
Human Trafficking Impact On Victims

Decent Essays

Human Trafficking Impact on Victims
Since the day we are born, our parents, school, and society try to teach us about life. Our parents try to teach us the values of life. They try to teach us the difference between what it is to have good character, from knowing the difference between right and wrong, good or bad or just being a good person versus a bad person. As we go through each day, our characters are built based on what we were taught, how we react to things around us, down to the choices we make in certain situations. So what happens when you go through a tragic situation, to where everything you were taught comes into question?
Each year, thousands of men, woman, and children are victims of human trafficking (UNODC, 2017). According …show more content…

However, Human Trafficking is wrong in my opinion because it goes against our virtue ethics or what is considered morally right and wrong, while also having an impact on our emotivism. Human Trafficking can not only significantly affects its victims, but their loved ones as well. It impacts a person’s character and the way they live their life after being affected by human trafficking. In this paper, we will take a look at why some may think it's justified based on a deontology theory. We will then dive into show why Human Trafficking is not warranted based on our Virtue ethics and morals while having an emotional impact on the way we react to future situations that can trigger a similar emotional …show more content…

I think what Aristotle meant by this quote was that a person that holds power shows their real character on what they decide to do with that power. When it comes to human trafficking the person deciding to commit the act holds the power of whether or not they should do what is clearly wrong or let the power necessarily go to their head and do what they think is right at the time.
However, for the victim that has to go through such a tramadic experience may turn out to have similiart characteristics because the person that decided to take them was their only role model. That is not to say though that the opposite can happen as well. Sometimes when putting into situations, we tend to see how courageous we are and prove to be more of a fighter than we realized. Is that Each paragraph of your assignment should be clear and easy to

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