Is it fair if one human had to be sacrificed for the good of the people?
Imagine being pressure for the protection of your sister or any family member, having to kill innocent people inferring to sacrificing people for the good of people and what they want. Introducing The Hunger Games, a game where one boy and one girl are chosen for each district there is 12 in total when they have been chosen, they will have to fight killing each other for survival ending with only one survivor. So is it fair so sacrifice human being, for the good of people.Therefore, not fighting for what you deserve? No it is not fair to sacrifice, a human because the government is forcing you to kill, promoting death in which the government causing the death earns money, Basically leading so you wouldn't fight for your own rights.
The Hunger Games started or was caused with a rebellion that was called “The Dark Days” which thirteen
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Separating families, causing the family's pain, suffer, depression knowing may lose someone. As the The hunger games is playing ad everybody watching, there is families who lose the daughter,son, mother, or father “to VOTE for your favorite Tribute! The cost is six Florins - or eight Florins……surrounding a stunned WOMEN. This is CORRINA - her face white with grief ….. Because it was her son that just died on that big screen A WAIL rises out of her - pure agony.”(2) There is probably so many suffering going on that is isn't far for all the sacrificing just so they have show giving them a punishment annually making families suffer so much and they can't do nothing about it but kill President Snow. people are also paying for their favorite tribute in the Hunger games giving the the government money because all the
I believe that our convictions can be pernicious or used for malicious intent. When a clash of opinions is mishandled that there are frequently repercussions and often calamitous outcomes follow.
I chose to the modern mythology known as The Hunger Games a novel written by Suzanne Collins and later adapted into a feature film. The novel was actually part of a trilogy The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. The story begins by introducing you to our main character Katniss Everdeen who lives in a world run by the Capitol where President Snow resides and has enforced a form of martial law on all 13 districts. Every year the Capitol hosts their annual Hunger Games which is a form of entertainment for the Capitol. Out of every district two tributes, one boy and one girl will be picked to participate in the Hunger Games which is a battle to the death. Whichever tribute manages to survive till the end will be rewarded by getting to stay in the capitol and their district will be given more food and supplies. The reason Katniss becomes a part of the games is because her little sister prim is chosen during the reaping to be the tribute so Katniss hearing her sisters name volunteers as tribute to save her sisters life but she tries to win the games for her district and to provide for them. The only problem is she finds it hard to murder the other tributes because they are all so young and she doesn’t see why she must kill them for the Capitols entertainment.
Have you ever noticed that with all the modern-day movies, video games, etc., seeing violence becomes more and more normal for people; it’s always fine because it’s not real or it’s just being acted out, right? Imagine if such things that might happen in a horror movie were completely real, just being videotaped for entertainment. In the novel The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, this is exactly what happens. It is a story about a 16 year old girl who volunteers in place of her little sister to be forced to fight to the death in an arena. She is with 23 other tributes and must be the last one standing in order to live.
The Hunger Games are meant to dehumanize the tributes, but some break the rules and show compassion for one another. Katniss, Peeta, Thresh, and Rue all show compassion for each other in the Games. When the tributes don't do the right thing, you are just another piece in the Games. If one of the tributes isn't teamed up or doing the right thing, somebody might just go out and kill you.
In the Hunger Games, one young male and one young female are randomly selected from each District, or town, every year to go into war with one another. Only one of the twenty-four make it back out of the game alive. The mayor announces the chosen ones every year at a ceremony known as the reaping, where he explains the history and purpose of the games. There was a war in the past between the Capitol and the Districts. Since the Capitol won, they hold the Hunger Games in honor of their victory. The story mostly focuses on a specific Hunger Games tribute, Katniss Everdeen, who chose to volunteer for her sister who was originally chosen as tribute. Katniss and District 12’s boy tribute, Peeta, are shipped off to train for the games for a few weeks in order to learn more about how the game is played and how the Capitol actually has a huge hand on who wins depending on their likeability. People who live in the Capitol actually send survival gifts in the games, which is the key to winning.
