Sometime something done on accident can be embarrassing or in some cases fun. Humorous moment can happen on accident or missing something up. It all start when, I was sitting by one of my friends on the computers at school writing a paper, and the teacher told us “If you think your done, let your neighbor sitting next to you look over your paper,” and my neighbor was my friend. It then got to the point where my friend and I were about done with are paper, so we switched computers to look each other’s papers over. Giving the computer to my friend I know there was going to be mistakes, not so many. I read my friend paper, then they read mine and they found a lot of mistakes, the mistakes in my writing was so bad it was funny. I then checked
Some situations can be extremely funny and is good for everyone to show that you have a sense of fun and humour, so long as it isn’t unkind or be undermining to individuals.
During the course of summer I read two books, Alas Babylon and The Color of Water. My initial response to hearing about these books isn’t one that would please the author or anyone who enjoyed reading them. But once I began to read and actually imagine my life as the main protagonist in the books my opinion about them began to change by the time I finished the first page.
The first amendment states your basic liberties. It is one of the most important bills in the bill of rights. These basic liberties are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. This amendment also has a lot of historical significance and there are a lot of court cases today that involve this amendment. There are also quite a few current issues involving the first amendment.
When I stop to think about the memory’s that I have made during my first semester of college; there are both good and bad pieces or times that present themselves. Often with many things there are gray areas, and writing would fall in there for me. I fortunately understand now that I have times where I can over look many of my writing flaws. Such as sentence structure! This by far was my biggest problem in this class, and I fully understand why. Personally I have times that will type up a paragraph and never notice the mistake. That is until someone points it out to me. It’s almost like my brain knows that something is wrong with it, but for some unknown reason it won’t register when I’m revising my paper. So as a writer I have realized that I need to take advantage of people around me and get their feedback on my essay’s; because
Thinking back to the beginning of the semester, I improved in fixing my mistakes in my writing. Whenever I review and edit my drafts, I would usually overlook most mistakes because I would just read my draft but not look at the mistakes I commit. In my paper one draft, “Opening, social mind bugs are a trait human have developed to become social: human is social animals.” In my paper, one final, “Opening, social mind bugs are traits humans have developed to become social: humans are social animals.” In this first paper, I only recognized little mistakes that stood out in my final paper. I already noticed that I can remove the word “opening,” and I could have used a semicolon instead of a colon. I improved on looking for grammar mistakes. I started using a trick my tutor recommended for me to use when I am editing my paper. I should read my draft slower, so I
When we did peer reviews, then I notice that the teacher was not the only one making remarks in my paper. My classmate had difficult times to understand what I was writing. When I was asked to read my work aloud for others to follow, I noticed several grammatical errors. For the past four months, I learned several
Vaccines have become an important innovation to health throughout the years. A vaccine is a product that produces immunity from a disease and can be given by the nose or the mouth.
The year of the home run, 1998, as described by Lisa Brush. The race between the St. Louis Cardinals’ slugger Mark McGwire and the Chicago Cubs’ own Sammy Sosa. “It wasn’t just about the home run record, it was a symbol of the St. Louis - Chicago sports rivalries. It meant a lot to the people of St. Louis, especially baseball fans” (Brush). The two cities are not very far apart, which results in the clashing of Cubs and Cards or Blackhawk and Blues fans anywhere that there’s a T.V. with a game on at. However, this day was special. Not only was rivalry stakes on the line, an MLB record also was. This record was Roger Maris’s home run record of 61
How long was I going to continue to ignore the fact that I desperately needed help with my writing? Reflecting back even in high school it seems I’ve always had the same problems when it came to my writing. Maybe it was the fact that I was too lazy to take the extra time out to write out a rough draft, unless of course it counted towards my grade, or maybe it was the fact that I never paid attention to my grammar because I was always rushing. Either way it goes once I got to college I realized I wasn’t going to be able to skate by with just putting my initial ideas on paper and turning them in, if I really wanted to get a good grade I would have to work for it.
