
Human Trafficking Outline

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Human trafficking is interesting. The gruesome lifestyle the victims are forced to live is similar to horror movies. Even though people know it will cause you to react negatively, you still pursue to watch it. Human trafficking is:
...recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. (Feingold,161)
In states and countries where human trafficking is popular, there are no hotlines or laws to prevent it. Mountain states in the United …show more content…

Feingold stated that:
The same U.S. law that made trafficking a federal crime also gave the U.S. the right to punish other states that do not crack down on human trafficking. The State Department is required to send a report to congress each year, ranking countries according to their success in combating trafficking and threatening sanctions for those with the worst records.(30)
The U.S. government is firm on where the country stands when it comes to human trafficking. For example, the U.S federal government is working on helping Nevada free foreign sex slaves with the help of the Justice Department. Feingold stated that:
An odd but effective coalition of liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, committed feminists and evangelical Christians pushed a law through congress in 2000 that aimed to prosecute traffickers and protect victims at home, while pressuring other countries to take action …show more content…

Although the state has sex and labor trafficking legal provisions, North Dakota has a low burden of proof for crimes victimizing minors. North Dakota does not provide enough assistance or compensation for victims. The state does not have a hotline or a task to be enforced. Also, human trafficking is widespread and has become a huge issue in Asia. An estimated number of nine and a half million victims are involved in forced labor in Asia. 950,000 people in Asia are victims of sexual exploitation. Jean Kilbourne describes the brutality of human trafficking. She states, “Turning a human being into a thing is...the first step towards justifying violence against that

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