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I am reaching out to you to see if you would be interested in supporting the Playworks mission to leverage the power of play to transform children’s social and emotional health. (-- removed HTML --) is known for its philanthropic contribution focusing on the children health initiatives, making it a perfect fit for Playworks.
About Playworks NY/NJ:
Our vision is that one day, every child in New York-New Jersey will get to play - every day. We are changing school culture by leveraging the power of safe, fun, and healthy play at school, every day. We create a place for every kid on the playground to feel included, be active, and build valuable social and emotional skills. We offer an essential opportunity for
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With strategic corporate partnership contributing to about 99% of our total received donations nationally, they form the cornerstone in accomplishing our 2020 goals.
Sponsors/partners have multiple ways to contribute to Playworks’ cause:
1. Cash Donations: Take the lead by making a cash donation. Donate here!
2. Volunteering Opportunities: Engage with Playworks’ individual and corporate group volunteering opportunities. For more information, check this out!
3. In-Kind Donations: You can also provide support for the cause by providing non-monetary donations to Playworks. If you would like more information, please let me know.
Playworks provides a unique opportunity for its partners to experience the power of Play! Your donations will help:
• Empower children by improving their physical health and social and emotional learning
• Schools and districts make the most of recess through on-site staffing, consultative support, professional development, free resources, and more.
• You experience the power of Play by participating in the Playworks Recess event organized in schools in NY/NJ
We work closely within schools and are based in the local community centre delivering free play to children in the local area during term times. We have a wide programme in the summer ranging from fun days on all the local estates to trips away. We have worked closely with parent/carers and children to deliver what is needed in the local community.
1.Briefly explain why it is important that the team work together when supporting children and young people’s play.
“Current theories about inclusive play revolve around the idea that play is important for life and that all play workers should be committed to creating play environments that are inclusive and that offer multi-sensory experiences for all children. Play environments should ensure children and young people can become involved in imaginary play and can help develop motor activity. They should also allow interaction in a safe environment. Play is seen as the language that can bring children of all different abilities together. All children and young people have the same basic needs and go through the same development stages, even though they may not all go through them at the same pace: some go through some stages more quickly than most, while others may become static in their development for a while. None of this should prevent access to any setting. Through play with other children they develop social skills and learn about behaviour, communication and friendship. Play is the tool for practical learning
In Superheroes for Hospice, people donate comic books, which I help sort. Then we sell the comic books and the proceeds go to the Barnabas Health Hospice and Palliative Care Center. During the sales, I help count up the comic books people buy and calculate the price. My efforts have helped improve the lives of patients in hospice care and making sure they receive the
The provision made is about supporting young children for every country in the UK. It is based on the idea that young children learn through play rather than formal learning, as play is an important and successful thing in children’s early learning.
Playwork Principle 5 states “The role of the playworker is to support all children and young people in the creation of a space in which they can play”.
When learning becomes fun the teachers find it less challenging for trying to keep the child engaged in the activity at hand. The job of the educator working with a play-based curriculum is to facilitate play, to draw out and extend what children learn through play (Play Based Programmes, 2015). Children have a variety of play spaces available that mimic their regular world around them, each space can be intertwined with another centre such as combining the truck centre with the block centre, or adding in some zoo animals to the area. The play based approach can be used by children of all abilities, it allows children to play independently or as a small group, and allows the children the opportunity to bring their home life into their play.
Hackney Play Association is a play development charity working to improve children and young people's quality of life, through play. We do this
In this paper I will discuss the Final Argument in Plato’s Phaedo. In this argument Socrates concludes, “Then, Cebes, beyond question, the soul is immortal and imperishable, and our souls will truly exist in another world (Plato, 1689).” This argument may be the most convincing of his arguments about the afterlife, but the way in which he comes to his conclusion that the soul is immortal and indestructible is flawed, and because of this, I find that Plato’s final argument is not sound and lacking validity. I feel this argument is an unsound deductive argument. In order to show evidence of this, I will examine how Plato reached his conclusion.
Understanding that PLAY is a spirit and can be implemented in small, simple ways such as dress down days or charity fund
Play contributes to children’s “physical, emotional and social well-being” (Else, 2009, p.8) and through play, the child’s holistic development and well-being is being constantly accounted for as is it led by the individual. The child decides what s/he wants to do and does it; it is
In an effort to support retired Olympic athletes with their hard work, dedication and determination to reach the podium, the company is very impressed with Hughes tireless effort in worthy causes and promoting physical activities. Hughes has donated $10,000 of her personal money to the Right to Play programs as well as $10,000 medal bonus to the Vancouver inner city school program Take a Hike to better assist at risk youth.
Play is a way for children to learn about their environment and how interaction occurs within. It is through trial and error that children are able to create options; follow their own interests and show “independence in thought and actions” using their knowledge and understanding (Moyles, 2005, p.3). Children develop resilience though play. However for a number of children can experience stressful occurrences during their lives and play can often be restricted. Therefore the play worker’s role in supporting children’s play is a crucial measure towards children's development. For those that work with children require the dexterity to prompt and contribute to children’s play, which can be seen as a principle aspect of therapeutic alliance.
10. Explain how play work organisations seek to balance the health, safety and security of the play environment with children and young people’s need for stimulation, risk and challenge. A play work provision
Play is the foundation stone of children’s healthy and productive lives (Oliver & Klugman, 2002) and is also a significant means of child’s learning and development (Zigler, Singer & Bishop-