HPLC Analysis of Capsaicin Eric Sorenson Work Completed on 11/28/12 Quantitative analysis of Capsaicin was analyzed in three peppers that were expected to differ greatly in their capsaicin content and thus their relative spiciness. The idea was to have a nice range of capsaicin concentrations to clearly reflect the subjective pain one experiences from biting into a chili. Fresh Habanero, Jalapeno and Red Bell Pepper were purchased from the local Family Fresh grocery store to be analyzed via HPLC. This capsaicin project consisted of three stages to ensure proper and accurate analysis. The first stage was the preparation of the three samples for injection into the HPLC. One gram of fine powder of each pepper was obtained by …show more content…
UV lamp detector set at 215 nm. Injection volume of 20 µL and a flow rate of 2.0 mL/min. The total run time was eight minutes. Solvent A consisted of 100% water with 0.1% TFA. Solvent B was a 80% ACN/20% water solution with 0.1% TFA. A gradient elution was programmed for 20% to 100% solvent B in five minutes then return to 20% solvent B for the last three minutes. The last stage of the project was the actual sample analysis. The HPLC was programmed to run a reinjection of the calibration standard, a reinjection of the blank, then two injections of each sample A, B and C respectively under the same conditions as described above. Once the chromatograms were obtained and assistance from Dr. Marchand was needed in order to identify significant peaks. Calculations were then done on all three samples to quantitate the amount of capsaicin in each pepper. See calculations page. The concentration of capsaicin in the habanero pepper was calculated to be 207 µg of capsaicin per gram of pepper. Jalapeno was 70.9 µg of capsaicin per gram of pepper and red bell pepper was 8.033 µg of capsaicin per gram of pepper. The results of this analysis seemed to live up to my expectations and what I wanted to demonstrate by analyzing three different peppers spanning a wide range of capsaicin content. Habanero peppers are notoriously known for their high scoville heat value and usually one plump habanero pepper
And finally into test tube 3, I pipetted 1.0 ml turnip extract and 4.0 ml of water. The contents of test tube 1 was poured into a spectrometer tube and labeled it “B” for blank. “B” tube was now inserted it into the spectrometer. An adjustment to the control knob was made to zero the absorbance reading on the spectrometer since one cannot continue the experiment if the spectrometer is not zeroed. A combination of two people and a stop watch was now needed to not only record the time of the reaction, but to mix the reagents in a precise and accurate manner. As my partner recorded the time, I quickly poured tube 3 into tube 2. I then poured tube 2 into the experiment spectrometer tube labeled “E” and inserted it into the spectrometer. A partner then recorded the absorbance reading for every 20 seconds for a total of 120 seconds. After the experiment, a brown color in the tube should be observed to indicate the reaction was carried out. Using sterile techniques, any excess liquid left was disposed
I was assured by the two other judges (native Texans) that the chili wouldn’t be all that spicy,
Apparatus: Spectrophotometer (UV-1201), cuvettes, water bath (set at 37°C), 200µl and 1000µl micropipettes and test tube
Trace Adkins put out some good country music like Honky Tonk Badonkadonk is his number one hit song and It's Adkins only platinum single it came out in 2005. Songs About Me is the 8th song on the top ten. The song finds a way to sum up everything great about country music without coming across as trite or hackneyed. 'Songs About Me' was the title track to an album.You're Gonna Miss This. The 2009 ACM Single of the Year is the most successful of the emotionally driven songs. Just Fishin. Most recently released song on Top 10 Trace Adkins Songs list. It's a story of a dad spending quality time with his little girl, something the singer is very familiar with. He's a father of five daughters, and he chose to include his youngest, Trinity, in the
Capsaicin is a chemical that is found in chili peppers which causes the heat when you eat spicy foods. In order to detect the capsaicin that is found in the foods that you eat, your body has receptors on sensory neurons. The receptors are known as capsaicin receptors and found in the dendrites of the sensory neurons better known as nociceptors. (Caterina) When your body receives that feeling of pain or heat, it is due to capsaicin receptor recognizing capsaicin, but also the ability of the capsaicin receptor to act as an ion channel, which is found in a category known as the transient receptor potential channels. (Fox) Capsaicin will stimulate and excite the capsaicin receptor. When the receptor is excited it allows the entrance of Calcium (Ca+2) and Sodium (Na+). (Fox) When the calcium and sodium rush into the cell it will cause the cell to depolarize. Once the cell depolarizes, it will cause the action potential. The action
