The Day my God Died video opened up my eyes to how serious human trafficking is. Human trafficking is a horrible getting brought to a place where you have been sold for sex will never be a good experience. Not only are the women having problems on top of that the STI’s that spread are scary. I have picked one people from the video. Who gives you an inside look on human trafficking.
To begin with, the first person I will talk about is a girl who was trafficked and rescued. I picked her actually for her name and the name of the person what got her into trafficking in the first place. The girls name is Anita which is the same as mine and she was tricked by her friend Tara (this is my sisters name) when they went to a movie. Anita was helped after
Sex trafficking is becoming more of a problem as time moves on. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harbouring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion [Internet Safety 101]. Sex trafficking is increasing due to the evolution of modern day social services and sources. From safety sources, it is the second fastest growing criminal industry, [Internet Safety 101]. Increasingly, sex trafficking is coming about due to the evolution of the internet and the improved ability of GPS tracking. On social media, many people find other people and try to be their friend, even if they don't know who they are. This provides opportunities for fake people to create more of a problem. The internet is providing different advertising places that can increase the effect of sex trafficking and lure in citizens to becoming victims. Sex trafficking has to come to an end for the safety of citizens, for the safety of their pride and dignity.
Baby Blues, the most common and mildest form of mood disorder can last up to two weeks after having a baby without the mother needing treatment.
A woman and her child decided to go out for a small date. She is shopping around and all of the sudden she feels herself being pulled away with her daughter. Her and her child are in a dark van not knowing where she is going. When she arrives at the location you are forced to do unimaginable things, the child included. Now this may not be a reality for you, however this has been for over 20.9 million people. That is people 800,000 a year (Do something Para 5).Young girls are especially targets right now. Not many people are aware of this horrible business but today I plan to make you aware of the horrors of sex trafficking. Sex trafficking needs to be stopped because it has a negative effect on people in the society.
What’s the word that describes someone who thinks that the world revolves around them? Self-centered? Egocentric? Narcissist? Vain? Self-seeking? Selfish? Hm. Is that too harsh? We live in society today where we are only concerned about ourselves. Somehow, we have adopted the mentality that life revolves strictly around me and what I want. We are so consumed with ourselves that we have totally forgotten about the thousands of people who struggle every day for their life. Who are these people that I am talking about? The people who are promised a better life but instead are trapped into this terrible system where they are forced to do things they never knew about. This system is called Human trafficking. Today, I would like to convince you that this world does not revolve around you.
One of my all time favorite musicals as I was growing up was alway Annie, about a sweet little orphan who through determination and a little positivity found a better life. But has happened to orphans nowadays, you don’t exactly drive by your neighborhood orphanage on your way to work. It seems that these children have disappeared, virtually falling off the face of the earth. Today they are called foster kids with families like my own housing them. The early foster system was established in the 1500s in order to care for children who were removed from their parents. Foster care was intended to be a short-term solution until the child is either adopted or reunited with their family. However, the average child will spend over two years waiting to be adopted. But the flaws in this system run much deeper, from mental disorders all the way to human trafficking. Human trafficking through the foster system is a dire problem that can not be neglected. We will examine this today by looking at three points; recognizing what the problem, understanding the pressure that they are under, and finally how you and i can help provide the promise of a new life
Human trafficking doesn’t happen in third world countries only. It doesn’t just happen to poor people and it certainly doesn’t solely happen to women. It is present here in the USA but it is hidden, and even worse, so are their victims. They are everywhere yet invisible. They are silently crying for our help through their eyes and smiles. According to Polaris, “…the prevalence of sex trafficking in the United States is still unknown, we do know that women, children, and men are being sold for sex against their will in cities and towns in all 50 states”. Human trafficking can happen to anyone even to Theresa Flores, the author of “The slave across the street”(“Sex trafficking” 2015). An average 15 year old American girl, coming from a privileged background and a respected family became a victim of sex trafficking and through her book, she convinces us that human trafficking doesn’t have a specific demographic.
Imagine for a moment you are a normal man or woman. You have lots of friends, a spouse who you love, maybe children and pets too. You have a new co-worker at your job. This person has invited you to come to a party in the less safe part of town, but you accept anyways because you want to become friends with this person. The next thing you remember is waking up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, they tell you you are to do everything they say or your family and friends will die. You will now be forced to perform sex acts, or forced to work for little to no money, and you won't be allowed to see your family ever again, with no way out unless someone from one of many organizations rescues you. People who are trafficked are used in many ways and for many reasons. Human trafficking victims can go to one of the many organizations for help.
