
Hrm 531 Data Collection Paper

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The data I propose to collect would be current attendance records, training completion results, current stats and IT ticket entries. I would align current attendance records with current stats and training competition results to see if there is any correlation between employees who are frequently absent and determine how much of an effective employee they are. If an employee is frequently absent, there is a high percentage that they are missing important information and training sessions that would assist them in being a more effective employee. An associate could be a great asset to an organization, however their presence is needed for them to have an impact on the organization. Comparing the training completion results to current stats can show reveal if this is accurate or not. While IT and technology is a separate opportunity in itself, in the sales department, it is a significant factor and a huge component in how we do our jobs. Currently when we have an IT issue, we are able to submit a ticket, via our intranet to …show more content…

Current attendance records are held by frontline supervisors and a public drive visible only to those who have access and the Human Resource department. Training completion results are located with HR department and Workforce Management. They are usually able to send emails to supervisors and associates who have not completed trainings by the companies designated due date. Current stats are held by several individuals within the organization: director of process improvement, administrative assistants, managers and supervisors. Each of these individuals are able to access this information through reports and send the information out to the entire department to make associates aware of their standings. However, there is usually only a few employees who are designated for this

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