The conflict that I encounter this week was to put to sleep my cat. It was a very difficult decission and very hard to say goodbye to my pet. I know this is not a big conflict or for some people something serious, but in the end is a life and you have to make a hard decision.
My cat was 7 months old and he was diagnose with FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS or known as FIP. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus. Most strains of feline coronavirus are avirulent, which means that they do not cause disease, and are referred to as feline enteric coronavirus. Cats infected with a feline coronavirus generally do not show any symptoms during the initial viral
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Therefore, I talked to them and the veterinarian did it to, But I kind of use this tool to explained to them that we couldn't do anything for him and that he was suffering.
I asked them first,
• Why you don't want to put the cat to sleep?
They sayed: Because he is too young and is cruel.
Second question I asked;
• Why do you think is cruel to put him to sleep?
They answered, Because we won't be with him anymore and he might suffer when he dies.
The third question I asked,
• Why do you think he is not suffering now? (Of course, the cat at that moment had high fever, he couldn't breath, basically he was drowning in his own fluids, he wasn't eating anymore and he couldn't sleep either)
They answered me: That they knew he was suffering but they couldn't bare with his death. Because in the end, they thought that they were killing him.
I asked them,
• Why do you feel guilty for his death?
They answer because they couldn't do anything to save
Ever since Arizona passed its tough immigration law penalizing undocumented immigrants, other states have been considering similar laws. In the year 2011, Utah State passed an immigration law like HB 116. The law HB 116 establishes a guest worker program with the department of public safety (DPS) and took effect in July, 2013.The program creates two types of permits – A guest worker permit and an immediate family permit. These permit has a state limit and cannot be used outside the state and the person using this will not be granted unemployment. Before applying an individual have to pay a fine. For getting a permit, immigrant must meet with certain requirements example meets a certain age; worked or have live before May, 2011; provides contact information; not committed any felonies; has a contract for employment; holds a driving privilege card or agrees not to drive; has a basic health care plan or has no medical debt. They require that the permit holder
After checking estimation owner said that unfortunately this cat is currently not insured. As he has two more cats and this one is the younger and has been healthy, he decided to cancel insurance due to personal financial issues. This owner was demonstrating extreme sensitivity, sadness and love for this cat, regretting all the time not having continued with
Firstly, when we got to our table, we removed our cat, which was a black and white spotted cat, and its number was 4. From head to tail, the length of our cat was 71 cm. I noticed the cat was very stiff, and this was because of Vigor Mortis, which is when the cat died, myosin and actin no longer detach. There was an incision right under the neck of the cat, which is where the
God then commands Death to show Everyman who is outside of the law of God what must come to him without escape or delay, the day of reckoning for all. Death encounters Everyman and has questioned him about why he has neglected God, “Everyman, stand still! Whither art thou going thus gaily? Hast thou thy Maker forget?” (Anonymous). Death dispenses the bad news that his day of reckoning for his sins has come and he must give account to God. Upon hearing that his time has come to an end he begins to fear his journey to go before God and give an answer to how he lived his life on earth. Everyman bribes Death to give him another day. Everyman’s argument is that Death did not give him a warning and now he wants to find a companion to accompany him on this journey of reckoning. As time nears Everyman struggles with his ignorance and therefore begins to seek and call upon his earthly friends such as Fellowship, Kindred, Cousin, and Goods. Everyman discovers that one by one his acquaintances and possessions, whom he held dear to his heart and promised to be with him till the end, all abandon him in his time of need.
Keep your cat indoors; the majority of infected cats are outdoor cats, or indoor/outdoor cats. Have your cat tested annually, you may not know it but your cat could be spreading the virus to other cats. Knowing if your cat is infected isn’t just for your cat’s health, but for all other cats that they may come in contact with. “On average, testing 1,000 feral cats will result in the identification of 60 cats who test positive for either FIV or FeLV; that would mean $12,000 needs to be spent to identify 60 positive cats. That same $12,000, at an average spay/neuter cost of $50, could be put instead towards neutering 240 feral cats (neighborhoodcats
He felt sick. Not flu sick or cold sick. Really sick. Had anything out of the ordinary happened that day? This question fazed him until he shut his eyes and went to sleep, not knowing that this was his final thought before the reactions killed him.
