ANALYTICAL ESSAY How do individual differences (e.g., personality, value, perceptions, attitudes, motivation and performance) affect team dynamics? The importance of groups and teams have become a major focus in the business world today. Organizations have started to realize that the evolution from an individual to a team management approach is a priority in present day. The reality is that much of an organization’s work is accomplished directly or indirectly through teams, which are used as means of growing effectiveness and efficiency. Any organization is constantly changing and evolving (Scarnati 2005). Naturally, group procedure and conflicts are influenced by the choice of team member selection and directly impact required …show more content…
By being open in a team, the other members will be able to communicate their ideas and be confident about it. Conscientiousness refers to the degree to which a person is organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented, and dependable. Conscientiousness is the one personality trait that uniformly predicts how high a person 's performance will be across a variety of occupations and jobs. This personality trait makes it easier to work in a team and keep all members on board. Once they are hired, conscientious people not only tend to perform well, but they also have higher levels of motivation to perform, lower levels of turnover, lower levels of absenteeism, and higher levels of safety performance at work. Extraversion is the degree to which a person is outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoys socializing. Extraverts do well in social situations, and, as a result, they tend to be effective in job interviews. Part of this success comes from preparation, as they are likely to use their social network to prepare for the interview. (Roberts, B. W., Walton, K. E., & Viechtbauer, W,2006). Extraverts have an easier time than introverts do when adjusting to a new job. Moreover, they are not necessarily model employees. For example, they tend to have higher levels of absenteeism at work, potentially because they may miss work to hang out with or attend to the needs of their friends. Agreeableness is the degree to which a person is affable, tolerant, sensitive,
Someone who is conscientious is very organized and systematic. The book says that people with this trait tend to have a higher credit score. I agree with this because someone who is achievement-oriented will make sure that they are never late on a payment, resulting in them having a higher credit score. When I think of conscientiousness, there is one lady who I automatically think of, Barbara. Barbara is a retired school teacher.
Introduction: In the given statement "simply put, teams will be the primary building block of performance in the high performance organization of the future. As a result, effective top managers will increasingly worry about both performance and the teams that will help deliver it" (p. 239, The Wisdom of Teams). Authors Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith conversed with several individuals in more than thirty organizations to figure out where and how groups function best and how to upgrade their adequacy. They uncover: The most critical component in group success who exceeds expectations at group authority. Furthermore, why they are infrequently the most senior individuals Why company wide change relies on upon groups. Furthermore, more comprehensive and demonstrated compelling, The Wisdom of Teams is the fantastic first stage of making groups an effective apparatus for accomplishment in today 's worldwide commercial center.
After taking the Project 2 assessment, I found that I have an agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience personality (Project 2 Assessment, 2017). At times, I can sympathize with people’s feelings. Usually, I can have a better understanding of why someone is thinking a way if I understand what they think. I am completely a conscientiousness person. I always want to do well with any task that is in from of me. Also, I am always thinking and planning things to do.
One of them being conscientiousness. Conscientious people are very driven and orderly. They set goals and firm plans to achieve these goals. Rarely are they spontaneous or disorganized. My score within the Big Five Personality Profile was moderate for conscientiousness. I would say that I do exhibit some of these characteristics. I can be very organized and reliable. As a weakness, I find that I am not always a self-starter. I will set goals and stick to them, but need that push from others to get started. For instance, I was given the opportunity to work on an exciting new project at work that involves direct feedback from employees that I would personally deliver to upper management. This would be a big responsibility as I would be representing hundreds of employees and voice the current concerns of our group. I was asked to think it over. While processing the position, three others volunteered and I lost out of the opportunity. I took my time and wasn’t as organized in my decision making, therefore I missed out greatly.
What is a group? A group consists of two or more people who interact with each other and share a common purpose (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). A team is a type of
Every group can become a team if its members are committed to a common purpose, set specific performance goals and hold themselves mutually accountably for the team’s performance which can increase the chance of success of a project.
