• Answered and screened two or more phone calls at a time using the multi-line switchboard, effectively directing the customer to and from the department of their asking • Systematize financial invoices for customers and car dealerships, adjusted lost per car expenses and store expenses spreadsheets, prepared staff memos using Microsoft Excel and Salesforce • Account maintenance of over 200+ accounts including current renters, local law firms, State of Louisiana employees, major city events, etc. • Determined charges for services requested, establishing payment, following up when payment lapses occur. • Maintained bad-debt cost report by tracking billings, monitoring collections, and compiling information, monthly • Handled invoice complaints
Renting or buying married couples have only one question in deciding. Research is the answer. By the time it is done, both partners will be exhausted. There is one method the couple can try using. Its called price-to-rent ratio.
When you hire a professional cleaning company, especially Alta Clean, to maintain your floors and carpeting, you can be sure that they will keep both looking good every day and for as long as possible. Professionals not only know how to clean your carpeting gently to keep carpet fibers intact and to guard against discoloration, they also know how to keep your floors polished and gleaming. A professionally-cleaned floor or carpet will improve your employee morale and show your clients that you care about them and your business.
we take the time to listen to our employees regarding their concerns and needs for performing their jobs. We talk with each employee individually about the conflicts they may have with other employees by rectifying conflicts right away by coming up with viable solutions. we also try to Encourage us employees to make recommendations that may help increase company's performance and
Firstly, the president and other management team members may get a higher overall salary by putting next year’s revenue to this year and transferring current year expenses to next year. The division’s management team’s salary and bonus may be based on the earnings of the division. By increasing revenue and decreasing expenses, they will be able to fake a higher operating income and thus receive higher compensation.
The researcher will use business people in the city of Holly Springs, Ms., to determine the answer to the following question. Along with using business journals and a survey instrument the following questions would help on the decision making styles. The following research questions are introduced to approve/disapprove whether potential employees income is affected during the hiring process:
As CEO of AMC, my initial goal would be to create a product that can’t be replicated with in-home technologies. I believe we hit the nail on the head by adapting our theaters with “4-D” technology. This means submersing the viewers with a 3-DS picture, and adding physical features including scents, rain, wind, etc. Although it exists in a few standalone theaters, no chain has migrated towards this and would provide us a massive competitive edge. AMC would become the place consumers experience a movie, instead of merely watching. The second product would be a totally new ballpark, and that is video-game tournaments. Currently, they are typically held in school cafeterias or cramped back-rooms, but by simply hooking up a console to our projector,
For some employees they become Entrenched Employees maybe by choice because they really like what they do or maybe they have tried in the past to move up the career ladder with not much success. It would be up to the Human Resources department or the employee themselves to keep trying until they discover a position within the company that offers them satisfaction with open communication between these parties the goal of a more satisfied employee and employer can be achieved.
I would meet with Kate privately so my feedback does not embarrass her in front of her coworkers. I would tell Kate that her performance is exceptional and how valuable she is to the company. After I have given her recognition, I would inform her that I have received customer complaints and the fact that she does not work well with her coworkers proves that it was not a one-time thing. I would tell her about the importance of working well with both the coworkers and the customers. This feedback will include how teamwork and customer satisfaction is important to our organization and without it our company does not perform well. I would allow her to ask for any clarifications. I would stay positive and collaborate with her on finding ways she can improve her behavior. I would end the conversation with acknowledging her capabilities again.
1. Naturally, any employee is going to feel mistreated when finding that a mediocre co-worker makes more money than they do. In this situation, I would discuss my concerns with my manager. If needed, I would also visit with the HR manager to express my thoughts regarding the situation. When these types of things happen, one must consider factors that reflect them individually, such as, how much they enjoy their job, career advancement, and what the company has to offer before making a quick decision.
Being one of our brightest client’s we feel that our ability to communicate with each other on a more personal basis is acceptable. Resolving an open issue, by completely terminating all female technicians over the age of 45 and replacing them with male employees under the age of 25 will not be in your best interest. Therefore, I am brining to your attention our thoughts and concerns with your conclusions on this manner.
1. Describe a conflict that you have recently been involved in or witnessed. A supervisor was confronted with a conflict between two assistance’s, where Robert, a help desk professional, was not willing to support on tackling or taking on call backs because Susan, a new hire, make mistakes several times on the call backs by attempting to handle the issue/problem single-highhandedly and not collaborating with Robert in a timely manner.
Jason Fried argues that bringing people together to work in the same physical location creates distractions that inhibit individual employees’ ability to get their work done. Mr Fried’s identifies managers and meetings as a main cause of distraction in the workplace, but face to face communication is the real focus of his argument. Meetings and managers often interrupt employees from the task that they are working on. Employees have little or no control over when these interruptions will take place. After these interruptions, individuals have to reset their train of thought after the interruption, which then adds to the amount of time required to complete the task that they are working on.
First piece of advice I would offer would be to calm down and let’s make a rational decision. How long as the problem been occurring and are there any plans of action to improve the employee? If not, then I would suggest a warning or correction needs to take place. In some cases, a verbal counseling might be the better way to go. This is a great way to talk about, attendance, communication and other behavioral issues. It appears that it could be an emotional feeling that management is feeling, because of the statement that was made about the employee. It is important for that proper documentation is provided and is there any chances that the employee is salvageable. Often time, there can be training implemented that allows management to correct the problem without termination taking place.
In today’s society, money is one of the biggest incentives in the workplace for employed professionals and is often negotiated after you impress your potential employer. I believe it is always important to negotiate salary after you impress your future employer because this is the moment in time when you have the most power to increase your salary and overall quality of life in this position. This past week I got to interview with a potential employer, CVS Caremark and utilize my newfound negotiation skills to request a higher paying salary. Before the interview, I knew I wanted to take a different approach to negotiating salary so, I used essential elements out of the class textbook Negotiation and Dispute Resolution by Beverly J. Demarr and Suzanne C. De Janasz. Furthermore, I will be discussing how I prepared before for the interview, what I have learned from the experience, and the results of the salary negotiation. Also, it is important to highlight the key elements to negotiating salary and why we are so invested into negotiating salary.
4. The reason that I would separate myself from this engagement is if the organization fails to be Truthful, Unwilling to change, Washes its hands of the fault. The key to recovery for the organization is to be truthful and hiding facts from stakeholders would create a negative feedback loop that would just push the organization backwards instead of forward to recovery.