Create a 5-6 minute presentation using PowerPoint visuals. Make sure your PowerPoint follows the guidelines discussed in class. The purpose of the presentation should be to inform the audience. Your presentation should reflect a topic, theme, or issue relevant to your major. For ideas of topics, you may consider looking at issues of Crains’ Chicago, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune,, The Huffington Post,, Slate, Wired, or industry-specific papers/journals in your area of study.
Human trafficking has received increasing global attention over the past decade. Trafficking of women and girls for forced sex work and, to a lesser extent, domestic servitude, were the sole focus of advocacy and assistance. There is recognition in today’s society that women, children, and men are trafficked into many different forms of labour, and for sexual exploitation. In her article, “Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women”, Cathy Zimmerman and Heidi Stockl focus on the commonality of human trafficking and how evident it is in everyday life. They bring in the health effects and possible solutions to human trafficking to help validate their opinion and argument. In the solutions they offer, Zimmerman and Stockl shine a light on policy-makers/decision-makers, health-care providers, and researchers/funders and what each of these groups of people can do to help combat the issue of human trafficking. In a quote from their article, Stockl and Zimmerman say: “Health care providers and organizations involved with trafficked persons should increase their capacity to identify and refer people in trafficking situations and provide sensitive and safe services to people post-trafficking”. This quote shows how Zimmerman and Stockl believe human trafficking should be combated by caring and talking to those affected by the issue but how they also believe awareness should be made about human trafficking so as to allow people surrounding the issue to identify and help victims of this issue. Zimmerman and Stockl’s view on the ways human trafficking should be combatted relate to those of Soroptimist due to the fact that the two groups of people are focused mainly on helping women and girls who have been trafficked and trying to get them to a better life after getting out of the trafficking situation. Both groups focus on helping men as well, providing options to help them such as raising money and awareness, and getting educated on being able to identify victims of human trafficking.
1. This informative speech on “The Cause of Homelessness “is very Inform able and worth listening to, because in today’s economy it could be you or me. Some seem to think homelessness is choice. I find this speech relevant to the world I live in today, due to the high unemployment rate, declining job market, and the economic hardships that families are enduring. This topic is not a broad one, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see
some pay equity progress has been made primarily in developed countries in Canada and Europe,
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act (Homeland).
She’s the girl who’s running away from her abusive past, the one who is impoverished and looking for a way to make ends meet, or perhaps, she’s the girl who naively fell in love with the wrong man. Regardless of the reasons, there are nearly 30 million victims of human trafficking globally. There are more slaves now than ever before. Trafficking of persons is not a subject that should be ignored or taken lightly. In order to fully understand the enormity of this crisis, we will examine the root causes, facts, and the impact of human trafficking throughout the world.
I am sure most of you have seen videos of these killer clowns around the US hiding in the woods and cornfields or whatever place that seems horrifiying at night. These crep have reasearched this topic to find out about what it truly is all about. The relevance in this to you guys is because it happens near us. The news channel, WDAY broadcasted a story in April 2008 about a kidnapping that happened in Moorhead. Ashley Ware was the victim in that case 8 years ago and you could say she was wondering why kidnapping is a thing in the first place, how this was going to affect her and lastly why this man was doing what he was doing. And that’s what im going to tell you today.
Human Trafficking has become the modern day slavery; endangering millions if innocent humans. What is human trafficking? Well human trafficking or sex trafficking is when someone is illegally moving people from one country to another; it’s typically known for forced labor or forced sexual exploitation. Many victims are tricked into thinking that they are getting a better job offer, better living environment or even tricked into thinking they will be moved safely to a better country. This illegal industry is making a fortune, over $32 billion yearly, and is spreading all over the world. Now many people aren’t aware of the major threat and that is because people aren’t aware of what’s going on. For example, many of the students in my English class were unaware of what human trafficking was. During the class we had the opportunity to read Sold written by Patricia McCormick, and it opened up all of our eyes. It gave us the perspective of what the slaves had to deal with. With the book and the recent movies, like Taken, have opened up the eyes of society and see how dangerous and common human trafficking is.