
Hu 444 Research Paper

Decent Essays

The authors hypothesized that HU-444 will not convert into THC-like molecule in the human body. Therefore, HU-444 will not show any psychotropic effects. Which data in the paper supports the hypothesis? What other experiments could be conducted to prove this hypothesis? Justify your answer.

HU-444 is a novel compound derived from Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD, which is present in the Cannabis sativa plant, is non-psychotropic in nature (Mechoulam et al., 2002). CBD, however, is converted into psychotropic tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) under acidic conditions found in the body (Watanabe et al., 2007). While CBD is not inherently psychotropic, it is known to cause psychotropic effects because it is converted to THC in-vivo.

The authors reduced the 8,9 C-C double bond present in CBD. They proposed that this change would make the HU-444 compound resistant to acidic degradation. By inhibiting acidic degradation, the authors proposed inhibited ring cyclization and inhibited conversion into THC, thus HU-444 should not produce any psychotropic …show more content…

Instead, they merely concluded that HU-444 is nonpsychotropic in Sabra mice. Moreover, they did not mention anything about the control group. There are a variety of measures the authors could have taken to attempt to prove the HU-444 does not get converted to THC in vivo and therefore is not psychotropic. The authors concluded that HU-444 will not convert into THC in-vivo, so they could have measured the mice’s THC level in serum and/or brain to find out whether HU-444 is getting converted to THC or not.
Secondly, drug mediated psychosis changes the brain function, so the authors could use conduct brain imaging (i.e. PET or fMRI scanning) to detect a (lack of) psychotropic effects from HU-444. Amygdala regions in temporal lobe are thought to be responsible for psychotropic activity. So the authors could probe for electrophysiological signal in that

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