
Humanity In The Road, By Cormac Mccarthy

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Humanity, what is it? And why do humans need reasons to survive? Are we influenced from our beliefs or is there a whole different topic in which we follow? At a young age we are taught from what is wrong and right in our society, and why is that? What do we have to lose? In the book, “The Road”, by Cormac McCarthy it explains how this man wanted to survive for his son and if his son died, he wouldn't want to continue on. He continued to give hope for his son that there's something better if they kept going down the road. Humanity is complex and human nature can be shown by three distinct values hope, fear, and judgement.
Humans tend to believe in the greater good. We always believe that there will be something better in our future. To have …show more content…

We want to prove those around us that we are better than what we truly are. We have fears that show another side to us. As humans, we have to face our fears to move on through our struggles. In the excerpt, “Social Contract” by Jean Jacques Rousseau, it explains how, “Force made the first slaves, and their cowardice perpetuated the condition.” Fear just gets in the way and we need to overcome what it brings us. By facing our fears, we gain confidence in what we can do. It's like a motivation factor that you have to win over. Those who cannot face their fears are stuck trying to move on with life. In the Thomas Hobbs excerpt, it states, “Fear of oppression disposes a man to anticipate or to seek aid by society; for there is no other way by which a man can secure his life and liberty…”. They have to be brave enough to survive what's around them. Without fear, there is no excitement to keep you going. Everything would be boring and you wouldn't care because there's no reason for you to survive. This is why we need our fears, it's a way to motivate us in a way of discomfort. Fear helps us realize that it's okay to fail sometimes and if we disappoint those around, we would just have to get back up and try

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