Keller Graduate School of Management Study Guide for Final Exam 1. Give four examples of major Equal Employment Opportunity laws and/or regulations, including the name of the act, what it does, whom it covers and who enforces it. Name of Act | What is does | Whom it covers | Enforcement Agency | Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | Forbids discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, or religion | * Employers with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks a year * Labor Unions * Employment agencies * State and local governments | EEOC | Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) | Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities | Employers with 15 or more employees | EEOC | Age …show more content…
Reasons include: * The long-term effects of an improperly managed downsizing effort can be negative. * Many downsizing campaigns let go of people who turn out to be irreplaceable assets. * Employees who survive the staff purges often become narrow-minded, self-absorbed, and risk-averse. 7. Forecasting indicates the need for skilled technical employees in your company will increase dramatically this year. If the company continues on its present course, it will experience a substantial labor shortage by year's end. Something must be done fast, but management is concerned about maintaining its flexibility. Which of the options for avoiding expected labor shortages identified in the text would be most appropriate under these circumstances? Explain your answer. To remain flexible and do something fast regarding the upcoming forecasted labor shortage, the company can do one of these or a combination; hire temporary workers, outsource, or offer overtime. Hiring temporary workers helps eliminate a labor shortage. Temporary employment affords firms the flexibility needed to operate efficiently in the face of swings in demand. 8. Define utility and then identify and discuss at least five factors likely to affect the utility of any test. Utility is the degree to which the information
* Using the first e-Activity, choose two (2) employment laws, and examine the impact of each law on human resources management (HRM). Support your response with specific examples of each selected law’s impact on HRM.
1. Define and explain the significance of the term ‘derived demand’ as it applies to Strategic Human Resources Planning. (5 marks)
In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed and made discriminatory hiring practices illegal. There were three main points of this Act; equal opportunity, sexual harassment, and affirmative action. This Act required all human resources to comply with this law. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws protect individuals against discrimination
Identify and explain the various techniques for forecasting labor supply and labor demand. What can organizations do in the
3. In seeking to ensure conformance to EEO laws, what evidence of discrimination does the EEOC look for? In which areas of management is this most likely to occur?
* There will be employee shortages in the upcoming year that will require the company to seek outside sources in the form of new hires, temporary assignments and temporary hires. There will be a
For many companies, health insurance can become a challenge especially for those companies who make small profits trying to exist in today’s economy. That is the case for Quality Auto Parts, a company who has seen its profits from the late 80’s increase and decrease at different variables until today. During the recent recession the decline in auto sales put a damper on the auto parts dealers as well. This did not make things better when the doubling of health insurance benefits continues to rise over the years.
May be unable to find, hire and keep sufficient number of qualified employees at an attractive rate
Kim lives and works in a small town, even though she prefers life in a bigger city. She is quite dissatisfied with her current job and is thinking of leaving the organization. She is worried, however, about her ability to find other employment that pays as well as her current job. Additionally, she is concerned about finding another organization that offers medical benefits. Based on this information, Kim is experiencing _____.
Here I am going to explain what the purpose of workforce planning is and why as a result vacancies may occur. I am also going to identify and describe the internal and external factor that impact an organisations’ decision to recruit. The case introduces three companies of every different size with three different onboarding approaches. What differences do you see in their approaches? What similarities?
Some potential key issues impacting the success of an organization include staffing challenges. Employee retention issues and high turnover can have an adverse effect on any business. There are many factors that could possibly tie into overall staffing issues. The inability to attract and recognize key talent in the first place will only lead to future staffing issues, including performance management or negative behaviors that have an impact on the overall work environment of an organization. The Human Resources Department is
The main concern with the shortage of employees due to the region’s economic and social characteristics in the area of production line, since its level of education is very low. The risk of exploitation and the high cost of inputs greatly increase the liability of the partners. (Threats)
“The Storm water practices are of different kinds like Wetlands, Infiltration, Detention Basin, Rain Gardens, Biofiltration, etc.” The Storm water practices, for this project, are applied on Otara creek Stream which is an open channel that flows through the study site. All the drainage from the storm water, roadways and overflow from blocked or surcharged sewers in the defined study site flows into the Otara Creek Stream with a final discharge into the Tamaki River. In the event of heavy rainfall, storm water overwhelms the capacity of drainage system, i.e. Otara Creek Stream. Currently, there is no flow control and water quality treatment entering in the Otara Creek Stream. After analyzing the hydrological cycle of the Stream, the best storm water practices selected is to design a detention basin.”The purpose of Detention
Paragraph 4 Problem – How will the employer be impacted? What are the positives and negatives of your solution? How will the employees be impacted? What are the positives and negatives of your solution?