Do you want one?” replied Jimmy. My brother tried one, he took the pepper and put the whole thing in his mouth, but it didn’t seem like it was hot to him. I guess when you're in our family you’re use to spices. So everyone else tried one but. I was debating with myself if I should try one. Eating the pepper woud most certainly result in a heck of a lot discomfort but i would certainly walk away from thr experience with an amazing story to tell and it’s not pften that you get a chance to eat one of the hottest peppers in the world. Andrew tried one he seems fine, and I had spicy stuff before. But just because I had it doesn’t mean I like spice and I don’t, unless its spices from America. Can I have one i say finnally mustering up the courage. Everyone started staring at me. Then one by one they started chanting eat it! Eat it! I first smelled it the smell stinging my nostrils and sinuses this pepper was hot enough to inflict a burning sensation with out me even touching it I stood there wondering how I would be able to handle digesting the whole thing staring at the pepper I thought about every possible outcome and about everything that could go wrong with unlikely and foolish scenarios coming to mind because of my child like imagination eventually I told myself there was only one way to know what the experience would bring as a result i took a deep breath grabbed the ghost pepper by the stem and raised it to my mouth with my head cocked backward slightly And then Without hesitation i dropped the whole pepper in my mouth and let it rest on my tongue for a moment , initially the taste of the pepper as it rolled around in my mouth was so sweet and flavorful in fact it was actually one of the most delicious peppers I have ever tasted... until i bit down then the heat set in after a few seconds of delay, a rush of intense heat swelled through my taste buds resting directly beneath the pepper. the heat was sharp and prolonged to the extent that with
If you were to grow some peppers and worried that the birds would eat it and die well they won’t so don't worry about. “Capsaicin is a molecular compound found in spicy peppers Capsaicin has no dietary content such as calories or additional nutrients It’s found in every part of the pepper except for the seed although the highest concentration of capsaicin is found in the inner wall where the seeds attch.” (Dr. Axe) Capsaicin makes your nerves feel a lot of different things like pain, heat, or coldness so if you were to eat a pepper you would feel pain and
Another similar study on spices by Flaxman and Sherman (2000) showed that spices have anti-microbial properties and are commonly used in hot climate countries because unrefrigerated food are prone to food spoilage faster. Although Billing and Sherman (1998) agreed that spices help to maintain palatability of food besides enhancing its flavour, but Flaxman and Sherman (2000) suggested that too much of spices may be harmful as well. For example, ingestion of large amounts of capsaicin causes high toxicity in blood; this is even worse in pregnant women as their toxin tolerance thresholds are lowered (Flaxman & Sherman, 2000). So, certain spices could cause NVP when they are consumed in large amounts. Also, excessive amounts of caffeine causes spontaneous abortions (Weathersbee, Olsen and Lodge, 1977) and through NVP, pregnant women will tend to reduce intake of caffeine.
By making a calibration curve using different dilutions of a capsaicinoid stock solution, the concentrations + standard deviation of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in the hot sauce sample was determined to be 48.922 + 0.226 ppm and 6.118 + 0.272 ppm, respectively. The concentrations were then converted to Scoville units resulting in mean heat ratings for capsaicin of 133,903 Scoville units and 16,747 Scoville units for dihydrocapsaicin. The total heat rating + standard deviation was 150,648 + 917 Scoville units. Before correcting the heat rating for 7.22% analyte lost, the total heat rating was 141,717 + 897 Scoville Units. The amount of analyte lost was minimal and didn’t significant affect the results. Both heat ratings correspond to Haban ̃ero, Scotch Bonnet and Jamaican Hot peppers. The hot sauce analyzed was Tabasco Haban ̃ero sauce. The total heat rating for the experiment agreed with the heat rating of the Haban ̃ero pepper that was used to make the Tabasco
Cristina said “there are different foods, mostly that are spicy …language is different I can speak Spanish. We celebrate our 15th birthday differently. It is called quinceanera”. “ do you like spicy food” she asked me well of course one of the virtues of being Ethiopian is that almost all the foods are spicy and hot.
Throughout the experiment there was a clear trend in heart rate, which steadily rose as each subject consumed more of the spicy chilies. Within this variables, there were no abnormalities, and the subjects responded in the manner we expected from our prediction. Sachin’s heart rate was the least affected, as in the end of the experiment, it had only increased by 51 beats per minute after the consumption of all six chillies to 147 beats per minute from his original 96 beats per minute. Jayhisan, on the other hand experienced the highest change after experiencing change of 65 beats per minute at the conclusion of the experiment, rocketing his
while researchers are still finding the reason behind the chillies spiciness and heat,the effort still remains unclear. Few say that chillies acts as a deterrent
Transient receptor potential cation better known as the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in humans which is encoded by the gene.This type of protein is a member of TRPV.It was the first member of the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are compounds which process through a vanillyl group.This drug is responable for the pungency of capsicums.Also for the burning sensation experienced after eatting spicy peppers.What is the history? Perspectives opened from cloning capsaicin receptor.They are outlines ,long lasting functional ,ultrastructural and nerve terminal effects.It affects the transient receptor potential vanilloid.Which invloves in sensing heart, warmth and most
Do you grow various peppers in your garden? Fresh peppers are a great item to add to a recipe, but you can also preserve them by canning. A hot pepper jelly recipe can be used if you want something new to try. This is really easy can even be done using peppers you can buy at the store.
The investigation of pungency: qualitative and quantitative study of the various chemicals in chili peppers and the fibers they activate