
Human Resource Management Overview Essay examples

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This paper has been written to describe in detail a little bit about Human Resource Management. There are several key topics that are covered throughout this paper. The first section consist of material that describes what human resource management is in detail. The next section that is covered is concerning what the primary function of human resource management is. The last section that is covered is the role that human resource management plays in an organizations strategic plan. Human Resource Management is a very important key to any business there are many areas that relies on the people that work in this field. Working in this field takes a lot of dedication and time not only as a person but as a …show more content…

As I can recall there are four main functions that revolves around this job category. The first major function is what they call acquisition in which this consists of planning for employees which involves the following; needs of employees, skills needed, recruiting, and hiring (11Ju). The second major function is development which consists of basically training activities (11Ju). The third function involves compensation which includes paying the employees and giving them incentives (11Ju). The fourth function that I can think of is maintenance which involves employee benefits, insurance, and etc (11Ju). So with this being said I can not narrow it down to one primary function.
The main role for Human Resource Management in an organization’s strategic plan is the following. Human Resource Management works directly with the employees and they are aware of the employees needs and aware of the surrounding that the employees are put into. So therefore their main role is to help the others decide if a certain change would benefit or hurt the employees’ production, etc. Having some members from Human Resource Management aware of the strategic plan is critical when an organization is making plans to change something because they are able to say what they need to in order to keep the employees safe in the environment while making changes as necessary. If the HRM is left out of this type of planning there could be problems in a lot of different areas, Human Resource

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