Quick Service Restaurants have been serving swift and tasty meals since the 1930’s. The industry focuses on a high speed product with a low cost for the satisfying convenience of the valued customer. Behind every commercial, smiling employees serve their customers as they cheerfully claim to adore their job, famous logos line highways that serve as a friendly reminder of the familiar, and “now-hiring” signs deck the interior of hundreds of restaurants that beckon it’s beholders to become part of the great family that is the fast food industry. In fact, to the common eye, the industry seems optimistic, a venue of opportunity – at least for the meanwhile – and an environment of simplistic means. Hardly ever do you hear about the costs of …show more content…
The University of California and the University of Illinois’ labor economists have recently held a research study on low wages and benefits in the fast food industry that “makes a strong case that fast-food jobs are possibly the worst in America, based on the percentage of workers who turn to a mix of federal and state welfare programs” (Steven Rosenfeld). Upon hundreds of studies, society cannot deny the inevitable conclusion that fast food is not a healthy option. Though affordable and quick, it does not benefit the body with a positive outcome. In the world today, the public has faced its largest ongoing battle against the rising tide of obesity. One would not think that fast food workers consider themselves to be harming the public by serving the very product that may lead to the death of a customer, but shockingly a little over 40 percent of fast-food workers believe that their jobs are harming the world. “Extrapolating from the PayScale data, that’s 1,645,00 people who think their jobs are making the world worse” (Clair Gordon), as of the year 2012 that is. While most every human desires a venue of work that will help make the world a better place it is disturbing to realize that over a million people have settled
Judging from the title of David Freedman’s “How Junk Food Can End Obesity” published in The Atlantic, Freeman's audience, the upper middle class of America, conjures up an image of a crazy Freedman throwing away every piece of scientific data that shows junk food is hazardous to your health. However, this is not the case. Freedman brings to light a more compromising approach to solving America’s obesity problem. His opinion is that by manufacturing healthier fast food we can solve America’s obesity issue and that his method would be able to be established nation-wide in a cheaper, fast and more effortless way than some other methods proposed. Not all, but the majority of The Atlantic’s audience cares about
Many feel that the fast food industry is providing a valuable service by catering to consumer needs; that it is inexpensive and easily accessible. For people who don't have time to prepare meals, for households in which both parents work, there's no question it provides a service. But what is the true cost of this convenience? In the book, Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser reveals that the cost is the lives of the people who work in the meat processing plants. Meat packing is now the most dangerous job in the United States.
The modern fast food industry has undeniably transformed and helped define the American way of life, but not all in positive ways. The industry capitalizes on the exploitation of workers, consumers, and the environment, and Eric Schlosser’s book Fast Food Nation addresses these very issues of the fast food industry. Schlosser criticizes these fast food corporations, projecting his argument to all consumers of fast food. Eric Schlosser’s primary goal is to reveal the deplorable business practices utilized by the fast food industry, and he uses the three appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos all as tools to help persuade the reader and strengthen his argument.
In today’s society a huge issue is that we constantly hear about the food industry in America. We often hear in the news that obesity rates have increased, or that Americans have many diseases that contribute to being obese. “What You Eat is Your Business” by Radley Balko expresses that people are at fault for making such unhealthy food choices. Others argue that the food industry is to blame for being so unhealthy. According to David Zinczenko in “Don’t Blame the Eater” he blames the fast food industry as well as the consumer. Zinczenko asks “shouldn’t we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast food restaurant’s?” (392). So, who is to blame for American’s eating so much unhealthy food? Should it be the consumers’ burden or the fast food companies? On one hand, as consumers we continue to purchase foods that we know are making us overweight. On the other hand, fast food companies continue to offer high in calories foods.
Over the last decade, fast food restaurants have incremented at a much rapid pace compared to other restaurants in the industry. Fast food is now served in stadiums, airports, schools and even hospitals. The abruptly growth of the fast food industries have been propelled by fundamental changes in the American society such as women entering the workforce. Schlosser argues the unethical process the meat goes through to become a burger and mentions how this lead to harmful consequences to humans' health. At the same time, the author states that fast food industries are a major factor in causing obesity and poor health conditions of Americans.
