
Huckleberry Finn Friendship Analysis

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The Value of Friendship During his long journey, Huckleberry Finn discovers that his friendship with Jim, the friend he helped to escape, is more important than obeying society's rules. I refer to the adventure as a long journey because they get to live together so many experiences that help them develop this strong relationship. Throughout this adventure, they both have a goal. Huck is not targeted because he is white, but Jim is because he is black. Both have different reasons for why they are hiding. Huck could become as much wanted as Jim since he starts helping him, but still their friendship gets through the hardest moments. Civilized people follow society's expectations. This seems axiomatic, specifically using 'civilized' in the …show more content…

Early 1840s in Missouri, people were expected to turn in blacks for profit and service. Around early 1790s, the first Fugitive Slave Act was enacted in Congress. It gave power to local governments to seize and return runaway slaves to their owners. It also punished those who helped the slaves to escape. This happens around the same time when Jim is working as a slave for Miss Watson. At this moment, Miss Watson owns Jim. When Jim is aware of Miss Watson's plan, which is turning him for money, he decides to leave her house without telling anyone. As soon as he does this, he becomes aware that Huck is hiding too, but not with the same intentions as him. One day when they are travelling together, two white men stopped them and started to ask Huck questions regarding Jim's color. Huck lies about Jim's color because he knows that they are looking for blacks to further sell them. He is certain about this because before they are stopped they see a lot of posters around society, which are encouraging people to search for blacks in order for them to receive money as a reward. Huck gives us reasons to believe that he does not want Jim to become a slave again when he makes the decision to lie to these two white men. Huck can stop risking his life over Jim, but he does not because he sees their friendship as more

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