In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a big part in the story is abuse. Huck’s father continuously harassed Huck when they were around each other. Huck’s father also abandoned Huck. “He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around.” (chapter 3, page 9). This quote is important because it straight out talks about how Pap, Huck’s dad, physically abuses him, and how Huck does not want to be around his father. Pap is also extremely jealous of the fact that his son is more educated than him, and is well taken care of by the Widow Douglass. Which is ironic because you would think he would be happy and proud that his son is doing better …show more content…
The mom in this story has three children, but chooses only one child to brutally abuse mentally and physically. She makes the child do all the house work, makes him live in a cellar, and barely lets him eat. “Mother then ordered me to climb up onto the stove and lie on the flames so she could watch me burn.” (chapter 3, page 28). Both Pap and the mother in this book obviously aren’t in their right mind if they think it is remotely okay to abuse their children this way. They both have a goal to hurt their children and make them suffer. The mother in this novel treats her other children so well and gives them whatever they could want in life. Which has never made since considering how horribly she chooses to treat “It”, which is what she names the child that she …show more content…
This is a quote from the father in this novel. The father never abuses the child, but he never tries to stop the mother from hurting It. This is the father’s reaction when his child tells him he was just stabbed by his mother. When It goes to his father for help when his mother is hurting him, his father either ignores it or leaves the house and doesn’t come back for long periods of time. The father loves his child and you can tell that by reading the text, but it has never made sense as to why he never turned his wife in for child abuse, or let her continue to hurt their
For quite some time, Huck’s father disappeared from town only to arrive later when he heard that his son had acquired a small fortune. He then threatens to beat Huck “down a peg” so that he would remind him of his status in the family only hoping to get the fortune for his booze. Things only get worse when Pa learns that Huck has become the first member of the family to learn to read, and consequently takes him away from town down the river into a small cabin. Cleverly, Pa doesn’t want to abandon Huck just yet for he continuously threatens the Father about the fortune he has hidden until Huck finally fakes his own death. Pa would be a fine example of a specimen who was unworthy of his breath by the way he treated Huck.
Pap is only stuck on having power and he gets it by treating blacks like the lower class citizen. Twain uses his characters in this book to show that the stereotypical southerner is irrationally greedy. He begins to show the reader this by first using Pap. The character Pap is Huck’s father and is labeled the town drunk.
In the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the two protagonist, Huck and Jim are on an adventure to freedom, the freedom described in their own personal way, and an adventure of challenges that will define the kind of character that they are. In Huck’s journey, he has to make an escape from his abusive father, to lead to his self-involved adventure until he runs into Jim, whom is also on an escape to his own personal Journey. Pap Finn is Huck’s Father, Pap is an abusive drunk and is despised by Huck and is Huck’s call to escape from the life that he is living "Yes, he's got a father, but you can't never find him these days. He used to lay drunk with the hogs in the tanyard, but he hain't been seen in these parts for a year or more." (2.13) This quote talks about how pap was never a good father even from before and that with him gone, hucks life was 100% better and could’ve been completely different. With
The first contrast between Jim and Pap is the initial reaction Huck has when encountering them. When Huck is on Jackson’s Island, presumably alone, but then comes across a smoldering fire, he is at first frightened, but once he sees that the other refugee is Jim, he pops right out of the bushes and greets him. He is glad for his company. However, when signs of Pap being around are apparent, Huck is seen to panic, and rushes off to rid himself of his fortune. He knows that Pap is greedy enough to steal from anyone, even his own son. When they come face to face, it becomes clear that Huck is afraid of his father, who used to beat him while in a drunken state. During this confrontation, it becomes clear that Pap resents that Huck is being educated, and feels threatened by it. On the contrary, Jim teaches Huck what he knows, and is proud of him for thinking up schemes, such as faking his death to escape his father’s grasp. As Jim and Huck travel together, Jim shows more consideration and a protective nature for Huck, and he tries to act, as much as he can, as a shield between Huck and the corrupt world, which is something Huck’s father never did. On the contrary, Pap exposed Huck to more corruption than most others his age, such as Tom Sawyer, were expected to have been exposed to.
Huck spent most of his time running away and hiding from his dad, because he was afraid his dad would come get him and beat him.
