
How Would You Sum Up The Relationship Between Peter And The Lost Boys?

Satisfactory Essays

Level One
Question One - What are the names of the lost boys?
Answer - The names of the lost boys are Tootles, Nibs, Slightly, Curly and the Twins.
(Barrie, 48)
Level Three
Question Two - How is Wendy’s and Tinker Bell’s toxic relationship significant?
Answer - Wendy and Tinker Bell’s toxic relationship becomes significant when Tinker Bell tries to kill Wendy. Tinker Bell convinced the lost boy, Tootles, to shoot Wendy with a bow and arrow to earn Peter’s pleasure and approval. I think she did it out of jealousy because she was afraid Peter’s and Wendy’s relationship would get too strong and that Peter would stop caring about her. (Barrie, 58)
Level Six
Question Three - How would you sum up the relationship between Peter and the lost boys?

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