
Hundred Year War Research Paper

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The Hundred Year War was a war between the French and English in the 13th and 14th century. The war was a conflict over land, titles and rights between both the French and English. This involved several generations of French and English who have claimed a period of more than a hundred years(Hundred Years’ War, pars.1). This was said to last form around 1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet. It was accompanied by some significant battles and people during this time period of the Hundred Year War. The origins of the Hundred Years War included Joan of Arc Liberates the Orleans, The Battle of Agincourt and Philip VI. Joan of Arc liberates the Orleans was one of many events that occurred during the Hundred Year War. Joan’s passion and influence on the French inspired and unified the French army. In the beginning of the war she led the first troops to enter Orleans on April 28, 1428.The French split into two columns, but they entered easily into the city of Orleans. They burned and English fortress that had been guarding a bridge across the Loire. The French had done two consecutive masses. As the English saw how the French could achieve these forces under Joan’s leadership they began to retreat before the second mass was …show more content…

The origins of the Hundred Years war included Joan of Arc Liberates the Orleans war, The Battle of Agincourt and Philip VI. All of these battle and people had a huge impact to this war with both the French and English. They had many disputes and disagreements within these wars and many had greats wins and horrific defeats. The Hundred Year war was related to another war called The Battle of Crecy. This war was also between both the French and English and was a resounding victory for the English. Philips army attacked but were soon overwhelmed by Edward’s 10,000 longbowmen. This marked a rise for the English as a world Power( The Battle of Crecy,

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