
Humorous Wedding Speech: Do We Really Enjoy The Job

Satisfactory Essays

Hi R,

I hope you are having a great day so far!

I am really enjoying the job. The team has been supportive in helping me get adjusted to the new transition.

Yes! I am aware that Brian's birthday is coming up. It has been the talk of the office.

I would absolutely love to aid you in coordinating the party. I've already taken the liberty of checking out the availability of the conference room and it looks like we're a go for 1 p.m. on Thursday.

Pizza sounds amazing, however, Brian is allergic to tomatoes. We definitely want to make sure that we look out for the birthday boy. I was thinking that we could order sandwiches from the nearby deli. The cost is $5 per person and everyone can honor their dietary needs.

Also, I overheard Brian

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