One of my favourite characters of all time would be Katniss Everdeen, the main character and the heroine in The Hunger Games series, which is a book and movie series that are famous among the adolescents. Katniss has several admirable traits, in other words, her attributes that made her a memorable character to me and to many other girls particularly. First of all, Katniss is a responsible person. Before I proceed, The Hunger Games is a televised game that requires children aged twelve to eighteen to fight till death in an arena. When Katniss’s twelve years old sister is being chosen as one of the competitors, Katniss stepped in and took her place in the Games. All she could think of at that moment was to save her sister from the gruesome game. Besides that, …show more content…
Secondly, Katniss is very intelligent. The following trait is portrayed during the Games. Although the situations in the Games can get arduous and complex, she still managed to figure her way out of the difficulties and in the end, she survived and won the Games. She is also a good leader. She managed to lead an innumerable group of people in a revolution that ended the Games and the oppression in the districts forever. This is incontestably an admirable trait of Katniss because she had great leadership skills although her age was only eighteen. Aside from her admirable traits, she also has her tragic flaws. Katniss can be selfish and emotional sometimes. Her emotional attitude could cloud her judgements, even in big and serious decisions. For instance, after they had apprehended the president, one of the members of the group decided to hold the 76th Hunger Games for the kids of the Capitol, the district that is responsible for the existence of the games. She agreed without contemplating it too much because of her anger that was burning inside of her after her sister’s death in the war. On top of that, Katniss can easily get angry at
The competition will be far beyond my abilities.” However, Katniss starts to grow in strength, throughout the games, although when the announcement that two tributes from the same district could win together, she had her main peak of strength. With her continuously growing strength, Katniss was able to win the Hunger Games, not just with her physical strength, but mental strength
Neither of these characters expected to be put into the role of care giver for another person but despite the setback they both overcame and did what they had to do to care for those who needed them. In the Hunger Games Katniss is considered something new and unheard of. She stands out as a strong female not afraid to do what she needs to do to strive and care for herself and the needs of others, and make it out of the game. She’s the character in the story that leaves you wanting to know more, “She’s active, she’s strong and she’s the girl who motivates the story.”
In the case of Katniss Everdeen, who was introduced as a strong, resourceful, independent, and protective young woman, she is faced with the challenge of the Hunger Games. Instead of succumbing to the challenge, she magnifies her skills to conquer it; meanwhile, gaining a deeper understanding of the country she lives in and the people who govern it. Nevertheless, this is just the beginning of Katniss's journey, and it has given her credibility while also laying the foundation for the rebellious future that lies ahead of
In the novel “The Hunger Games” Suzanne Collins conveys the qualities of a hero through the main character Katniss Everdeen. The novel is based around a dystopian nation, in which is placed in Panem. Through which a boy and a girl from each district must take part in ‘The Hunger Games’ where they have to fight to the death, until there is one survivor. Katniss subsequently evolves as a significant hero portraying the heroic qualities such as selflessness, identity change and intelligence. Selflessness is shown as she puts others before herself, her identity changes as she has to put up a brave face, and intelligence is displayed as her strategies progress in the games.
In the surreal dystopian novel, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins the main theme that is focused on the most is survival of the fittest. Katniss displays this theme with her two characteristics and one of many skills. The first one being an athletic mindset, the second being intelligence, and her skill being archery. Katniss is very athletic. Near the end of the story Katniss was able to escape genetically modified canines with an extraordinarily amount of speed.
The next scene is a heavy contrast to the first. In this scene we see Katniss hunting for food for her family and in doing so, assuming a role more commonly associated with males. In the lead up to the games she poses as a girl madly in love with the male tribute from her district in order to gain sponsors and attention from the Capital. She demonstrates intelligence in doing so because she knows that she is more likely to be accepted by the capital if she adopts a more feminine persona. It is only after the Games begin that Katniss demonstrates her natural talents, those more typically associated with a male character. She uses her hunting skills to her advantage by catching food and killing people when necessary. She also exhibits a wide range of knowledge which helps her to survive during the Games. Towards the end of the film, it has been made clear to the audience that whilst Katniss assumes a traditional female role when with her family or when it benefits her, her true character closely follows the characteristics typically seen in a traditional male gender
A major factor in this novel which shapes ones identity is the environment. The environment around someone can contribute to how they act and perform in certain situations. While in the games, Katniss is forced to develop a more strategic mindset in order to survive. Katnisses identity changes dramatically while in the games when realising that she will have to kill people in order to survive. Prior to the games, Katniss had never thought and didn't plan on ever killing a human.
