Informative Outline
Topic: Human Trafficking
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Human Trafficking. What it is, where it is and who gets affected.
Central Idea/Thesis: Human trafficking is overlooked but occurs on a more widespread basis then people believe.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: What if you were promised a better life with an advanced career, but instead were forced into prostitution? Many are unknowingly placed into this position by human traffickers.
B. Relation: Human trafficking is simply a “modern day slave trade”. It transports and sells victims across borders, but also trafficking is the crime of carrying someone into slavery by force or fraud. “The victims of human
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“A third method used by traffickers is kidnapping. Those approached to work in the sex industry but who are unwilling to leave their country of origin may be kidnapped.” (Hodge)
d. “Finally, recruiters may approach families or guardians living in poverty and seek to purchase girls or young women. Recruiters may point out how the money might be used to help existing family members while promising that their daughter will have access
Recruiting victims is effective when the potential victim's family members are involved (Bales 44). The traffickers convince the girls to stay and keep their mouths shut by threatening to do serious harm to the victim's loved ones. The traffickers know where the victim's family lives and
Human trafficking is a modern-day multibillion slavery business, involving victims who are kidnapped, smuggled and/or recruited then forced into slavery, labor and/or sexual exploitation. The primary cause of human trafficking is poverty. It is a global epidemic sweeping the nations and has been for years. It is more prevalent in third world countries, yet it is occurring all over the world. Traffickers make an income and a way of living from offering humans for slavery, labor, and sexual exploitation. According to Equality Now, “At least 20.9 million adults and children are bought and sold worldwide into commercial sexual servitude, forced
Over the last several years, the issue of human trafficking has been compared with the slave trade. This is because both are focused on taking someone against their will and forcing them to engage in demeaning activities. Yet, the practices of modern traffickers are different from slave traders. To fully understand the similarities and disparities requires contrasting them with one another. The combination of these factors will provide specific insights about the two. (Bales, 2010)
Sex trafficking is essentially systemic rape for profit. Force, fraud and coercion are used to control the victim’s behavior which may secure the appearance of consent to please the buyer (or john). Behind every transaction is violence or the threat of violence (Axtell par. 4). Just a decade ago, only a third of the countries studied by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had legislation against human trafficking. (Darker Side, par.1) Women, children, and even men are taken from their homes, and off of the streets and are brought into a life that is almost impossible to get out of. This life is not one of choice, it is in most times by force. UNODC estimates that the total international human trafficking is a
Human trafficking, also known as modern-day slavery, is one of the most profitable crimes today. According to Polaris Project, “Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar crime industry that denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world.” (Human) This is why learning about human trafficking in the United States is so important. Although, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States many people are still victims of being bought, sold, and abused. As citizens of the United States, we need to be aware of the issues we face as a country. Therefore, my research paper is for all citizens of the United States.
"Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking and Prostitution." ProQuest SIRS Issue Researcher. Alice Leuchtag, Jan. & feb. 2003. Web. 8 Feb. 2017.
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, currently second after illegal drug-trade. Human trafficking is a violation of human rights and considered to be a form of modern day slavery, the illegal trade of humans for forced labor or exploitation, fortunately it is recognized as a growing issue in the United States. Exploitation refers to the use of other individuals for prostitution or any forms of forced labour. Trafficking victims do not have to be foreign born or
Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to compel adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. Under U.S. federal law, any minor under the age of eighteen years induced into commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking—regardless of whether or not the trafficker used force, fraud, or coercion (polarisproject). That being said many of these women and children are either threaten or given a false promise or a good job, some fall in love with the person forcing them to prostitute themselves or some of these women and children are sold by their families to pay off debt. Sex trafficking is global issue but to attack the problem we need to start within our borders and try to minimize the situation at home. Human trafficking is widely known and practice, but we fail to protect the victims. Our failure to stop this allows the traffickers to continue abusing their victims, which sadly ae the most vulnerable out there, children and
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that human trafficking is an incredibly relevant issue today that must be halted.
Human Trafficking is defined as the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. According to the Human Trafficking Resource Center, over 6,000 calls have been received just this year about human trafficking cases. Not only are cases being reported on a global scale, but it’s happening to both genders and many nationalities. It’s a form of modern day slavery, having components of forced labor, and forced sexual acts. Mentioned in the study of the International Study Program in Humanities was a former trafficker Jacob and he stated how “these girls have mainly been brought by the traffickers for money”, but all these girls are getting raped and abused. Human trafficking is one of
Thesis: Human trafficking in the United States seems to be overlooked and not taken very seriously. Close to 20,000 women and children are trafficked in the US yearly. There seems to be nothing that can be done about it. Most times the victims are never heard from or seen again leaving very little of their known
Specific Purpose: I want to inform my audience about human trafficking and how to prevent it.
The topic I would like to discuss in my term report is the topic of Human Trafficking. By definition; human trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. The main reason I chose this topic is because of a story I read recently about a woman named Nadia Murad, who was taken from her home in Iraq and sold to men as a sex slave. This topic is interesting because it is unfathomable to me not only that there is still a market for this, but this market is still prospering. Although we lack quantitative data for it since it is part of the world’s underground economy i.e. the Black Market, there have been attempts to analyze this shadow economy. I also find it hard to understand why there is still a market for human trafficking since productivity flourishes when humans have a freedom of choice and there is a clear economic gain. I would think that this type of crime would interfere with economic growth on a national and even international level since humans clearly have no freedom in this sort of market. Nonetheless Human trafficking is said to be the fastest growing source of income for organized crime and its third most important, exceeded only by drugs and arms trade (as cited in Mahmoud, Trebesch, 2010)
Human Trafficking is a form of organized crime, in which people of all ages are taken from their homes to be exploited for sexual or labor purposes. The traffickers use fear and violence to get these people to come with them, and all they really want out of it is money. I will be using four main sources to gather my information. First I will give a general overview of two websites giving great depth into the topic of human trafficking. I will then summarize three case studies on human trafficking. Finally, I will give my views on the issue, and tell why it is such any important topic for the public to hear about.
Human trafficking is a worldwide problem. From California to Australia, it happens. “161 countries are reported to be affected by human