
Html Persuasive Letter

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Dear (-- removed HTML --) ,
I am reaching out to you to see if you would be interested in supporting the Playworks mission to leverage the power of play to transform children’s social and emotional health. (-- removed HTML --) is known for its philanthropic contribution focusing on the children health initiatives, making it a perfect fit for Playworks.
About Playworks NY/NJ:
Our vision is that one day, every child in New York-New Jersey will get to play - every day. We are changing school culture by leveraging the power of safe, fun, and healthy play at school, every day. We create a place for every kid on the playground to feel included, be active, and build valuable social and emotional skills. We offer an essential opportunity for …show more content…

With strategic corporate partnership contributing to about 99% of our total received donations nationally, they form the cornerstone in accomplishing our 2020 goals.
Sponsors/partners have multiple ways to contribute to Playworks’ cause:
1. Cash Donations: Take the lead by making a cash donation. Donate here!
2. Volunteering Opportunities: Engage with Playworks’ individual and corporate group volunteering opportunities. For more information, check this out!
3. In-Kind Donations: You can also provide support for the cause by providing non-monetary donations to Playworks. If you would like more information, please let me know.
Playworks provides a unique opportunity for its partners to experience the power of Play! Your donations will help:
• Empower children by improving their physical health and social and emotional learning
• Schools and districts make the most of recess through on-site staffing, consultative support, professional development, free resources, and more.
• You experience the power of Play by participating in the Playworks Recess event organized in schools in NY/NJ

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