“We had to save you because you're the Mockingjay, Katniss, says Plutarch. While you live, the revolution lives” (Collins). Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games is a complex character who epitomizes the archetype of a hero, however, she also shatters the mold by rebelling against the capital and endangering her whole family. She starts out as a hero to her family, especially her sister, and then becomes the symbol of strength to everyone. Katniss sacrifices herself by volunteering to join the Hunger Games in place of her sister, it is a game of survival where a boy and a girl from each district are forced to fight the other members of other districts to the death. By going out of her ordinary world and preparing to join a game where her life could be taken, she fits right into the archetype of a hero. Her bow and arrow, the weapon that only she can wield, will be the only things to help her survive. Despite these heroic qualities, Katniss makes an erroneous decision and blunder mistakes that shows the reader the flip side of Katniss.
Suzanne Collins demonstrates that the heroine Katniss is a good hero in “The Hunger Games” through bravery, inner strength and compassion. This is expressed through emotive language, repetition and descriptive language.
She volunteered to take her sister’s occupation as a tribute for the 74th Hunger Games not because she was attempting to be a heroine. However, this move was what catapulted her into various tiers of activism. Her climatic activism occurred in Mockingjay. Everything she went through led her to a place where she felt no option but to fight for equality, peace and love for her people. She battled for complete equality for all 13 districts of Panem, sacrificed herself as a whole for others’ safety, and in the resolution, she gave hope for the freedom to love. As the Hunger Games trilogy draws to close, Katniss finally embraces the tender future ahead. She might have felt like Martin Luther King Junior when he said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty, we are free at last.”
Katniss Everdeen is an adolescent girl who has been through a lot, emotionally and physically. She is not only a girl from District 12 but she is a girl who takes on challenges that she is not
Although Katniss Everdeen participated in the Hunger Games, we still have some similarities, we both are emotionally strong and have a strong mindset. Katniss participating in the hunger games helped her with being emotionally strong. In the Hunger Games Katniss witnessed multiple deaths throughout the movie. Participating in the Hunger Games also helped Katniss with the strong mindset she has. Throughout the book Katniss kept her strong mindset and didn’t give up even though she had to overcome multiple obstacles. Being emotionally strong helped Katniss get through the death of Rue. Keeping that strong mindset throughout the Hunger Games helped her survive them. I’ve gone through some personal problems myself that have shaped me into being emotionally strong. Also, when I am going through some obstacles I keep my strong mindset to not give up. For example, in class when I don’t understand something I ask my partners and I keep on trying the problems until I fully understand it. These attributes help me stay emotionally strong when I am going through something. Also, they help
To begin the first characteristic that helped Katniss overcome adversity in the games was her intelligence. Katniss shows her intelligence multiple times throughout the book but one example of this would be when reads between the lines of Haymitch’s gifts thinking “Haymitch couldn't be sending me a clearer message one kiss equals one pot of broth”(collins 261). The significance of this is that she sees how willing people are to sponsor when her and Peeta are clearly in love so all she has to do for what she needs is to not give up on the games or on Peeta. The next point of how Katniss’s intelligence helped her in the book would be How she was able to locate Peeta after hearing the announcement of two tributes of the same district can survive. Remembering back to earlier in the games she thought “he couldn't have survived without water. I know that from the first few days here. He must be hidden somewhere near a source”(collins 250). This shows how in this stressful and vast environment she is able to take a breath and calmly analyze the situation and decipher that he couldn't have gone far from the career camp and he would have to stay close to water. The last way Katniss proves that her intelligence helped her in the games is how she takes out the careers supplies. After careful planning with rue Katniss makes her way up towards the career camp and takes up her bow and shoots “Then the apples spill to the ground and I’m blown backward into the air”(collins 221). This quote shows how with some planning and careful thinking she singlehandedly changed the course of the entire game. For these reasons her intelligence clearly helped her overcome the tall task of the hunger games.
In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character and protagonist is 16 year old Katniss Everdeen, a strong and selfless young woman who is far more mature than her age suggests. As the main provider for her family after her father died, Katniss had to become responsible and resourceful at a young age, which forced her to participate in rebellious behavior in order to keep her family alive. She is an unselfish and protective character, putting herself in danger in order to keep the ones she loves safe, especially for her little sister Primrose. Even after the pain and hardships she has had to go through not only in the games, but in her life, Katniss maintains her
When one loves a person or thing dearly, then they have the tendency to do almost anything they can to protect and save them from whatever harm they come across. Katniss volunteered for the games knowing she was saving her sister from a terrible fate. She made a promise that she would try her best to win the Hunger Games, but her confidence in her own ability to kill another person was minimal. She did not want to get any blood on her hands but knew that in order to win she would be forced to. The author of Genocidal Killer, Crispin Sartwell recognized situations like these when he said, “your goodness, like mine, has little to do with who you are and everything to do with the social conditions you find yourself in” (Sartwell). The circumstance Katniss found herself in was full of violence, pain, and ruthlessness which further contributed to the tainting of her