Are fast food chains always the best choice? Eric Schlosser presents us with some ways in which the fast food industry changes communities for the worse. He provides examples like the town of Greeley, Colorado, as well as other places, whose communities have been irrevocably changed by the fast food industry when slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants set up shop there. The fast food chains ' vast purchasing power and their demand for a uniform product have encouraged fundamental changes in how cattle are raised, slaughtered, and processed into ground beef. These changes have made meatpacking -- once a highly skilled, highly paid occupation -- into the most dangerous job in the United States, performed by armies of poor, transient immigrants whose injuries often go unrecorded and uncompensated. And the same meat industry practices that endanger these workers have facilitated the introduction of deadly pathogens,
In David Zinczenko’s article “Don’t Blame the Eater” he focuses on the fast food industry and their role in the increasing health and obesity issues of our nation’s children, as well as these issues potentially becoming a serious problem that we will all have to deal with if we collectively don’t do something about it now. When it comes to the topic of fast food, most of us can agree that it is not the best source of nutrition. It is unhealthy and can be the cause of many serious health issues with our children such as obesity related Type 2 diabetes, stomach ulcers and even heart disease, high cholesterol, sleep apnea or even cancer. We can even agree that fast-food diets are a major contributing factor to
Explaining just about one quarter of the United States population eats fast food every day , he claims that fast food restaurants have “not only [changed] the American diet, but also our landscape, economy, work force and popular culture…and the consequences have become inescapable regardless ” how often you eat it ( Schlosser, 2004, p.3). According to DATAMONITOR a market research firm’s Fast Food Industry Profile,” [in] the United States fast food market grew by 0.2% in 2009 to reach a value of $71.4 billion. And, the compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2005–09 was 3.7%” showing even years after the book was written, fast food continues to take a greater market share of consumer’s food dollars (“Fast Food Industry profile”,2010, pg. 12).
Knowing what is in your fast food might make you think twice the next time you devour it. As the rise of the fast food nation in America has increased to an all-time high, so has the weight and waists of Americans all around the country. Not only has the United States grown to love the acquired taste of greasy golden fries and juicy burgers, it has also grown ignorant to the way their food is prepared. In the novel, “Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal”(2002), by Eric Schlosser, he makes compelling points in his position against the fast food industry.
The fast-food workers are expressed as a pond in a bigger game. They have to deal with their low pay in order to ensure low prices by these franchises. Jencunas concerns go on to represent the beginning of a bigger chain effect. Briefly, he states that, “The average fast food store would go from profitable to unprofitable overnight. Some would close immediately, leaving their workers worse off than they were when working for $7.50 an hour, while others would raise prices and try and remain in business, hurting consumers” (“Don't Deserve Any More, or Less”). Evaluating his reasoning we see that if fast-food workers ask for a higher minimum wage, they will in return influence the profit margin and actually increase unemployment rate in this industry. The researchers go on to inform us that if their minimum wage increases the industry won’t be able to afford the change in their profit margin and result in bankruptcy. However, Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, which supports the fast-food strike states a different claim:
Many adults are dependent on fast food industry jobs to support their families. “More than one in four fast-food workers are raising children, according to a Center for Economic and Policy Research study” (Owens). The sad truth to the matter it that “eighty eight percent of low-wage workers are adults today, compared with seventy four percent thirty five years ago” (Owens). Large companies are able to pay their lowest, “frontline” workers a decent salary, but many don’t want to share their wealth. These large industries are more than capable of doing so and to watch as their employees have to scrape by every week, to be able to make ends meets, is very disturbing. “Boosting wages for America’s lowest-paid workers is a crucial step toward reducing economic inequality and rebuilding a strong economy” (Owens).
The story of the fast food industry and its effect on the world is well told in the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. Schlosser makes the claim that, what started out as a special treat for the kids eventually ended up defining a way of life. During a brief period of time, the fast food industry has helped transform not only the American diet, but also our countryside, economy, workforce, and popular culture. The book thoroughly describes how important the two factors of money and power are in today's society. The book clearly establishes the broader thesis that as consumers, we should know what we eat even if it makes us uncomfortable by the knowledge.
When working at a fast food restaurant, more often than not it is accompanied with a stigma. People tend to believe that those who work in fast food restaurants are not capable of anything better. They assume people working at fast food restaurants are slow and uneducated, or they simply look down upon them because these jobs have become known as "dead-end jobs." This so-called "dead-end job" is what people might describe as low-wage labor that employees have a susceptibility to become trapped in. Fast food employee’s face many challenges, morally and socially.
Fast food has become a comfort food during struggling economic hardship can provide comfort and reduce stress, increase satisfaction feeling and security. With promotions items or dollar value meals, some families which eat at fast food restaurant can find it cheaper to eat their rather than going to local grocery store and purchase food for the family. Another reason fast foods restaurants have been part of comfort foods is because they have been around for over 50 years, so for generations families have been eating there and can recall found memories of family time together. Consumers don’t like change and fast food restaurants can provide that consistence deliver of goods. Fast Food Chains are easily chosen during times that restrict personal finances, because during those times families still seek to have a way to "escape" the chains that are tightening them towards debt. Fast foods is there are no tipping policies, many often have deals where children under 12 eat free on certain days, many offer coupons through out the week to help save even further.
The fast food industry has been growing dramatically during the last few years. For this reason, we should try to find out what are the several factors why fast food consumption keeps growing among young people and adults. Therefore, as we have seen, the popularity of fast food is spreading rapidly among many people due to the following three main reasons: good taste, convenient time, and price. Personally, working for a fast food restaurant for a brief moment in my life, I can attest to this. Marketing also plays a big part to more people eating fast food. It’s in our culture in America to expect fast food companies to market and strategize their ways to make us, the consumers, to buy more food and consume more food so they can make more profit. Especially now with commercials and social media. The fast food industry has thrived in the modern era. It’s thriving so much, the industry is growing faster than the U.S economy, at