
Human Side of Change and Its Relation with Success Essay

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Matriculation/Exam Number: s1158302 / B020676
Course Name and Code: Organisation Studies/BUST08011
Tutor’s Name: Dr Tom Calvard
Assignment Due Date: 27/10/2011

Question Number: 2

Text of Question: A survey by McKinsey & Company (2008) reported that two-thirds of organisational change initiatives fail. In what ways could a fuller understanding of the ‘human’ aspects of change help improve this success rate?

Everyday, a new idea occur , a new technology changes our view, a new customer with novel tastes join into our market , our economic conditions change, the time is ticking away so fast that even our social and cultural values change. …show more content…

In these case, unlike the theory of Warren Bennis, mechanical-base management ,which includes lots of bureaucratic structures,control and rigid authority over employees and vertical communication lines, becomes necessary. The reason is, while making decisons during the change process, consultation takes time since there is high possibility of different ideas and solutions to occur by each employee. Also, in order to consult employees, using the methods like surveys, focus-groups interviews and hiring an expert in this area would cost to a company. Nevertheless, is it really make sense to avoid employee consultation just because it requires money and time? Wouldn’t the results of ignoring the human side of change cost more to an organisation in long term? For instance, a change can be easily placed in an organisation structure theoretically in a “cost and time efficient” way, however when it’s comes to practice, these changes might backfire because employees may not be able to see the real reason of these changes and they can assess them as a treat for their current wealth. Moreover , being aware of the fact that organisational changes are being applied without consultation, employees might feel unvaluable which in return causes the decay of commitment, loyalty and diligence. In severe cases, they might

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