
Human Resource Influences Employee Satisfaction

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My paper is mainly about how human resource influences employee satisfaction throughout an organization. In my assignment, I described major functions of human resource department and also main ways to make employees’ satisfaction better. As an example, I took BMO Bank and gave a description of their approaches to motivate their current and future employees and to increase their job satisfaction.

How does Human Resources influence employee satisfaction throughout an organization

It goes without saying, that one of the most valuable companies’ assets are their workers and human resource departments specialize in satisfying their needs. By managing work related tasks, human resource …show more content…

It is also very important for organization to satisfy employee needs and identify improvement needs. If an employee needs something, he generally turns directly to the human resources department. In turn, human resource tries to satisfy fair request for some needs according to company’s possibilities and employee performance during some time. As for the improvements, every business has some rooms for improvements. The human resources department often seeks out ways in which the business could be improved upon or the working conditions could be enhanced. The last, but not least responsibility of human resource is retain workers. This department should not only has employees in board initially but also to keep them happy on the job. To do this, they must remain attentive to employee upsets and deal with problems whenever they can, keeping workers contented with the company and stopping them from looking elsewhere for employment.
As we understand, Human resources are the most important company resource. The task is the motivation of employees to produce high-quality output. Motivation is closely re;ated to employee satisfaction, which is one of the main motive forces of future company output. Moreover, a content employee has no reason to change his/her occupation reducing workforce fluctuation.

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