First,Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. Obviously,everybody knows this,but did you know that Antarctica being the coldest place is a good thing. If you’d think about it if Antarctica were to be melted away right now, Antarctic fauna and flora would die out. Sea levels across the entire world would increase. Since sea levels increase, it will affect other major ecosystems and even civilization.That’s why Antarctica is important. It took the Earth billions of years to form stable biomes today,and if said biomes were to lose its stability it would cause global chaos. This all relates to my main point which is human interaction should be banned and prohibited from Antarctica. Humans are too detrimental to Antarctica,and their previous
The global mean surface temperature is projected to increase by around 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial values by the end of the 21th century. Therefore, if we continue to not check the anthropogenic emissions, the increase may be around 8 to 10 degrees Celsius, which is incredibly damaging to various ecosystems internationally. It is difficult to determine the possible aftereffects of the ice sheets melting because the equilibrium-response timescales of them is longer than both the atmosphere and ocean. The ice-sheet/ice-shelf model shows that if the atmospheric warming increases 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius above the present temperatures, the Antarctic ice shelves will collapse and trigger a centennial scale response –a never-ending
In both “The Last Wilderness Preserve” and “A New Land of Opportunity”, the authors give their own arguments about how human behavior and actions impact Antarctica. The passage “The Last Wilderness Preserve” argues that human behavior and actions have an extremely negative impact on Antarctica, therefore humans should not be allowed on such precious land. Contradictory to this, the passage “A New Land of Opportunity” encourages human activity on Antarctica and believes that this can lead to a widespread of incredible opportunities. I believe that the author of “A New Land of Opportunity” presents the stronger argument because they explain the reasoning behind their claim more effectively. Based off of the information given from each passage, I believe that the author
The author of “The Last Wilderness Preserve” has a stronger, negative opinion about how human behavior affects antarctica's economy using diction and other word choice to display these negative emotions in quotes such as, “scientific explorations can be done more easily in other locations, and those in antarctica threaten the natural state of the land.”and also, “...Humans have still contributed to massive problems there (Antarctica) Global warming, a gradual heating of the planet thought to be caused by pollution, has melted most of Antarctica's ancient ice and may soon lead
The Last Wilderness Preserve and A New Land of Opportunity present different arguments about the impact of human action on Antarctica, and lead to different conclusions about how to treat it. Kendra Washington, author of The Last Wilderness Preserve, believes that human interference in Antarctica can cause and worsen many environmental issues. She claims that the continent was able to maintain its natural state due to the limited amount of human interaction, and should be left alone. On the other hand, Michael Serillo, author of The New Land of Opportunity, believes that human action in Antarctica would bring about many scientific advancements, and can even help protect it. He claims that the beauty and resources that can be found in Antarctica are reason enough to take as much advantage of the land as possible. Kendra Washington’s argument is more effective, as she takes the environmental and social consequences into greater
Have you ever wonder how people survive and thrive in Antarctica? In the excerpt from the story Alone by Richard E. Byrd the narrator explains how a man lives in Antarctica for 5 months during the winter alone in -83°F weather. Being alone changes a person’s attitude and state of mind. When you are alone people tend to start to become more negative and have a gloomy mindset.
In “Cold Comfort for ‘Global Warming’,” Phillip Stott try’s to make the argument that global warming is nothing to be afraid of because it is not a threat. Unlike Revkin, Stott does not use and expert testimony and very little facts to prove his purpose. In the beginning of the essay, Stott includes information on the collapse of the Larson B ice shelf in Antarctica. He then goes on to state that we have nothing to be worried about because when an ice shelf melts it does not raise sea levels (Stott 306). According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, an ice shelf is a permanent floating sheet of ice that connects directly to a landmass. When Stott stated that the melting of ice shelves does not cause a rise in sea levels he was not considering the indirect consequence of it.
Antarctica is certainly the most pristine environment left on the earth. Unfortunately this is no longer the case because of multiple human activities that have led to environmental issues and concerns such as pollution, ozone layer thinning, global warming etc. Human impact is a serious threat to ecosystem and food chain of Antarctica.
Many people have different views about preserving Antarctica. Some people may view Antarctica as a scared environment and that it should not be destroyed by destructive human greed as the author states in “The Last Wilderness Preserve.” Others may view Antarctica as a wonderland that is the key to all the questions many ask about this world. The author’s claim in “A New Land of Opportunity.” However you feel about the topic it is clear that the author in”The Last Wilderness Preserve” supports his argument better and has the stronger argument.