Anemia and lymph node swelling could also be present. After exposure to an infected feline, some felines will not contract the disease. In some cases, the disease will not be known until a year has passed the date of exposure. Other felines will have the onset of symptoms as soon as four weeks when the virus enters the bloodstream. A feline with a poor immune system because of previous illness, stress, or sanitation reasons, allows it to contract any virus because of lower body conditions. Transient viremia is when the feline produces enough antibody to eliminate the virus from its body, enabling it to be disease free. Persistent viremia felines have noted virus in body fluids, and their immune system did not produce enough antibodies to protect against this disease. Attraction of other diseases is a great possibility with death imminent. Latent infection is virus free in body fluids, but the disease’s symptoms can occur throughout its lifetime when common illness or stress is produced. These felines also have a risk of developing other diseases. “Diseases potentiated by the FeLV virus include feline infectious peritonitis, feline infectious anemia, feline viral respiratory disease complex, toxoplasmosis, chronic cystitis, periodontal disease, and opportunistic bacterial infections”. (Carlson & Giffin, 1995). Having this virus makes the feline more vulnerable to receiving other diseases of immune suppression, or the development of cancer. The common cancer to acquire is
Feline infectious peritonitis, or FIP, is a viral disease that is caused by certain strains of the feline coronavirus (Cornell). Most strains of the feline coronavirus do not cause FIP, and in the initial infection of a virus, most cats do not show symptoms. It is only when the infection progresses by mutating, or there is an anomaly in the immune system, the condition is called feline infectious
The cats were having some problems. One day at our house we realized our cat (Esmeralda) was having problems. She wasn’t eating very much, she was throwing up a bit more,she wasn’t walking very much, and definitely not running. She didn’t even really care about the dog.(Who loved to chase her, and her sister) We knew something was up so we took her to the “Hospital” for animals. When we got the results they said she was suffering from something called “Acute Kidney Disease”. Acute kidney disease refers to the sudden failure of the kidneys to perform normal filtration duties. They kept her there at the hospital. We visited her and poked in for more test results and that kind of stuff.
Feline Leukemia virus, or FeLV for short, is a highly contagious and potentially fatal retroviral infection that weakens a cat’s immune system, because of how the virus interacts with infected cells once it is introduced to the hosts blood stream. A retrovirus is a virus composed of RNA instead of DNA, that contains an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which is what gives them the unique property of transcribing their RNA into the DNA after it enters a cell. The infected DNA can then be integrated into the chromosomal DNA of the host cell and be expressed throughout the entire body. It can cause various blood disorders, and may lead to severe immune deficiency that can hinder the cat's ability to protect itself against other infections.
Just like human doctors, and nurses, Veterinarians, and Vet Techs don't get to pick their patients. Sometimes they have really sweet puppies and other times they have highly aggressive animals who want to rip their faces off. Today we had one of the latter.
In what conversation is the author participating? The author is not participating in any conversations mentioned in the article. What are the important issues or questions? One important issue and question that is present in the article is “Treat or Euthanize?” (helping owners make critical decisions).
For starters, he carried cat herpes. Thankfully, this strain can only pass from feline to feline. Generally, with medication, it will not harm the animal too much. However, I only uncovered this little-known fact a month after we said our goodbyes to him. Feline herpes causes respiratory problems in cats if left untreated, and Gimli keyed the term ‘respiratory problems’. Every breath he took sounded like an asthmatic having an asthma attack after running the Boston marathon. His raspy breaths conveyed an eerie feeling within my soul like he contemplated murdering me whenever I refused to stroke his greasy fur. Thankfully, everyone in my house avoided his hit list due
I would say one of the most recent conflicts I have encountered is a personal one. I have been on a journey with God these past 12 months. Although, that does not sound like a long time, it is for me.
The scars from the fire had not healed, and his heart seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Each day that passed, the doctors would only shake their heads and say he wasn’t getting any better.