
How to Choose a Career Essay

Decent Essays

Many pastors often will have the little children of the church ushered to the front to speak with them briefly. In a playful manner he asks them, what are they going to be when they grow up? It is amazing how the majority of them say with such confidence what they will be someday. And in the congregation sits me, a returning college student who decided to do a three sixty and pursue a different career. One of the major factors in a career is that it will give an individual flexible time with family and friends. The salary often is the deciding factor for some in choosing a career; in fact, the careers of my choice all had great pay in salary. In narrowing down the best choice it ultimately came down to which career has continuous growth …show more content…

Although, the majority of the responsibility of a case is in the paralegal hands; however, it is the attorney expertise in a particular matter that structure a case. Individuals as paralegals have the opportunity to participate in the legal field rather then becoming a lawyer to further their passion. The amount of time a paralegal spends researching for a case may overshadow personal responsibilities depending on the need of the client and lawyer. Because of this, a paralegal may have to work for a private attorney to be more adjustable to a personal situation that might occur. Second, a career in journalism can be industrious for an individual. In the article “Journalism: Toward an Accountable Profession,” Richard P. Cunningham states, “The public cannot know on the basis of the news report itself whether the report is reliable’(15). Journalism would be a career where the source(s) have to be credible. For example, a career in journalism an individual writes, edit, publish, or report news all the time. Journalist have to make sure the accounts of events are accurate although sometimes biases in journalism can occur. The variety of topics journalist cover can includes politics, entertainment, culture, sports, and science. Also, to get an accurate detail report journalist have to be their first hand as the story unfolds. Journalist may have to travel from location to location to get the news as

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