Antarctica is land that is the least explored. It holds mysteries and is beautiful with all its unique landscapes. the authors of “The Last Wilderness Preserve” and “A New Land of Opportunity” both understand this, but both argue two different side on the topic of whether Antarctica should be kept isolated from humans and left alone or be explored and plundered of its resources. Both passages explain their sides of the argument and one passage is more efficiently supported than the other.
Antarctica is the coldest, driest, and most inhospitable continent on Earth. Yet it is yields some 90 percent of the Earth most precious natural resource: water. But behind this pristine exterior, Antarctica is fighting a losing battle. New data suggests that the continent as a whole is warming at an alarming rate. According to recent studies gathered from Nature Magazine, the western half of the continent is warming five times faster than any other place
Antarctica is a cold, frozen, and mostly empty land found at the South Pole of the earth. Humans go there mostly for research and occasional tourism, though it's incredibly inhospitable, especially in the colder months. Due to the harsh environment, it remains the last true wilderness on earth and is protected by an international agreement called the Antarctic Treaty of 1961. In this Treaty, world leaders agreed that everywhere south of 60° south latitude would remain unclaimable by any country. The treaty says that it cannot be used in military reasons, or to dispose of radioactive waste - only peaceful
The world is in trouble, we were given an entire planet and we are slowly killing it; this is demonstrated to us in Sharon Olds’ “Geography”. Thanks to an increase in our carbon emissions, we have started global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, while more and more animals are joining the endangered species list. Poverty is an ever present danger; people are living in squalor on the streets. The percentage of the population that is homeless is only increasing; these people are going hungry and cannot help themselves. This can be caused by or lead to substance abuse. In order to cope with the situation they are in, whether it is homelessness or just the struggle for life, they turn to mind splitting and body numbing substances. This only creates more problems like increasing their own poverty, and causing them to do things they would not normally do. Olds uses intense imagery to show us the diseases we are suffering from; while biblical allusions show her desire for the world to be destroyed and recreated better than before.
There are possible solutions to climate change and its effects on Antarctica but if not taken there will be grave consequences of inaction. A solution to climate change is reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. A solution to climate change is reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. Another possible solution is to start more green initiatives. Corn
I feel that global warming is taking place due to the human beings influence of the earth. When I say influence I mean the use of fossil fuels, aerosols and other hazardous devices that humans have derived for comforts. These chemicals that are being used have and continuously harmed the environment, not just with global warming, but the pollution of our natural resources Now we the human race is suffering the effects of global warming that is causing the melting of ice glaciers. Glaciers that have been in existences for hundreds and are now subject to the greenhouse effect. The chemicals used for our everyday lives and the pollution caused from such uses have not only directly impacted the earth’s environment, it has caused the melting of ice glaciers that are hundreds years old or more. In my opinion, glaciers that have been on this earth for that long do no simply melt due to the cycle of the earth’s natural weather patterns. There are multiple facts to support my opinion, but in this case I will only reveal the three that I think are the most substantial to support my point. First, “carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are increasing” (Mulvaney 2013). This aspect is undisputable in the science community considering that the levels have increased dramatically even over the past decade. Second, the “Arctic Sea ice is in a Death Spiral” (Mulvaney 2013). The ice in the Arctic Sea, and many other parts of the world, is vanishing at an alarming rate.
The melting ice caps are having a dramatic affect on the polar regions of the earth. For example, the average temperature in the Arctic is rising twice as fast than the rest of the world ( The once prominent ice is now melting at a dramatic speed, which is affecting native people, wildlife, and plants. When the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf splintered, the freshwater lake that it surrounded drained into the ocean, along with the ecosystem that inhabited it. Polar bears, whales, walrus and seals are changing their feeding and migration patterns, making it harder for native people to hunt them ( Because of the flooding, entire villages will be uprooted order to avoid being swamped. Also, the Arctic coastlines are beginning to move as well. The melting ice caps are threatening the native peoples’ cultural identity and their very survival. Ice-dependant animals, such as walruses and ring seals will be greatly affected by the melting ice caps ( They have fewer places to rest on, as well as fewer places to hunt. If the ice caps keep melting, their lives will become in great danger. The melting ice caps are not only affecting the Polar Regions, but they are also affecting the rest of the world as well in the form of rising ocean levels.