
Humanism Vs Religion

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I have previously spoken on God, knowledge, and origins, as we move on, we need to account for the moral values. Secular Humanism is the same as atheism, there is no supernatural, or a transcended God, that is personal, that can transcend and interact in supernatural ways. Nor has God given man moral values, that are written upon his heart. The fact of the matter is, in Christianity moral values have their objective and universal basis in the immutable nature of God. Atheist believe in a number of different opinions concerning moral values. 1. That morals come about by a cultural agreement. 2. Morals are subjective. 3. that we make our moral values, because it is a behavior that gets in the way of society. 4. Moral values are discovered. This is not an exhausted list by any means.
The first thing we need to recognize is that all these position fail to provide for true moral values. The idea that morals come about by cultural agreement fails in that societies live to far apart to even come together for any such agreement universally. Second, if morals are subjective, than you could not condemn another society for doing what they think is right; thus you couldn't condemn Hitler for killing millions of people because Hitler thought he was doing the right thing. Third, the idea that doing …show more content…

Although Christianity is faith base it is supported by evidence. Many evidential proofs when pieced together create a cumulative case for Christianity, which any reasonable person can believe. Just as a case in court where the jury is ask to take the circumstantial evidence and render a verdict “beyond a reasonable doubt,” not empirical. This is what the atheistic materialist is asking for when ask to believe in Christianity. It goes with out saying that the principal of empirical epistemology itself is not empirically verifiable. Thus, it refutes

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