
Hrm 531 Week 4 Community Center Case Study

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As student liaisons, a thorough financial feasibility assessment to construct and maintain a community center for Osceola County, with two options, is presented in this memorandum. Option one consists of renovating a vacant fire station and partnering with a non-profit organization to share in operating expenditures and using a pay as you go approach to not accrue any more debt for the county. Option two consists of a higher budget allocation and incurring debt through bonds in a capital improvement plan but possibly have a higher “quality of life” community center with various additional amenities. Our goal was to (1) determine the current financial position of Osceola County, (2) determine the costs involved with a new community center, (3) determine potential financing options, and (4) provide recommendations for funding strategies. We analyzed the financial history of Osceola County along with demographics and broke down the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2014. …show more content…

Taking into account the mission of Osceola County, “to bring people and resources together to achieve the community’s vision.” Community centers have the potential to bring communities even closer together by having a sense of connectedness. Our brief literature review was able to determine the how and why the community center could bring this connectedness by potentially increasing employment opportunities, increasing community partnerships, decreasing crime and poverty in additional to decreasing body mass index in adults and

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