Figure 1. 0 - Data Source Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 2. 0 - Benefits of Secondary Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Figure 3.0 - Top Down Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 4.0 - Quantitative Data Analysis Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 5.0 - Data Quality Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
An Investigation into Easy Jet airlines customer satisfaction, as a result of their strategic low cost carrier business model, of implementing
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"Global airlines have realized that ancillary revenues can make a huge difference to profit and loss, especially during difficult times” (Upadhyay, 2013, p.1). From a business point of view ancillary revenue has become a necessity for all airlines as they all struggle to fill the profit gap created by high operating costs and intense competition, in order to achieve an increase in profitability (Kuuchi, 2013). According to Robson, competitive advantage is attained by targeting to provide a more relevant and advanced product offering for the same price as the competition within the same market (Robson, 1994). However low budget airlines have turned this around and have focused on attaining competitiveness by offering lower prices than competitors, making their pricing their superior value and unique benefit, without increasing the products value itself, but simplifying it to its basic and letting the customer change the product to its personal needs and demands (E. Porter, 1985). Budget ticket offerings have long proven to be one of the most successful strategies and business models in the airline industry for companies such as easyJet, to attain not only a rise in profitability but also to increase market share and competitive edge, as more and more budget-conscious tourists are willing to give up comfort in return for lower fares (Hyonhee, 2012).
"Business Sense not Business Class" (easyJet, 2013)
The Easy Jet brand
Data is defined as useful raw material which is intended to be useful for both the originator and for the intended receiver. Data consists largely of facts and figures ideal for communicating the intended meaning. This data can be interpreted and can be categorised as follows;
6. Why is the black line so much more variable than the red line? What 's the difference between the data they show?
below by placing the appropriate graph and/or answers in the designated cells of the spreadsheet.
11. Make up a scatter diagram with 10 dots for each of the following situations:
The airline industry has long attempted to segment the air travel market in order to effectively target its constituents. The classic airline model consists of First Class, Business Class and Economy, and the demographics that make up the classes have both similarities and differences to the other classes. For instance there may be similarities between business class travellers on a particular flight, but they will not all be travelling for the same reason. An almost-universal characteristic of air travel is that customers do not fly for the sake of flying; the destination is the important element and the travel is a by-product, a means-to-an-end that involves the necessity of an aircraft that gets the customer from point A to point B.
Once the three depictions were created I extracted the data file in order to analyze the statistics in the program STATA. I separated the data into two groups TRI tract and non-TRI tracts, by labeling a new variable into two groups. TRI tracts, with 1 or more facilities, were labeled 1, while non-TRI tracts were labeled 0. The dichotomy allowed me to compare mean percentages of specific social groups out of
Knowing this information, you need to first tell me, and then show this in your graph:
7. The data set for this problem can be found through the Pearson Materials in the Student Textbook Resource Access link,
To gain a competitive advantage, most companies tend to implement a brand strategy. What makes easyJet stand out amongst its competitors is their image of a low-budget airline and no-frills services; this brand strategy is simple but strong. EasyJets’ whole company is recognised by their unique orange logo, this color also forms part of the uniform worn by their staff, which in turn is a strong recognised tool by the consumers.
information in the analysis. The Appendix to this teaching note contains a discussion of these
With the BCG Matric analysis, we can argue that Easy Jet enjoys a viable competitive position because of its actual market growth. However, its prices have been compared with those of rival firms. This has clarified that Easy Jet emphasizes on being a low-cost carrier with no surplus in-flight services. Writers such as Quelch & Deshpande (2004, p. 71) argue that the Boston Consulting Group growth/share matrix has offered an opportunity to establish the market share of Easy Jet and the company's growth rate. In the context of the company's low cost market, it is clear that the market is still are still increasing. In addition, with the current fleet volume of 80 aircrafts, Easy Jet can serve 160 routes across Europe. Industry experts have associated such massive penetration with the rise in numbers of passengers and a relative rise in market share. Consequently, it is clear that the company has become a star. Nevertheless, Easy Jet must expand its market share for it to transform into a source of income after the decline of the market's growth rate. With respect to the company's Boston Consulting Group growth/share matrix analysis, we can claim that the cash flow of Easy Jet from operating activities have declined as well as the annual finances. Nevertheless, the acquiring firm's cash flow statement is the main area of focus (Butler &
1. Describe the parameters for visual analysis of case study data. How does analysis through single case effect size statistics effect the confidence in our predictions?
In terms of independent variables, by referring to the Appendix, figure 1 reveals the summary of the sample; it also
Research was conducted to understand passengers’ views and attitudes towards Low-Cost Carriers and Full-Service airlines. The research was focused on a group of passengers with one crowd using a Low-Cost Carrier and the other using a Full-service airline. The airlines that will be used in the research are Aer Lingus and Ryanair running in a fully developed European market, and Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia currently functioning on a recent developing domestic market in Asia. After conducting the survey, results show that the younger people are more likely to use Low-Cost service carriers with Ryanair accounting for 24% and Air Asia with 47% who all belong in the age group of under 25 years. 87% of the age group were travelling to visit
The success of budget airlines forced traditional operators to lower their prices by adapting internet sales and yield management techniques. However they still struggle to compete with low prices offered by the LCCs. Further reductions in traditional airline ticket prices are expected.