Teams have become a mainstay in the way America does business. Teams started as social-technical-business experiments and have since vaulted their way into the American business environment. Led by Deming’s Total Quality Management movement the development of teams has become the standard acceptable structure for a majority of organizations today. Throughout my work experience and my university based education the concepts and theories about the use and need for teams have been stressed. Personally, my position of the use of work teams, based on my personal experiences t is that most organizations should slow-down in the use of teams and carefully hand pick specific tasks and assignment in which a
In the discipline of personality psychology, it is crucial for researchers to conduct studies using universal terms and scales, so that they may effectively compare results and further their line of research. However, when it concerns personality traits, such a comprehensive catalogue has not always been available – in fact, it has taken until up until the late 20th century to develop a list of essential personality traits and create scales that measure these dimensions reliably (John, Naumann, & Soto, 2008). The current set of these widely used traits is called the “Big Five” personality traits, and encompasses five broad dimensions - Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness. Of the five, this paper will focus on Conscientiousness, a trait that describes individuals with impulse control who are highly organized, thorough, planful, efficient, responsible, reliable, and dependable, to name just a handful of characteristics associated with the trait (John, Naumann, & Soto, 2008). Those low in the trait, on the other hand, are more frequently careless and irresponsible (McShane & Steen, 2012). Although studies have shown Conscientiousness to be a predictor of various life outcomes such as health and longevity, this paper will focus on the findings that support Conscientiousness as a predictor of job performance and, when one is high in the trait, success in
Conscientiousness: I do agree in this trait of my personality of being as goal oriented and motivated.
Openness to experience refers to people who are 'curious, original, and broad-minded ' (Van Veina, and De Dreu, 2010) as well as people who 'reflects intellectual, cultural, or creative interests ' (Driskell et al., 2006, p.254), people who are very open to experiences tend to be more cooperative and tolerant and flexible, they are able to accept change which can lead to an open atmosphere in teams which may allow team members to feel more confident in putting forward ideas. People who are not open to experiences are less flexible and don 't appreciate change as much, if this trait is common in a team it could lead to more disputes or a very closed minded approach to a task.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the criteria needed for making team selections along with the factors to manage a team effectively. Once I have defined the criteria for team making and management, I will elaborate on how an individual 's personality affects the workplace.
Teams consist of personnel with varied backgrounds, experience, education, and intellectual ability. These differences will, by nature lend themselves to varying perceptions in business, its problems and solutions, which result in
Effective teamwork begins with the collaboration of a variety of people from different cultures. Each member has to be courteous to his or her teammates and respect the views of one another. All participants must be willing to share their ideas, but remain open-minded, while listening to others express their ideas and opinions even though they may be different from our own. An open-minded teammate can effectively criticize, critique, or expand through discussion of ideas or views that are presented.
Work Team development is a dynamic and often difficult process. Most teams find themselves in a continuos state of change and development. Eventhough, most teams never reach full stability, there is a general pattern that describes how most teams evolve. There are five stages of team development, the first stage is forming. In this stage there is a great deal of uncertainty about the teams purpose, structure and leadership. Members are testing the the waters to determine what types of behaviors are acceptable. This stage is complete when members began to think of themselves as part of the team. The second stage is called storming. In this stage there is much intragroup conflict.Team members accept the existence of the team, but there is resistance to the control that the team imposes on individuality. Conflict can arise from numerous sources within the team setting but generally falls into three categories:communication, factors, structural factors and personal factors (Varney, 1989/Townsley). In addition, there is conflict over who will control the team.
The purpose of this essay is to inform individuals of the extent to which an individual’s personality can affect their performance as an employee. Research on personality has recently shown the versatility of using personality traits for predicting job performance. Proof from Barrick & Mount(1991); Hough(1992); Salgado (1997); Tett, Jackson & Rothstein (1991) all confirm that personality traits are definitely linked with work performance, with some traits such as ‘extraversion’ predicting success across different jobs. Other traits are linked with specific outcomes or specific jobs. For example, conscientiousness links with success in jobs such as sales and management as well as with training performance. However, very little research has examined the mechanism through which personality traits influence performance.In this essay I will be looking at these traits and talking about how they can predict an employee’s performance. I will also be exploring the big five different personality types and linking these to the performance of an employee.