he HRM Process Human Resource Management (HRM) is a combination of elements that work interdependently on each other to carry out the daily functions within an organization. Human Resources Management operates in several roles serving as a liaison between the organization and the employee. This dual role often present challenges within HRM; therefore it is vital the HRM Department is skilled on various issues that may arise on a daily basis within an organization. In this paper, I will discuss the role of Human Resource Management and the value the HRM Department adds to a team. Moreover, I will confer various duties, and task required b HRM and how they contribute to the efficacy of an organization and employee performance to …show more content…
An additional role of HRM is preparing compensation and benefits packages that are attractive to qualified candidates while remaining within the limits of the organization 's budget. Human Resource Management are mandated to uphold regulations that support health and safety, and they must cultivate an atmosphere where employees feel safe. Moreover, HRM must establish safety systems and report job-related injuries immediately. In many organizations, especially in production, manufacturing, warehousing, or offshoring employment, the HRM Department may be required to interact with Union Workers regarding various issues; hence HRM must be knowledgeable of these practices and procedures.
Albeit, Human Resource Management processes necessitate abundant insight, planning, and collaboration, I will describe eight processes of HRM. As we discussed earlier the HRM process includes strategic planning which is the observation and evaluation period, during this level of the HR process, HRM will evaluate the needs of the organization internally and externally including opportunities for competitive advantages and potential threats.
The second phase of the HR process consists of job analysis and job design. This process critiques current positions and analyses to adjust further. Job analyzation is used for restructuring, candidate selection, performance reviews, training, and compensation and wage
Wright and McMahan (1994) define strategic HRM as “the pattern of planned Human Resource deployments and activities intended to enable the organisation to achieve its goals.” A HR function should impact the success of an organisation; a policy must remain current and suitable to both the internal and external environment. Ulrich and Lake (1990) affirm, ‘HRM systems can be the source of organisational capabilities that allow organisations to learn and capitalise on new opportunities.’
Human Resource Management is a unique approach for proper implementations of employment management. This organization department aims to achieve competitive advantage with the use of strategic deployment of a highly dedicated and competent labor force, by means of an integrated selection of intellectual, structural and personnel methods. HRM is a specified department that deals directly with the employees as well as their concerns in regard with anything that has to do with the company. HRM aims to enhance employees’ contribution to the organization they are employed with by introducing programs for extensive training and culture management. It is whole new concept on management theory, practice and style. HRM is commonly depicted as the working body concerned with activities in association with the effective management of workers in an organization.
| * Human resource planning is the process of anticipating future staffing needs and ensuring that a sufficient pool of talent possessing the skills and experience needed will be available to meet those needs. Because of that organization can face any future challenge about manpower. And minimizing wasting money for unexpected hiring and establishment of HRM department is other important thing of the human resource planning.
Today human resources problems are enormous and appear to be expanding. Human Resource Planning is the process by which managers ensure they have the right number of people, in the right places,and the right times. Who are capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve it?s overall objective. In other word, human resource planning translates the organization?s objectives into terms of the workers needed to meet those objectives ?Human resource planning can be condensed into three steps:
HR department is responsible for many of the attributions of an organization. HRM is a strategic part in the organizational achievement of the company. HR department major daily tasks are planning and alignment, staffing, preparing compensation offers and to shape, outline and define the culture of the organization. HRM process which purpose is to attract, retain, and motive is made up of eight main practices which include HR planning, job analysis and design, recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training and development, compensation, and benefits.
According to Miller (1987) HRM relates to “those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage”
Human Resources Management is a significant and very large area of business. It came about through the need to focus on what people were doing with their lives in the workplace that was not specifically related to actual work. In other words, there is more to the workday than the work that is being done, and people who work closely with one another can and should get along. Rules and regulations to facilitate this were needed, and had to be created on the individual company level (Society, 2012). Of course, those rules and regulations also have to mesh with the requirements of federal, state, and local laws put in place to protect workers and their employers. Additionally, workers needed a place or person to which they could go when they had questions or concerns about benefits, pay, treatment, and other issues. HR people are often certified in various disciplines (Society, 2012). They may have degrees in Human Resources, but many of them have other degrees, as well.
The HR department communicate effectively with employees and keep them informed of major issues and initiatives like sharing financial salary, and performance information to develop a high-trust organization with employees. They also provide employment security for employees who perform well so that they are not downsized because of economic downturns or strategic errors by senior management. With regards to compensation and benefits the HR functions include setting compensation structures and evaluating competitive pay practices. Mayew and
HRM is mainly the policies and management to recruit, develop and retain employees who will later on help the organisation achieves its goals. Having competitive, knowledgeable and satisfied employees can be a real advantage for the organisation and can directly contribute for the organisational success.
Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives.[1] HR is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. HR departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and rewarding
HRM is a process of managing people in such a way so that there is a cohesion between the management and employees. This approach focuses on the aims and outcomes of the HR function. Hence, job design, recruitment, people empowering, people development, and even making the “employment relationship/association” satisfying for both the management and employees are all part of the HR function in an organization. (www.managementstudyguide.com/human-resource-management.htm) The HR practices may be influenced on the basis of the internal factor like organization’s culture or externally due to the country’s culture, economic, political, social and technological factors. Thus, the HRM differ from country to country. For example, let’s take recruitment. In the US, while recruiting they look for candidates with widespread experience whereas, at the same time in Japan loyalty is valued more than experience in various organizations.
Human resource managers are known for providing information of framework for employment decision, as well as the management actions by means of employment policies rather than trying to structure the employment system to implement/concentrate strategies. (Hendry. C, 1995:5). There are two ways in which to define HRM. One being that it is the body of management with 15 different activities which are; recruitment, selection, economic downturn, change,
beginning of 1990s, it has been accepted that in order to improve business performance and develop
Define Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Compensation and benefits and their connection leading to employee’s satisfaction and meeting the organization’s business strategies.
The goal of HRM is to guarantee that employees of an organization are utilized in a way that the employer acquires the best conceivable advantage from their capacities, and the employees