Humanity shouldn’t pursue exploration of Mars because we have more pressing issues like conflicts over the world (WW3). Money can be spent on other programs and or research that can be useful today instead of exploring Mars. Also, if they did explore Mars the exploration could bring back a deadly disease that no one can cure. Mars exploration could be disastrous, one scenario that can occur is if the exploration brings back a deadly disease or diseases that no one can cure and can kill all of mankind. Natives died from diseases that were brought from the Europeans and many Europeans died from diseases from the Natives. Disease that we give to the life on Mars that kills all life on Mars or a disease from Mars bought to Earth that kills all
The people that go to mars are risking their lives they can die of many things, including lack of oxygen and sickness. There is no atmosphere on Mars so therefore there is no oxygen which all humans need. The people will try to make an atmosphere by planting plants which let off oxygen, which could easily fail. Some
The first reason that adults won’t go to Mars is that their are some high risks of death. For example, The chances are that they’ll crash when people go to Mars because their atmosphere is way more dense than Earth’s atmosphere. It’ll also be LOT more harder to land a ship on Mars than on Earth because the Mar’s atmosphere can’t slow down the ship, according to Popular Science website. Another risk is that people need to face is the coldness of Mars temperature, people will die from freezing to death on Mars since Mars is much farther away from the sun and the storms that it has. An wesite Popular Science claims that the weather on Mars isn’t suitable for humans to live in. The Temperature on Mars is under -81o F! That means every time a grown up go outside they need to wear a spacesuit and battle the coldness of Mar’s cold weather.
There are many potential dangers with the Mars One Mission. Mars can be a very dangerous and scary place to live. The trip to Mars One is dangerous. Going to mars would not be a good idea in 2023 because there will not be any oxygen, no food is grown there at this time, and one could be exposed to dangers outside.
Mars is a planet that we are still learning and discovering new things about. They have landed rovers on the planet and has discovered water under the surface of the planet. If they were to send humans to mars it would help discover more things that a robot couldn't do that a person can. With a person's view it would be better because the person would be able to describe it and show proof.
When scientists colonize mars it will give people the opportunity to find ice underground, it well inspire so many people, and it will allow mankind another place to live. People are ready to go to mars for things the Earth needs. It will be a expensive trip but scientists can do
Major exploration shouldn’t be supported because of all the things that can go wrong. Space and ocean exploration can be hard and may cause harm to people’s health. Traveling through space has a risk on your life, losing someone close for years is hard to keep inside you, going to the deep ocean gives a lot of risk because it is unknown.
Colonizing Mars would be very beneficial in many ways but it would also be very dangerous for humans. Are humans willing to take initiative and take the risk of traveling to Mars? If they are not ready then will the Earth slowly become destroyed and humans will regret never taking the risk? Humans now have the technology, knowledge and opportunity to do something that’s new, exciting and possibly
Exploration has had a huge impact on the world. It brought animals, plants, and foods to other civilizations. However, exploration does have some downfalls. The obvious reason would be that it’s too expensive. The second would be that it’s dangerous. Finally, the last reason is that we may not find what we’re looking for.
Over the past decade there has been more thought put into space exploration and on the list when deciding where to travel is Mars. Some people believe Mars has a huge pay off with a chance of finding life, valuable resources, and innovations in farming practices and equipment. Although Mars may appear to be a good investment when it comes to space exploration, it is not; travel to Mars involves many high costs, risks, and lack of public support making the mission nearly impossible to complete. To add onto the numerous other problems is the fact that there is no available technology at this time to conduct a manned mission to Mars.
Added to the economic costs to America, a venture to Mars causes substantial risk to the society. The environment and society are very important to human survival on Earth. Even though some people feel that exploring Mars may help understand the Earth better, and going to Mars will be a great scientific milestone, in my opinion exploring Mars is a bad idea. The atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times thinner than earth and it is not suitable for us to breath. It contains about 95% of carbon dioxide and little or no oxygen. This will make it very difficult for humans to survive there. Unlike Mars, which is not protected and is exposed to everything, the Earth is protected by the ozone layer. Exploring Mars will be dangerous to humans and very expensive to taxpayers. This will take years of planning and the mission will take years instead of days. The astronauts who go there may run out of oxygen and even fall sick. They will be unable to just return at any time. They have to wait until the earth aligns with Mars before they can return. All this could take months or even
If we were to go to Mars the progression of technology that would be made and the astronomical research available would greatly benefit humanity, the future, and our planet (The Mars Society). Humanity would be greatly benefited if we were to go to Mars because if there is evidence of life separate from ours this would be a the greatest scientific discovery for a very long time (National Center for Biotechnology Information). The future would also be benefited for if we could colonize another planet and this would create hope to spread humanity across the entire galaxy. If humans were to step foot on and study Mars, our planet, Earth, would be benefited. It has been scientifically proved that Earth is slowly being heated through global warming; however, research on Mars might provide highly helpful information for Mars is the planet in our solar system that is the most similar to Earth (American Museum of Natural History).
Exploring mars, It could be supper risky and dangerous. No it would be unlikely that NASA would send people up to mars without a fully labeled plan. These are some reasons why it would be so risky. First of all the main reason why we shouldn't go to mars is that we have no idea what could be living there or anywhere in space, so we should try to study it. In “Dark They Were And Golden Eyed”,
In conclusion, our process to discover mars has just begun, scientists might have to invent some new options to bring our abilities up to space level. Exploring Mars is definitely one of the biggest challenges scientists will ever face, simply because there are so many obstacles we are facing, and preparing for the trip has taken a lot more time than was expected by NASA in 1969. I personally think that we at least need about 2 or more decades so scientists will be able to find better options and invent more useful and helpful ideas. President John F. Kennedy said: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard”. Our mission to the moon is not as easy as it was thought would be, scientists need a lot more time and management to this particular problem. Going to a completely different plant and exploring it requires a lot of time, a new way of thinking, and a lot of corporation and
Should we really send people to Mars? After considering Andy Weir's statement regarding travel to Mars, I am of the opinion that we as a nation should not fund a manned mission to Mars in the near future because it will be expensive, dangerous, and robots could do the same things as humans. With one mission to mars, it will be enough to discover but the risks you might take will be dangerous and could cause your life.
From the article "Let's Not Move to Mars" by Ed Regis, published by the New York Times on September 21, 2015 states, "As with any cutting-edge technology, there will be continuous threats of equipment failures.."(Regis ). Although NASA thinks that humans already have advanced technology, but it does not mean there will not be any difficulties that can lead to injuries or fatalities toward humans. Furthermore, with the lack of technology, another reason why we should not send humans to Mars would be the amount of money it would take to build a space craft. From the article "why we can't send humans to Mars yet" by Adam Mann states, "humans can't properly store the necessary fuel long enough for a Mars trip, we don't yet have a vehicle capable of landing people on the Martian surface" (Mann). NASA does not yet have the amount of resources and the money to build a space craft that will certainly send humans safely to Mars.