
Humanity In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was written in 1818, it follows a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who learns how to create life and creates a being in the likeness of man, but instead creates a creature larger than the average man and more powerful. Frankenstein and his creation, both struggle with the idea being human through the novel. While Frankenstein is human by nature, the creation still portray many human aspects. Being human is to be apart of a community where people relate to others and ultimately accept others because they are the same. The creature is not human in the way that he is constantly rejected from society because of his appearance, action, and his overall being. Victor Frankenstein made the creature, he was not born like …show more content…

The creature was constructed from old body parts and many unknown chemicals, then brought to life by electricity. Frankenstein could not even describe his own creation in a positive way. “[T]he beauty of [his] dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled his heart” (Shelley 35). If the creature’s own father could not accept him, how would the rest of society. The reader sees that Frankenstein ran from his own creature at the sight and that the rest of society rejected him as well. If the creature were truly human, he would have appeared to look like personlike. Share common features. Look fairly similar, but he did not. Since Frankenstein used old, dead body parts, there is no way that the creature would truly resemble what a human would look like. Not only does the creature not look like a human, he does not act the same. He may help the DeLacy family by giving them firewood, but the rest of his actions in the novel to not resemble those of …show more content…

The DeLacy family was a poor family that consisted of an old blind man; his son and daughter, Felix and Agatha; and a foreign woman, Safie. The creature once stole food from the family and then noticed that the family then suffered from the lack of that food. The creature felt bad about what he had done, so in return he secretly offered the family firewood. The creature eventually learned how to speak and interact by secretly watching the family. After some time, he wanted to reveal himself the the family, hoping they would accept him. To the creature’s dismay, the family was not satisfied. Agatha fainted. Sadie ran. Felix beat the creature. (Shelley 96, 97). The creature was run off by not only his looks, but also by his initial interaction with the family. As a result in being rejected by family, the creature burned down their cottage. In a society, when someone is not initially welcomed by a family, they would never act like that. The creature did not know how to act, since he was not human. He burned the cottage down out of impulse. Doing a monstrous act, not a human one. These actions made by the creature cast him out, but also the fact that he was made and not born like everyone

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