
Human Resource Department Of Indiana State University

Decent Essays

It is certainly not uncommon for organizations to struggle when developing their new employee orientation process. As is often the case in many organizations of varying sizes, there tends to exists a mix of employees who clearly see the need and benefits of a formal orientation process, and a contingency of employees who do not. Generally speaking, however, research has proven that when employees are afforded the time and effort required on the part of senior managers to develop a well-structured orientation process they stand to not only gain confidence in their abilities to perform the required tasks related to their position, but also gain a sense of security and confidence for the organization as a whole. One particular strategy that an organization may employee in developing new staff, is formulating a specific training program by eliciting the input from department managers. For example, the human resource department of Indiana State University allows for their department managers to be explained the overall process of orientating a new faculty member into their university system through a program called “ISUNEW” (“A Supervisor’s Guide to the New Employee Welcome Program, n.d.). By its intended design, the program allows for department supervisors to collectively be explained the expectations of the university pertaining to the orientation of new employees through one universal venue. This methodology of delivery reduces the amount of confusion surrounding what

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