Human capital is an important aspect of an individual's life that are affected by their education, training, and health. In order to optimize my human capital, I plan on continuing my education and pursuing a chemistry degree or taking part in a pharmacy program to be able to receive my Pharm. D. In order to accomplish this goal, I am interested in the pharmaceutical program offered by the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. The program that they offer would allow me to receive my pharmacy degree in six years and be guaranteed a job shortly after graduating. Another option would be to attend a school that focused primarily on pharmaceuticals such as the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and health sciences. Throughout my schooling, I would like to shadow or intern for a professional in the field so I am able to better understand the qualities and aspects that pharmacists have to be equipped with. I can …show more content…
I also play sports such as softball and because of this, I love to use teamwork to achieve goals, while also keeping in mind that some tasks are better done by yourself. Due to the fact that I play sports, I am able to appreciate the productivity of teamwork and the great effects of them. Another interest of mine is helping others who are in need; no matter how small or big the task is helping individuals' benefits not only them but me, as well. For instance, I volunteer at Community Hospice Thrift Shop, helping individuals find the items they need and organizing the shop truly make me happy. I can use the skills that I am equipped with to make myself marketable because my talents and interests make me a versatile person; meaning I can work in groups or on my own, I am focused and dedicated to the objectives that need to be done, and I do things that not only promote self-interest but social interest,
Explain why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan (use ideas from the Module One discussion on this topic).
Altogether the curriculum, putting student’s as a top priority and an excellent reputation are the reasons I wish to be admitted to UOP. I want to attend an institution that will help to encourage my growth as a person and a future pharmacist. I know I have what it takes to succeed at UOP and hope to be given the opportunity to be the best I can be by attending the best school of pharmacy to fit my
I admire how the university allows students to spend their first two years taking various general courses in the College of LSA that help them decide on a future that is fitting for them. Although confident I want to continue my education in the College of Pharmacy, I will have two years to determine if I am interested in pursuing a PharmD, PhD in pharmaceutical sciences or another alternative path. What appealed to me that most schools do not have is Michigan’s REU Program that allows undergraduate students to have research opportunities to help advance them early in their college careers. I also look forward to gaining practical experience and clinical experience if enrolled. The College of LSA and the College of Pharmacy are both conveniently located on Central Campus, close to the heart of the social and educational scenes. Being able to take classes and live in the most inhabited part of campus allows me to get involved more easily, while everything is at the tip of my
After deciding to get entry into the PharmD program, I started on-line research for many pharmacy colleges and curriculum. Following the research, I contacted the colleges with questions about the college program, curriculum, and admission process. I was touched by the Roseman University’s outstanding communication and quick problem solving service with best answers. My all questions were answered and I felt that I was being taken care by my another family. Moreover, the unique block system curriculum is more approachable to me where I can get expertise on one subject at a time. It provides thorough knowledge of each subject. Additionally, the didactic curriculum makes possible to apply theoretical knowledge on real life settings. It makes me more
The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences was founded in 1904, as the first college within the University of Toledo. The mission of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is to educate students to become pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists while advancing pharmaceutical knowledge. Guiding principles are personal integrity, respect for humanity and human diversity, and professionalism. The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Every year the admission’s committee looks for students into the P1 Doctor of Pharmacy class. What are your personal interests in pharmacy as a profession, and what important qualities
{INTRO. 1} (H)What would occur if you were in a frightening situation and could not perceive your next move? (B) Three notable people can tell you their fatiguing encounter on their personal survival. Hyeonseo Lee was a refugee from North Korea, Aron Ralston had to escape an uneasy situation and Rainsford had to keep his composure.(Thesis) For a person to be a survivor they must possess a defined characteristic, perseverance.
The Human Resource Function should be aligned with an organizations strategic plan because an organization has a vision of what they want their company to be and in what time frame they would like to achieve it in. By aligning the human resources with the plan they (Human Resources) can make sure that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. (Snell, 2015) For example Harvey Building Products recruits in their slow season (winter) to have the candidate trained in all aspects of the position before their peak season. An example would be a warehouse person would need to be certified in driving a forklift, learning the scanning system and knowing about as much of the product as they can. For someone being hired in the inside sales office they would need to be fluent in SAP by the peak season, get to know the customers and how they prefer things, as well as know as much about the products as they can. Another example would be that existing employees go to sessions to be updated on new product, colors and software.
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” My education in the Pharmacology could and can help out with the future of medicine. But first I would have to attend college to further my knowledge in the pharmaceutical field. University of Texas, habited by the Longhorns, is ranked number one as a top public university in the U.S. and will help further my career goals.
Hugo Chavez. The name alone is instantly recognizable. The sixty-two year old man from Venezuela has made quite the splash with his entrance into the world of politics. His charisma is both mesmerizing and disarming, his upbringing humble and his ideals are revolutionary. Hugo Chavez is a true leader who, following in the footsteps of his lifelong rebel great-grandfather, aims to change the face and direction of the nation of Venezuela. His movements and decisions have garnered global attention and criticism, from the man he attempted to kill to the imperial nation he opposes. So how is it that a man who can create so much controversy can manage to captivate so many people and wield such control over the people of Venezuela? The answer to
After graduating from high school, I plan on attending South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota, to major in Pharmacy. SDSU’s program, one of the most awarded in the nation, requires six years of schooling to obtain a Doctor of Pharmacy, commonly known as a Pharm.D. The first two years of school are a general science heavy curriculum of pre-pharmacy. The next two years of the program dive more in depth into pharmacy related classes. During the final two years, I would attend classes at SDSU’s campus in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to learn more hands-on in hospitals and with better resources.
I am a highly self-motivated Nigerian young man who cherishes high academic ambitions, possesses outstanding foundational pharmacy knowledge, and is determined to work harder to make even more proud achievements. My passion in life is to contribute to the advancement of Pharmacy; the academic discipline that is inextricably connected with human life and human welfare, I have always been fascinated by this subject, bent on making my own contributions to the improvement of the quality of human life.
Companies consist of both intangible and tangible assets and each has an impact on the success of the company. The tangible assets are things that you can physically see examples include buildings, inventories, and equipment. Intangible assets are the asset that you can’t see or tough like money, intellectual property, patents, company reputation and human capital (Lev,2004). Human Capital consist of employees and their skills and abilities. Human Capital is often considered a very valuable asset within a company which must be protected. Company’s must have a strong strategic recruitment and compensation plan in order to maintain its human capital and stay competitive.
Society is constantly being exposed to loads of information through advertisements, but not many people stop to think of the effects of such exposure. Consumer’s lack of regard for the information thrown at them is a gateway for shady corporations to poison innocent minds. Society has an unknown poison- advertisement. Massive corporations get away with influencing the minds of unsuspecting masses by merely stating that advertisements from their company simply inform the public. Advertising can have both positive and negative effects on society, such as providing information to the general public or controlling consumers, but the most important effect is it promotes democracy’s basic principle; any individual or institution has the right to
There are several important reasons of human resource planning that business organisation carry out regardless their size and it is important for the continuity of any business organisation to plan. However, in many business owners may not include human resource planning at the beginning of their business but later realise the importance of human capital and no business can survive without having competitive human capital.
I want to apply my personal skill and experience here at the College of Pharmacy, to