I don’t think I did that much proofreading because I was too excited to just get all my thoughts down. When Ms.Breeden and maybe Mr.McCarthy came by my desk and glanced at my computer just to see what I was writing they were shocked on what I wrote because I wrote about a time when I used to live in Pennsylvania and I would do bad things and people would blame me for things that I didn’t do at school and Ms.Breeden and Mr.McCarthy said you really did that (those things) because you are a good person now or you are a good student now and I told them that when I moved I didn’t do anymore bad things anymore and I said that it was because of my friend choice I had in Pennsylvania and I think it was because of my friend choice. Yes I did some peer editing and this is what they
In the beginning of the semester when I was in Reading 80, I was overconfident about my own skills so I didn’t pay much attention to the instructor. I was also ashamed to tell my friends that I had this class so on my way to class I would take detours to the classroom jsut so they won’t know what class I had. I was miserable every time I was in this class. I had a hard time reading and I never understood anything. Every time I would duck into class quickly and pray that the teacher doesn’t pick on me to answer questions from our reading assignment. I was even more embarrassed because it was starting to seem like I do need this class, but I was still denying it. Sometimes to bypass the time I would doodle and procasanite instead of reading. I should have not done that. I was slowly falling behind, but I never talk to the instructor about it. She tried to help me many times but I never use my whole heart to try and listen to her. I acted as if she was a tiger and if I approached her I was going to get bit or something or she probably doesn’t care about me. One day during class
When I started this semester in English 111, I wasn’t must of a writer. I made a lot of grammar errors that a novice writer would make. Over the semester I have improved my writing skills due to this class. In the beginning of the semester we were asked to write an essay to see what type of writers we were as an individual. I struggled to write that first essay, because I would over think the essay while in deep thought thinking what the professor would think of my writing. Furthermore, I showed my writing skills as writer and scored a high grade on my first essay that I was overthinking. However, I realized that I made some that I made a few minor errors in my first essay of the semester. For example hooks are
Writing has always been a trouble area for me. There have been moments when I just got so frustrated I wanted to give up, especially these past few weeks. My best feedback in high school came from my Mom. She is extremely ill and unable to help me like she wants to while I am going through college. Without her help, I have been struggling with learning different revision strategies and which ones work best for me. Wanting to make her proud made me be more critical of myself which made the struggle worse. Ready to see the disappointment on my Mom's face, I would tell her my grades assignment by assignment. To my surprise, she would have a smile, a hug, and the words,"I'm so proud of you." no matter what grade I said. Giving up is no longer going
There has been numerous times where I had a perfect paper but because of my punctuations mistakes destroyed it. Punctuation has always been a major problem of mine when it comes to my writing. Especially semicolons and colons and sometimes I can have problems with commas. I have gone on countless websites trying to figure out how I should use each. I know there uses, but when it comes to applying them that is where the problem enlies. It can get very frustrating to have a A paper turn into a C paper just because of a few mistakes. Over the summer I have done more practice with grammar and punctuation with my ACT prep tutor and hopefully the things that I learned can translate in my writing throughout the school year. I tend to also have a problem with my spelling; it has been a problem of mine since I was younger. Spelling has stopped me to put more sophisticated words into my papers because I did not know how to spell them, which caused my papers to seem a bit juvenile. I thank god for autocorrect everyday, but I do wish that I naturally know how to spell certain words and not have to rely on a
From the time I was in about fourth or fifth grade I began to dislike certain subjects in school. I loathed everything about writing assignments. I didn’t write at home before that the thought of writing for myself never really occurred to me. I hated the deadlines the length requirements and I just tried to get them done and had no intention of writing well because I told myself I was a bad writer. I have never really known whether or not I truly am a bad writer. I continued these habits of just writing something down to get a decent grade all throughout school. I usually got an okay grade because I followed the prompt closely and did the minimum amount of work for the paper. I didn’t start the assignments until either the night before it was due. As I got older I would type the paper on my phone in school that day then print it off in the library moments before class. I continued writing in that awful ritual of complacency until the end of 11th grade. We had to write a paper on The Great Gatsby a book that I never read. I read couple of notes on the internet and then wrote the paper and never reread it or edited it all. I did my usual routine and followed the prompt and turned my paper in. When I got my paper back I was shocked to find out I didn’t get even a half decent grade I was given a zero. I went to my teacher after class to speak with him about the grade and he told me I got the grade that I deserved. He said I was lazy and never tried to truly work in