Human Resource Strategy: A Review of the Literature Alyise Johnson University of Maryland University College April 27, 2015 Introduction Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) can be defined as the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational culture that fosters innovation, flexibility and competitive advantages. It is an approach to the development and implementation of Human Resource (HR) strategies that are integrated with business strategies and enable the organization to achieve its goals (Armstrong, 2000). For most organizations, HR is responsible for the recruitment and selection of personnel. Organizations often depend on their HR department to ascertain the appropriate talent to man available positions and clearly define the responsibilities of those positions, but are not limited to those standards. It is important that a company or organization maintain SHRM in order to address the wide range of organizational issues as they pertain to the many factors of managing human capital and getting the job done. When utilizing SHRM, HR transforms into a dynamic entity to ensure that benefits and policies are aligned to properly manage the practices of the entire organization. Because of this, the HR department is able to strategically support the entire organization by becoming a neutral decision maker in disputes and decisions across
Wright and McMahan (1994) define strategic HRM as “the pattern of planned Human Resource deployments and activities intended to enable the organisation to achieve its goals.” A HR function should impact the success of an organisation; a policy must remain current and suitable to both the internal and external environment. Ulrich and Lake (1990) affirm, ‘HRM systems can be the source of organisational capabilities that allow organisations to learn and capitalise on new opportunities.’
The field of human resources (HR) plays a critical role in the performance and success of organizations. As organizations have become increasingly more complex, the effective management of HR has become even more important. The traditional perception of HR as only an administrative office is no longer valid. Instead, contemporary HR is directly involved with the internal organizational structure, business operations, and variety of functions carried out by employees on a daily basis (Reed & Bogardus, 2012). HR functions impact the organization’s strategic planning, improvement processes, and goal achievement. Six core bodies of knowledge provide the foundation for all of these HR functions. These areas are: strategic
As the global business environment becomes increasingly competitive, more and more organisations are targeting human resources as a means of strategically gaining competitive advantage. Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is a constantly evolving process which is concerned with providing a strategic framework that supports an organisation’s long term business goals. The logic behind this is that organisations are using new innovative technologies to provide qualitative low- cost solutions, and are trying to manage their human assets more effectively (Wright,
In simple term, strategic human resource management is concern with the ways in people is crucial to company effectiveness. According to Miller (1987) strategic
An effective human resources (HR) strategy is the complete design, or strategic plan, that directs the engagement of specific HR functional areas. Subsequently, HR strategies will guide decisions about company personnel to make sure they are best suited for the company. For this to be successful, all of the functional areas of HR strategies must be directly compatible with the entire business strategy of the company (Wright, Snell, & Jacobsen, 2003). One such company that has been very successful in developing an HR strategy to support the overall business strategy, is the United Services Automobile Association, or more commonly known as USAA.
The focus of this paper is on the relationship between Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and organisational performance outcomes, specifically sustained competitive advantage. Using the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm as an underpinning theoretical framework, this paper examines several components of Strategic HRM including human capital (i.e. employees) capability and behaviour, human resource systems (policies and practices) and
Strategic HRM: can be defined as the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational culture that brings up innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage. Strategic HRM involves setting employment standards and policies. Moreover it is not any particular human resource strategy but it is a framework for shaping and developing many people management strategy. (Sarah Glimore and Steve Williams, 2009) It is the pattern of planned HR operations and activities intended to help an organisation to achieve its
Strategic Human Resource Management has been developed to give companies a competitive edge over other companies. Since widespread access to and the use of technology have resulted in tighter margins for maintaining a competitive edge,
Today 's fast-paced, competitive business environment has resulted in "rediscovery" of the human resource management function as a group that may be able to enhance firm competitiveness and performance by being "strategic" (Dyer & Kochan, 1995; Ulrich, 1997). Strategic Human Resource Management is a term describing an integrated approach to the development of Human Resource Strategy that will enable the organization to achieve its goals (Armstrong, 2005). Whiles strategy is an action that managers take to attain one or more of the organization’s goals. Strategy presents a general direction set for the company and its various components to achieve a desired state in the future. This results from the detailed
To begin evaluating strategic human resource management approaches, one must first understand the concept of human resource management and how it came to be. Human resource management stemmed from what use to be called personnel management in the early 1940’s. The term human resource management (HRM) was first used in the United States and it suggests to some that “employees were an asset or resource-like machines, but at the same time HR also appeared to emphasize employee commitment and motivation” (CPID, 2016).
Strategic human resource management as described by Nel et al. (2011:562) is “long-term, top-level management decisions and actions regarding employment relationships that are usually made and performed with the overall general strategic management of
The integrative model of human resource SHRM includes elements of both the control-based and the resource-based SHRM. Desired outcome dictates the elements that will be employed. HR policies can employ elements of commitment, collaboration, traditional and paternal control as needed to support its business strategy. Commitment strategies seek and develop internal talents to meet skill needed. Employees are seen as business partners and competitive advantage agents. Traditional HR and collaborative HR strategies have elements of externally acquiring physical resource or skills. External recruiting in the case of traditional HR strategy and subcontracting and hiring of consultants as part of the collaborative strategy can be used to provide competitive advantages to firms. External talents while providing short term advantages can be a disadvantage in the long term due to cost and potential threat to the firm business. The paternalistic HR strategy provides rewards for employees who learn and follow the company prescriptive directive for success.
Within this essay an in depth analysis will be conducted on the difference between Human Resource Management and Strategic Human Resource Management using contemporary perspectives. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of managing human resources in a systematic way. It is a practice devised to maximise the performance of employees and is concerned with the application of management principles to manage organisational personnel while paying attention to the policies and systems of the entity (Delaney & Huselid, 1996). Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a function of management which entails development of policies, programmes and practices related to human resources, which are aligned with business strategy so as to achieve the strategic objectives of the organisation (Patrick M. Wright, 1992). Its primary purpose is to improve the performance of the business and maintain a culture that encourages innovation and works continuously to gain competitive advantage. In this essay the Resource-Based View, High Performance Management and High Commitment Management perspectives of Strategic Human Resource Management and Traditional and Collaborative
The strategic human resources management of the means every person from within organization from the top of management level to the bottom of ground staffs are doing things that make the organization successful. According to Schuler, R. S. (1992) strategic human resources management is defined about integration and adaption within organization .Its concern to ensure HR management is fully integrated with the strategy and these HR policies are adjusted and used by the employees and their line managers as part of their everyday work.
Strategic Planning are the procedures for making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies. Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of anticipating and making provision for the movement (flow) of people into, within, and out of an organization. Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is the pattern of human resources deployments and activities that enable an organization to achieve its strategic goals. Strategy formulation provides input as to what is possible given the types and numbers of people available and strategy implementation are the primary resource allocation decisions about processes, structure and human resources. HRM is a strategic tool only if it contributes to the bottom line. Strategic management is considered to be a continuous activity that requires a constant adjustment of three major interdependent poles: the values of senior management, the environment, and the resources available. HR managers must be concerned with connecting HRP and strategic planning for the organization as a whole. Via strategic planning, organizations set major objectives for themselves and develop comprehensive plans to achieve those objectives.