
Hug Hugo Chavez's Collapse Of Child Labor In Venezuela

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For centuries, child labor has dominated many countries and influenced them that they raise the economy. But they fail to realize the fact that they are rescinding the opportunity of an education. In many countries around the world, including Venezuela, children are driven to child labor because of poverty. Firstly, children have to work to raise money for their parents. Children are also forced to work to drive the economy up. They are put into danger by working in big industries and sometimes even forced to join the military. And children are even subject to sexual exploitation to work as slaves for other people. All of this can lead to child abuse and children not being able to get an education which leads to the problem not being solved.

In Venezuela 1.1 million children work in the informal economy, 300,000 in the formal economy, and 206,000 are engaged in illegal activities, such as prostitution and drug trafficking. Of these child laborers, 25 percent work without receiving any sort of compensation. …show more content…

But then, he caused the economy to collapse. In an state run oil company, PVSDA, many workers went on strike. In 2012, an oil refinery exploded killing 40 and losing 1.7 billion dollars. Also,;Hugo Chavez ordered the military to restore order and instead the military arrested him and installed an interim leader. There were countless protests against Hugo Chavez from citizens. All of these contributed to the economy crashing. After President Nicolás Maduro took over, he kept printing more money to pay for subsidies and welfare programs causing inflation. The inflation rate is now at 720% making currency practically worthless. This causes children to have to work to fix the economy and fund their families. Workers then even abduct children and force them to work. Some of them even prefer males over females to do work even leading to sexual

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