T.S. Elliot said, "Huck is alone: there is no more solitary figure in fiction. The fact that he has a father only emphasizes its loneliness; and he views his father with a terrifying detachment" (329). Most parents like to see their children excel in life and become productive members of society, but Pap is thinking only about himself. Instead of wishing the best for his son, he is angry because he is becoming a better person than his father. This man would be an awful influence on any child, and should be kept away from Huck.
Huck has had enough with their failed relationship, deciding he can handle such an atrocity, he decides he will run away from his monster of an alcoholic father. Pap will never be able to have a relationship with his father, because he was probably drunk, got into an argument and was shot and killed. Alcoholic parents’ actions often hinder the child’s ability to tell what is right from wrong.
Huck’s Father was a drunk who would leave and wouldn’t come back from time to time. He always treated Huck bad; telling him he wasn’t good enough and that he wasn’t his son. Eventually, after he was chased around the room with a knife, Huck decided to run away from home. He made this decision to try and overcome the obstacle and not have to face it anymore. The obstacle with his Father not being
Huck's father is absent until he finds out that Huck has found some money. Pap is an outcast full of hate for blacks and pretty much for all of society. Huck, as a product of his society, speaks the language of his society. By choosing as his point-of-view a young boy from the slave south, Twain is able to present and challenge the values and assumptions of this time. Among the assumptions and values of the time that the reader encounters in the book are the strict definitions pertaining to Huck's world and the people who inhabit it:
The relationship between Huckleberry Finn and Jim are central to Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Huck's relationships with individual characters are unique in their own way; however, his relationship with Jim is one that is ever changing and sincere. As a poor, uneducated boy, Huck distrusts the morals and intentions of the society that treats him as an outcast and fails to protect him from abuse. The uneasiness about society, and his growing relationship with Jim, leads Huck to question many of the teachings that he has received, especially concerning race and slavery. Twain makes it evident that Huck is a young boy who comes from the lowest levels of white society. Huck's father, Pap, is a drunk who disappears for
In contrast, Huck appears to have no desire to have a relationship with his father. At one point in the story Huck does not even know if his father is alive or not, and apparently does not care to know. Because of his father's
Child abuse had a great on effect Huck’s whether if it had to do with where he is living or a decision he has made. Huck has been abused for most if not all of his life by his father, Pap. Huck stated, “I used to be scared of him all the time, he tanned me so much” (17). This quote shows how Huck had to deal with Pap’s abuse before and could not help himself. It shows that Pap has poor ethics shown by beating his child simply because he can. This is an immoral act on Pap’s part because he believes he can control Huck’s life including his life choices and his possessions. Pap says, “I’ll take you down a peg, before I'm done with you” (17). Pap continues to torment and threaten Huck even though he has not been around of the most recent parts of Huck’s life. Pap’s ideologies have not changed since Huck was younger. Pap’s ideals consist of being able to do what he wants when he wants. This was apparent when he tries to threaten Huck and put himself above Huck. In the 1800s community leaders felt responsible for helping orphaned or abandoned
Twain is ridiculing the white’s ignorance by portraying Pap’s outrage that a black man possessed so much freedom. Pap believes that he is intrinsically better than black people just for being white. Twain is trying to portray how absurd the beliefs of the white people were and point out how they were entitled to nothing. Mark Twain basically put up a racist disguise in writing this book in order to exploit white people from the inside out, not the
Huck gets abused from his father “pap”. In the book, Huck mentions “ He abused me a little for being so slow” (44). Pap tends to get drunk and beat Huck, or abandon him. Since Huck is taken into a cabin he doesn't have the schooling anymore and is now behind and slower. Huck likes not having that responsibility anymore. He likes not being civilized, and not doing school work. He tends to smoke whenever he wants. The only problem Huck has is the abuse. Huck is abused in many different ways. One way of abuse
Huck is emotionally and physically abused by his father, Pap. Pap takes Huck and locks him away as a type of protest to the government. Huck is left alone in a one room cabin day after day with no way of escaping and no means of nutrition. Huck is forced to grow up very early and take his life into his own hands. “I took the axe and smashed in the door-- I beat it and hacked it considerable, a-doing it.