Hello world. How are you today? I'm doing great, thanks. I like tacos. Tacos are great. I'm running out of things to say. Any suggestions? My mom wants to go to bed but I'm not sure if I have enough text here to warrant the plagiarism report being run. What more can I say? Words, words, words... I'm seriously out of ideas at this point. I'll just start naming random appliances I can see. Fridge. Stove. Kettle. Cup. That's not an appliance, that's
I'm so excited for you! It's your birthday! Yay! I wanted to surprise you a box of presents to put a big smile on your face and to show my appreciation for you and all you do. You're a terrific friend and a constant source of encouragement-not only to me-but to everyone you know! You bring so much joy to others, and you know how to make people smile and laugh. When you throw a party, you seek to make sure the needs of everyone are met and you'll plan little details to make to make sure everyone's having a good time. From creating your own made up game on New Year's Eve, to making Papa Murphy's pizza and some healthy snacks to go along with it, you put the cherry on top of the cake called hospitality. I've seen you grow so
Ladies, Gentlemen good morning to you all. I am here today to speak to you on behalf of tennis Australia and in essence the rest of the globe in terms of Tennis. My question to you is, why are women denied the chance to perform and exhibit there elite talents their ultimate mettle in 5 sets of tennis like the men’s game. Why fans are denied the pleasure of seeing this is to be questioned? Why aren’t women able to play 5 sets?
“Good. I’m sending you an email. Look it over and email me any questions. Congratulations again, William. I’m proud of you.”
Wayne’s sister has to be picked up from the airport this afternoon. 2. She’s worried that the students will not like her. She’s worried that she_________________________________________________ 3.
Although, I can view your calendar, I am unable to view the meeting titles and/or subjects. With that said, do you have Leader 2 Leader on your calendar for March 17 from 0830-1030 in the Auditorium? This meeting is for all department heads.
I am assisting Gary Beane with your 403 (b) retirement account. Mr. Beane met with you on the 8/17/17 at Lakes Region General Hospital at 8:30 am; you expressed to him that would like to hold your current investment, but you want to change in your Birth Date due to is wrong on Aspire- the Record-Keeper. I have attached the participant personal information change form. Please, sign it and date it and then send it back to us to that we can resubmit it to aspire to make the appropriate changes. Please, if you have any questions give Mr. Beane a call.
John Locke on the phone: Good morning, Karl. How are you? I hope all is well.
Today when you get up in the morning you find that your body has been replaced with A GLITTERING IRIDESCENT MECHA SUIT ENCRUSTED WITH EVERY NICE MESSAGE YOU'VE EVER BEEN SENT.
And thank you all so much! I am so appreciative of the support and welcoming I have felt, making this process less anxiety provoking.
I just really want to express to you guys about my concerns with guest and other departments. Today Early this morning we had a guest by the name of Mcpeak come down and tell us about her tv not working on a certain channel. We (megan and I) apologize to the guest about the abc channel not working properly for her, she stated she would like someone to come up to take a look at the tv. Megan contacts kiko and told him about the channel issue. We could not reach him by radio, but we could reach him at his desk. He told that Branden will becoming today to fix the channels. I honestly feel like if I'm contacting Kiko about a guest issue, him as the head of that department should reach out to the guest and let them know that
An intriguing speech event that I take part of in my daily life is at the place of my work; a restaurant in Old Town. Under the employ in the service industry, it’s a common knowledge among co-workers that speech patterns change when interacting with a customer. It becomes a running joke between co-workers, mimicking the heightened, sociable pitches and over friendly choices of words. As a waitress in a typical restaurant setting, the content of this unofficial speech event are the repeated cycles of satisfactory waiting; tone of voice, particular utterances, bodily positions we take in front of the tables we offer service to. Here, it is more relative to focus on the higher pitches that take over our voices and the recurring outgoing utterances
Hello. Welcome to the Jeremy and Jamie after party. The after after party is going to be where the real fun is, but, most of you won’t wanna be in the room, and you sick twisted freaks that will….shame on you. Its their wedding, Damn it!!! I am your cordial host as it were, the slightly battered, partially bruised Josh Johnston. It has to do with wasps and tripping out of trucks and....well, never mind. Many of you know me, and for those of you that don't....you won't soon forget....like it or not. In addition to getting the honor and privilege to stand up here with my sister and her beautiful bride...wait....wrong cards....these aren't even MY CARDS!!! Damn dressing room mixups!!! I also am privileged to be the best man. That is a position
Hello. For those who don’t know me, I’m Samantha. I am the maid of honour, sister and believe it or not, friend of the bride. I’d like to start off by pointing out that Maryssa looks absolutely stunning. Oh and Braeden, you look alright too I guess.
She loved blue M&M’s because they reminded her of the heard of hydrangeas in her grandma’s front yard
First off, thank you for the lovely card and the gift. It really meant a lot to me to hear you say such nice thoughts about my work and my time here. And, rest assured, the coffee will be put to good use this fall with plenty of #PSLs!