
Hugo Movie Symbolism

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Hugo. A story about an intelligent young boy struggling with finding the meaning of his life. Besides the amazing cinematography and directing, the thing I love about this film is it's emotional impact. Hugo's story is one we all can relate to. A time in life where maybe you don’t know what your life will become, or where you belong in the world. Getting to watch Hugo discover himself and the world around him leaves you with a hopeful feeling at the end of the film. It's an inspirational story that warms the heart and brings a spirit of optimism to life.
Purpose. That is the major theme I sensed in this movie. From Hugo discovering how to live his life after his fathers death, to Mr. Melies finding his love for cinema again, this film is all about the human spirit's need for purpose. There is a large use of symbolism in this story, mostly pertaining to the gears of a clock or machine, and how each piece has a purpose. This symbolism represents a person's life on this earth. As Hugo states in the middle of the film, the world is like a giant machine. Machines only come with the necessary parts it needs to work. There are no useless parts, only essential ones. So if the world is a …show more content…

Mr. Melies is probably the one who understands this the most. In his younger years he searched for adventure and found his life calling through film. The success he found in his craft brought him all the happiness and purpose in the world. Then in a turn of events, he had to give up his new found calling. Leading to his depression and loss of interest in life. Melies was broken. Though through the brave spirit of a young boy, he could be fixed. At the beginning of the film Hugo fixes Melies' toy wind up mouse, which ultimately foreshadows Melies' redemption story. The mouse's parts were not useless, they were simple broken. Just as Melies was not purposeless, he was just

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