
Essay on Human and Par Tab

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"Did the early Egyptians have help in building the pyramids?" All over the world remain fantastic objects, vestiges of people or forces which the theories of archaeology, history, and religion cannot explain. There is something inconsistent about our archaeology. They have found electric batteries many thousands of years old. They have found strange beings in perfect space-suits with platinum fasteners. They have also found numbers with fifteen digits- something not registered by any computer. How did the early men acquire the ability to do this? par tab Some say all these questions can be answered through the evidence found in ancient wall paintings and carvings, and the sculpture and buildings found in many different …show more content…

So if there is evidence shown the extraterrestrials did have an influence on ancient civilizations, we should be able to look at it and make a intelligent decision for ourselves.par tab Much evidence is found on the walls of ancient buildings and temples. The walls of tombs and even caves have the signature of something other than human.

In Anannhet, Tassili there are rock paintings 8,000 years old with strong figures.
These figures are flying above a spherical object with a hatch like lid and two protrustions, l that seem to be spitting fire or smoke. Also, on these rock paintings there is a painting of a creature with antenna-like excrescence's on his arms and thighs. He has a helmet with slits for eyes nose, and mouth.
There is a naked woman next to him. Also, in the Libyan Desert there are Stone
Age Cave paintings of floating people, creatures. How do cavemen, or how would they think of floating men? They didn't ev en have a spoken language. On another Tassili Mountains there is a man that seems to be wearing a close fitting spacesuit like that in modern times. A disc was found named the
"genetic disc". It was named this because on each side on the disc there were carvings of the life from conception to full growth the disc is dated around
12,000 B>C> This is very amazing since prehistoric inhabitants of Colombia or anywhere else for that matter didn't have microscopes and therefore it would have been almost impossible to know of spermatozoa. So where did

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