Tom Robinson, a black man in To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the main characters in
Can you imagine the feeling knowing that at anytime, a close one could be taken away. A best friend could be stolen. A family member could be killed. Even yourself could be sacrificed for nothing. Do you think that the emotions a family member may encounter, the sadness of an entire community, or even just the thought of dying, is worth it to provide a dominant government their “Hollywood ending”? Well, in the book “The Hunger Games” written by Suzanne Collins, Katniss Everdeen lives in a dystopian society where her community is divided by 13 different groups. Each year, their government randomly selects two participants from each group to play in the Hunger Games, which is a fight to the death among the other participants. In the book, Katniss’
The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins delineates that there are times when people believe that all hope is lost but only those who are strong will persevere through their darkest moments. Suzanne Collins portrays the theme throughout the novel with the main protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, as she struggles to endure her daily life and the annual Hunger Games. Collins displays the prodigious amount of persistence of Katniss Everdeen and her comrade, Peeta Mellark, which allows them to survive throughout the Hunger Games.
Before entering the arena, Katniss wonders who will “turn into one of those raging beast tributes, the kind who tries to eat someone’s heart after they’ve killed them” (143). This animalistic depiction of the effect the Hunger Games can drive players to do. Everyone is fighting for their lives in the Capitol’s game, but the Careers appear the most inhumane in their actions, hunting other players “like a pack of wild dogs”
In The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins expresses two themes. The first one is that we can’t let the government use their power to treat, and use people like they want, they are oppressing them. “At one o’clock, we head of the square. Attendance is mandatory unless you are on deaths door. This evening, officials will come around and check to see if this is the case. If not you will be imprisoned.” (Collins, 16) we can see that the Capitol forces the people to participate in the reaping by threatening them. “When I was younger, I scared my mother to death, the things I would blurt out about District 12, about the people who rule our country, Panem, from the far-off city called the Capitol. Eventually I understood this would only lead us to
In life there is always some sort of violence and there always seems to be a good and a bad side. The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross is a movie about 24 tributes fighting to the death for the Hunger Games crown. The prize is freedom from ever having to physically fight in the arena again, riches, and fame. It is a game of violence, ferocity, and blood, and only one tribute can win. Even though stories often have a Battle between Good and Evil, it is Katniss’s internal conflict confronting her own good and evil that portrays humanity with a longing for destruction, violent inclination, and sense of separation.
"Life’s just not fair. Why should I eat this food? Why is my family so poor? Why do I have to listen to my parents? Everything is horrible in my life!" Chances are, everyone has thought of at least one of these sayings before. Every day, there are complaints slurred out like rabbit reproductions. However, these complaints are minuscule compared to the amount of suffering in The Hunger Games. Set in a post-apocalyptic North America now called Panem, there are 12 districts each responsible for its assigned production and a tyrannical government city called the Capitol. Since the 75 years of the 13 district’s failed rebellion against the Capitol, there has a been a Hunger Games every year. The Hunger Games was an annual event in where 24
The Hunger Games promotes the idea of a total government control. The Capitol controls everything that the twelve districts do. The world of Panem is divided into 12 districts where each district has its own role to fulfill from luxury to coal mining. "Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch. This is the Capitol's way of reminding us how totally we are at their mercy" (Collins 18). This shows that the districts all pay a yearly sacrifice to the Capitol in the form of tributes. Another of showing that the Games is a dystopian society is that any evidence of an act of rebellion will result in the government having to kill anyone who gets in their way. "Look how he take your children and sacrifice them there is nothing you can do. If you lift a finger, we will destroy every last one of you. Just as we did in District 13" (18).
The Hunger Games contribute to the sea of dystopian films, within this film social commentary is exposed in the gruesome scenes of murder preadolescents are forced to commit. In the dystopian film, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12 districts and the Capital. Each year two young representatives from each district are chosen to participate in The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are televised throughout Panem and are used as part entertainment ,and as part retribution for a past rebellion. The 24 participants are forced to kill one another until there is one left. During this gruesome act the citizens of the Panem are forced to watch. Social commentary is shown throughout the whole movie as subtle evaluations of the society
The Hunger Games is a fight to the death. “... each of the twelve districts must provide one girl and one boy, called tributes, to participate.” (Collins Page 18) The reaping system is how they pick both tributes from each district. The reaping system is basically two glass balls with everybody's name in it from, age 12-18, each district. Each year they have to put at least one name slip in the ball, but you can put a max of four each year and get extra food for your family. The last tribute standing wins. “The last tribute alive receives a life of ease back at home, and their district will be showered in prizes, largely consisting of food.” (Collins Page 19) In our society if we win a war against another country we don’t imprison them, and make them sacrifice people to fight to the death to show that we have power over them.