
Humanitarian Intervention Research Paper

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I. Introduction
In 2011, Operation Unified Protector performed air strikes over Libya, destabilizing the country and enabling the murder of Libya’s dictator of 42 years, Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. The United Nations Security Council justified the Libya Intervention for NATO allies on the grounds of an imminent humanitarian crisis that was thought to occur at the direction of Gaddafi. Thus, the United States, UNSC, and NATO allies are culpable for the humanitarian catastrophe in Libya and the killing of Gaddafi, because of their misuse of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) for their “Humanitarian Intervention” in 2011.
In this paper I will provide a brief history of relations between the U.S. and Libya since 1979 and give an overview of the 2011 NATO-led “Humanitarian Intervention” in Libya claimed to prevent an anticipated humanitarian crisis. I will examine the stated motivations behind the NATO-backed Intervention that resulted in the regime change. I will explain President Barack Obama’s motivations to move forward with the intervention, as well as his current state of mind on the matter. In addition, I will explain Secretary of State Hillary Clinton motives at the time of the intervention, the reasons as revealed in her recently released …show more content…

and her NATO allies performed the intervention without a post-intervention rebuilding plan in place and asserts that they are content with this outcome (Youssef Sawani, E-Int’l Relations, The US and Libya: Turbulent History and Uncertain Future, 2014). Referring back to Obama’s current thoughts on the Libya Intervention, he admits that there was no plan in place to re-stabilize the country after the fall of Gaddafi. According to Recchia, an effort to share in the burden of peacekeeping and stabilization plans is necessary for public support (p. 262) (Stefano Recchia, Soldiers, Civilians, and Multilateral Humanitarian Intervention,

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