
Howard Gardner 's Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

Decent Essays

Howard Gardner was born on July 11, 1943 in Scranton, PA. He enrolled in Harvard University majoring in History but eventually change his major to Cognitive Developmental Psychology. In 1983 he developed the theory of multiple intelligences which has become widely known. Gardner eight different independent types of intelligences are: Linguistic, Logico-mathematical, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist. He believes that everyone has all intelligences to a certain degree, but each individual display his or her own pattern of intelligence, weak or strong. To begin with, Gardner 's Linguistic intelligence consists of individuals that have the ability to think in words and to express themselves in complex meanings and ideas. Individuals with Linguistic intelligence have the ability to speak in public and turn their words into a well-developed thought. They are interested in word games, reading, writing, and they have a more in-depth ability to convert their thoughts into words and apply them to our language. Individuals who have this intelligence are often novelists, public speakers, poets and journalists. Next, Gardner 's Logical-Mathematical intelligence consists of individuals that have the ability to consider principles and hypothesis in mathematical operations. In relationships, the mind has the ability to use abstract and inductive thinking patterns. Individuals that have are strong in this intelligence like to

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