Procedure Participants arrived to a classroom setting, where an experimenter greeted them. They then provided the experimenter with informed consent, after which 17 different paper-and-pencil questionnaires were administered. Of interest to this study, participants were asked to complete the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory (Rosenberg, 1965; see Appendix A) on which they gave themselves a rating of 1 to 9 on items designed to measure self-esteem. Next, Participants completed the 32-item Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin et al., 2003; see Appendix B) designed to obtain a score for each of the four humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating). Finally, participants were fully debriefed and dismissed. The entire
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS) was used to measure the clients level of self-esteem. The RSS is a 10 item scale that measures self-worth by evaluating both positive and negative feelings about the self. The scale
On average, how many times a day does the average person laugh? The internet informs us that the average adult laughs seventeen times a day. While laughing is quite common, have you ever considered the factors behind laughter? Three theorists- Hobbes, Freud, and Bergson- evaluate the subject of laughter and humor.
Low self-esteem has been an issues with many people since before the 1970’s. This issue has gradually picked up since the 70’s and has progressed 37% in the last 200
My top humor style is self-enhancing. According to the Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin et al. 2003) I am 5.2 points away from the women’s average, that is a 36.8 for this style. According to an article that I found, Individual differences in uses of humor and their relation to psychological well-being: Development of the Humor Styles Questionnaire, people with self-enhancing humor style have a humorous outlook on life and tend to be amused by its incongruities. Even when a person that has this style is faced with stress and adversities, they still maintain a humorous outlook (Kuiper, Martin, & Olinger, 1993).
They were told an overview of the whole study so they may be prepared to answer the questions given to them. We then prompted the participants to fill out and sign a consent form to document and use their answers. Following the consent forms we seated the participants in front of the Television and played an hour of the movie, Ironman, Power Puff Girls, or Spiderman. Kayla’s participants watched Power Puff Girls, Micah’s participants watched Iron Man, and Cooper’s participants watch Spiderman. Following the movie, the participants were conducted an interview. They were questioned individually with identical sets of questions pertaining to the study. Cooper asked all his questions in a group setting compared to Micah who did it individually. Kayla wrote all the answers
It was decided that the goal would best be reached through a questionnaire given to people to fill out that would evaluate their self esteem. After going through many the Baarksdale self esteem evaluation no.69 , it was decided on as being the most thorough and the one most pertaining to he research. Some questions at the end were added asking for age, sex, and whether or not they play competitive sports. These questions were added so we could separate them onto the respective categories: athlete/non athlete. Our control group would be the group that does not play on a sports team. The athletes would be compared to them. The questionaries were handed out randomly.
The researcher made three attempts to contact potential participants. Interested participants provided consent through a written document sent via email, as well as verbally during the opening statement of the phone interview (see Appendix A).
Most people face self esteem problems at different levels. At some point in life people face this problem without realizing it. In the essay The Trouble with Self-Esteem written by Lauren Slater starts of by demonstrating a test. Self esteem test that determines whether you have a high self-esteem or low self-esteem. The question to be answered however is; what is the value and meaning of self-esteem? The trouble with self-esteem is that not everyone approaches it properly, taking a test or doing research based of a certain group of people is not the way to do so.
It was further specified that the individuals should wear something that would impress someone or something not to impress. Participants came to the research lab, in an attractive or unattractive state, and thoroughly read and signed a consent form. The experimenter then informed the participant that if at any time they feel uncomfortable or do not want to proceed with the experiment that they could leave without any penalty. The initiator then asked the subject if they had any questions or concerns. The experimenter then took the clipboard with the consent form and asked the participant to please have a seat. The experimenter than went into the testing room, and then observed the current temperature of the room. It was also ensured that the clock and thermostat were covered. The experimenter then proceeded to the front of the lab to record the inside temperature, outside temperature, the individuals name and gender, date, and described their attire on a run sheet. The experimenter then led the individual to the testing room and explained that the purpose of the survey. The conductor stated that the purpose was to measure how the participant was feeling. It was then conveyed that once the survey was completed to exit the testing area and come to the front of the research lab. After the completion of the survey, a
The results of the participants will be only reviewed by the experimenter and the professor, Dr. Kris Vasquez. The surveys that is being provided to the participants will be anonymous for other viewers. The data will be anonymous for other viewers, besides the experimenter. Participants will be informed of this before taking the survey.
The event that I and my partner went to was ComedySportz Improv Comedy present by CSzSacramento. CSzSacramento is located on Arden Way in Sacramento, California. They are open Thursday to Friday at 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm. Also, on Saturday at 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm. However, the show that I went to was held on Saturday and start at 7 pm to 8:40 pm. The entrance room was small but relaxing. That room have a few couches, a big white board where I can doodle on, and it is where I can purchase admission tickets and foods. The admission ticket cost $10 for students, seniors, and children and $12 for general admission. The foods they have for sale was popcorn, soda, water, and candy. Popcorn and water are each $1.50 and soda is $2.00. The room after the
Results: The researchers found that high adaptive humor styles (affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor) were related to more positive impressions of another individual. A maladaptive style of humor (aggressive humor and self- defeating humor) correlated with more highly negative impressions of an individual.
Every chapter I have read so far were interesting but this chapter really caught my attention. It talked about events that range from humor incidents, client diversity, upset clients, name calling and insulting, client maltreatment, and staff behavior. The journals that were provided in the chapter were very helpful. I know there would be times were someone may say something and I could not believe they said it or maybe even do something I could not believe that they did it. This chapter show me how to handle these type of situations in a professional way.
An informed consent was distributed to all students at the beginning of the experiment. A
Self-Esteem Assessment. Participants completed a self-esteem questionnaire using Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). Participants indicated their self-esteem level answering a 10-item forced-choice questions on a 4-point scale(0=strongly disagree to 3=strongly agree), with higher overall showing higher levels of self-esteem . all.” Higher scores indicated high levels of self-esteem.