
Hubble Telescope Essay

Decent Essays

Space the final frontier. There is an enticing about space- a gravitational pull toward its airless environment. Telescopes, the one that changed how we view our place in the galaxy. The thing that changed the science of astronomy. They allowed us to view things that were previously invisible to the human eye. With telescopes, scientists could look beyond from our little green and blue planet. From the earliest telescopes, such as Galileo’s age to the Hubble telescope used today, they have allowed us to see how large the universe is and what makes up the universe. Before the Hubble telescope was launched into space in 1990. Astronomers had to look into the dark sky with a simple telescope or the naked eye. The first working telescope was …show more content…

But before he was a great astronomer, he was more focused on being an athlete. Hubble adored playing basketball and boxing with the combination of athletic finesse and academic prowess, he earns one of the most prestigious scholarships, Rhodes Scholarship. It’s an honor that is often bestowed on candidates who most likely become future Presidents and Chief Justices. The next four years he spent at Oxford University… An experience that would forever change him. He changed his career path from law to astronomy by saying this to his mother, “Work, to be pleasant, must be toward some great end, an end so great that dreams of it, the anticipation of it overcomes all aversion to labor. If only I find some principle, for whose sake, I could leave everything else and devote my life" [G2] (The Original Hubble). He went to the career path of Astronomy. After leaving the University of Chicago, Hubble landed a job at New Albany High School in 1913. …show more content…

He was beloved by all his students, where it was recorded in the yearbook of 1914: “To our beloved teacher of Spanish and Physics, who has been a loyal friend to us in our senior year ever willing to cheer and help us both in school and on the field, we, the class of 1914, lovingly dedicate this book” (). When that year ended, he decided to pursue his passion and so returned to university as a grad student to learn more astronomy. In 1917, Hubble was invited by George Ellery Hale, the founder of the Mount Wilson Observatory. But he rejected Hale by saying “Regret cannot accept your invitation. Am off to the War" (Edwin Powell Hubble- The man who discovered the cosmos). In 1919, he returned to the United States. He immediately went to Mount Wilson Observatory, still in uniform, introduced himself as Major Hubble, but was already to start observing the night sky. In October 1923, Hubble spotted what [G4] appeared to be nova star blazing up fiercely in the M31 “nebula” in the constellation of Andromeda. After looking cautiously at the photographic plates, he discovered that it was a Cepheid star. Hubble used the Shapley’s method to measure the distance to the new Cepheid. A Cepheid is a star that surges radially, in both in size and temperature, producing changes in brightness with a long period and amplitude.[G5] He placed M31, a million years away- far outside the Milky Way and thus a new

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