
How can we remove causes of hunger today Essay

Decent Essays

Q. How can we remove the causes of hunger in the world today?
At the end of World War II public officials and scientists from all over the world predicted that, with advances in modern technology, it would be possible by the end of the century to end poverty, famine, and endemic hunger in the world. Today these optimistic projections have been replaced by hopelessness and resignation as perhaps one-fifth of the world's peoples live in absolute poverty with incomes of less than $700 a year. The United Nations estimates that around 830 million people in the world do not have adequate access to food. An estimated 24,000 people die from hunger or hunger related causes, three-fourths of which are children under the age of five. Moreover, …show more content…

Sadly much of these produce is wasted each year. In the US and Europe alone, farmers burn large amounts of excess crops and kill animals to raise the price of the produce, while it would have been a lot cheaper to sell the produce in cheaper price and make profit in quantities.
Food exploitation due to corruption is another major cause of hunger, especially in the developing countries. Around three-quarters of the developing countries that report child malnutrition are busy exporting food to the developed countries. For example, during the much-publicized famine in the1980s, Ethiopia was exporting green beans to Europe. In the year 1999, the Indian government had 10 million tons of surplus food grains, which increased to 60 million by the year 2000. Most of the produce was left in the granaries to rot in the hope of being exported. It also stopped buying grain from its own farmers, leaving them destitute. The farmers, who had gone into debt to purchase expensive chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the advice of the government, were now forced to burn their crops in their fields. The wasted food would have been enough to feed entire starving population of India, which is about a third of 830 million worldwide.
Other causes of hunger, such as poverty and over population, can be solved to some extent through education. This can be provided

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