjoy being with the family when you have school work. The summer is the time for family. Families
Did you know that all year round schools are the same length as regular schools? As of now are school day length is roughly 180 days, the all year round schools are roughly 180 days long. The only reason why people think that you go to school longer in a year round school is because you only get a month off in the summer, the rest of the time is spread out between our Easter and Christmas holidays. Pros of year round schooling would include longer breaks on holidays, for example, instead of getting two weeks off during the Christmas holidays we might get three weeks off for Christmas holidays. Another pro of year round schooling would be would be, the school would not be empty for two months at a time, when the school is empty for two months at a time the owner starts to lose money because they are still paying for water and power bills even though nothing is being used. A con of all year round schooling would be you don’t graduate from school earlier than all of the other schools, just because you only get one month off in the summer doesn't mean that you still learn for an extra month. Year round schooling holidays are just separated more compared to just having two months off during summer and a week or two off during holidays. The final pro of having year round schooling would be not having the school closed for two month at a time. One of the worst things about year round schooling is summer holidays, the person who pays the bills for year round schooling is not getting
Having a year-round school is considered a bad idea because breaks are for both students and teachers, one could spend more time with friends and family and one can be refreshed when school starts next year. Even though having year-round school will help students learn more and teacher could make more money, everyone needs a
According to the National Association for Year-Round Education, students will be able to advance more rapidly if they did year-round schooling. A by-product of summer break is the dividing of classes based on age. If schooling was year-round, there would be less distinction between one year and the next. This only teaches us to work with people from our generation. If we had year-round schooling we could advance quicker and work with people from different generations, just like how it would be in the future with jobs. Also, the constant learning environment takes away the emphasis of when the student started school and instead emphasizes skill
The first reason why kids should have a summer break is that it makes school less complicated. According to Jennifer Brozak, a disadvantage of having a year round school is that the school budget has to increase. They will need to have more fundraisers in order to keep the school going. If they neglect to get the amount of money they need they sometimes cancel and let the students have a summer break. In addition, teachers are having difficulty with planning lessons for students and grading papers in a short amount of time they have (Brozak). In addition, Brozak says, because of the short amount of time teachers have to grade papers they are prone to burnout. This is one of the reasons that schools should have a summer break because both teachers and students’ mental pressure because of work (Brozak). As a student, I can say that breaks will be necessary to recharge and prepare myself
Why is a year-round school a bad idea? Having a summer vacation gives students motivation throughout the school year. It is a bad idea to make our winter break longer than summer break because some students work over the summer, students are not getting the best education they could, and they will not have much time to spend with their family.
When I return to school after summer, I always struggle to remember anything from the months before. For this reason, I personally think kids should go to a year round school. Moreover, kids shouldn’t have such a long summer vacation. Students should go to a year-round school for more intersessions throughout the year, so they have less stress, it will be easier to remembering what they learned, and year-rounds schooling has smaller intersession you can use if you are falling behind, you can catch up.
Source C states “Students in the California attending year-round school jumped 29%.” Wow, year-round school is really helpful. Year-round school is a school that runs throughout a year. Before you run in the woods hiding from year-round school, it is only 180 school days like a normal school. This means that summer vacation is shortened from 14 weeks to 5 weeks. And in the fall, spring, and winter there are 3-week breaks. Some people want to keep their summer vacation while others don’t. I think that year-round schools should be a great idea because it can help students gain more knowledge, convenient and students and teachers would be less stressed.
So do many parents they all pay a lot of money, and look forward to going on this vacation. Wh your in year round schools . Also kids need the time in summer because many parents send their kids to summer camps. Many parents have year round jobs that involve having to have a babysitter and it's harder to find a babysitter in between times instead of in one chunk. Many kids enjoy the outside time they get at a summer camp, they get to see old friends they also get to many activities that they wouldn’t be able to do if they were in school.
Also it gives those with less things to do all year round where in the old schedule they would go two months in a half doing nothing. Even some parents see summer vacation as a stressful obstacle to give
Having a year-round school system will cost more. The learners will not have a chance to look for summer jobs, some of the students depend on these jobs to meet their financial needs. Many students take up summer jobs so that they can save money to use in school or pay up for services that they need. Such a system will also cost the parents and guardians more; they should pay more fees in school so that the children can be kept in school longer. They also should give their children money for upkeep in
Students in high school can not have summer jobs when their school is year round because they only have short times out of school. (Scholastic 4) Summer jobs are very important for high school students wanting to continue their education. It is also extremely hard for students who play sports outside of their school, because the schedules are different than nine month schools. Students look forward to their summer vacations because it provides them with a definite finish to the school year. . Students work hard all year to enjoy their three months of relaxation. Goal oriented students work for the finished product in May when their school year is over. After the students three month break they come back to school refreshed and ready to continue their education. Having no definite end to the year forces students to become burned out on school, causing their grades to
Summer is what every student looks forward to , its freedom 3 whole months. All those kids being out for school means that you throw down the books and grab your keys, and swim trunks, and head to the beach. Driving is great in the summer, because longer days, which means mom and dad will let you have the car longer, you get to stay out longer. With summer for those who can you can let the top down on your car and take it for a
Summer vacation, jobs, extra-curricular activities, all of these things are traditional to the three month cession from school. Indeed, year round schooling will reduce the availability and practicality of summer jobs, and child care for the times where students do not have school and are too young to be home alone will not be easily obtained, but there are many benefits to a consistent learning schedule. Shorter breaks allow for a higher preservation of information, while still allowing for students to relax and take time off. The multiple breaks for a shorter period of time also allow for families to take vacations while not feeling obliged to be doing something at all times. Summer breaks, in regards to the length of time, are unnecessary in multiple senses, as the extended period of time of lethargy increases the likelihood of weight gain and a loss of previously gained
Summer vacation. For most children and teens, the phrase conjures up images of hot, sunny days and vacations with the whole family to far-off places. We all envision lazy afternoons relaxing on the beach, playing in water parks, and going on picnics. But what happens when summer ends and the reality of another year of school sinks in?
My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and the endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it’s the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is closed for two months. During summer, you’re free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up early for school. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun at a beach or simply having dinner together.