
Huckleberry Finn Abuse Quotes

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In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a big part in the story is abuse. Huck’s father continuously harassed Huck when they were around each other. Huck’s father also abandoned Huck. “He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around.” (chapter 3, page 9). This quote is important because it straight out talks about how Pap, Huck’s dad, physically abuses him, and how Huck does not want to be around his father. Pap is also extremely jealous of the fact that his son is more educated than him, and is well taken care of by the Widow Douglass. Which is ironic because you would think he would be happy and proud that his son is doing better …show more content…

The mom in this story has three children, but chooses only one child to brutally abuse mentally and physically. She makes the child do all the house work, makes him live in a cellar, and barely lets him eat. “Mother then ordered me to climb up onto the stove and lie on the flames so she could watch me burn.” (chapter 3, page 28). Both Pap and the mother in this book obviously aren’t in their right mind if they think it is remotely okay to abuse their children this way. They both have a goal to hurt their children and make them suffer. The mother in this novel treats her other children so well and gives them whatever they could want in life. Which has never made since considering how horribly she chooses to treat “It”, which is what she names the child that she …show more content…

This is a quote from the father in this novel. The father never abuses the child, but he never tries to stop the mother from hurting It. This is the father’s reaction when his child tells him he was just stabbed by his mother. When It goes to his father for help when his mother is hurting him, his father either ignores it or leaves the house and doesn’t come back for long periods of time. The father loves his child and you can tell that by reading the text, but it has never made sense as to why he never turned his wife in for child abuse, or let her continue to hurt their

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