
Hunger In Venezuela

Decent Essays

Venezuela has made great strides in eradicating hunger and famine in the country. We as the Bohemian Republic of Venezuela have cut the number of people that are hungry in half (13.2% to 5%). The FAO awarded us for our hard working fighting hunger in our country in 2013. We feel the need for everyone to be equal and happy in our socialist republic. President Maduro and former president Chavez has criticized have stomped out Capitalist companies in our country. Hugo Chavez worked to reduce importing and promoted in country farming for the past 5 years. Even after his death, 2013-elected Nicholas has worked on a school menu to promote healthy, nutritional education and food for the 4 million in schooling. In 2002 and 2004 , we were the one …show more content…

We created the People’s Seed Law to work with small farmers to protect farmers from control of companies. Much of the farming land and companies are under governmental control to prevent monopolization. Now, the public has power over the farming community. To prevent further company control, we have taken price control measures to protect the consumer from extremely high prices that could be set unfairly by private companies. Set prices allow the poor to afford nutritious food without digging into their wallet. Despite major steps in a socialist state where food is abundant and the economy is wealthy, we have fallen into shortage state. After the drastic fall of oil starting in June, our government has weakened and since our GDP is from 96% oil, it has collapsed. Similar to the 2008 crisis, food is becoming harder to get as our state run stores run dry. With long lines waiting for basic food with military presence, we are rationing as we try to find funding to fix our collapse state. This oil fall has skyrocketed our inflation and brought food riots, black markets, etc. Hoarding has become a problem since many of the shop owners hate our anti-capitalized system on equality throughout the …show more content…

As many in the world remain hungry, we nations must work together to solve current food crisis. First, Multinational corporations have extreme power and money to control the average consumer. When the People’s seed law implemented, it allowed the farmer to become protected and prevented companies from making huge profits. This allowed a democratic farmer society in the food world. The United Nations must focus on putting a world socialism over these multinational companies. We saw as of 2008 that these multinational companies were quick fixes in solving the huge increase in food prices and meeting demand. Sadly, these food companies made millions off our investments and many countries are reliant on their products. When the company grows, the farmer is left out. Before reform in Venezuela, it was virtually impossible for a small farmer to grow/fish local food due to industrial farms and ships monopolizing the land. Even Industrial farmers on average only get 16% of the profit made from selling their product while the capitalist company gets the rest. Monsanto, for example, has complete control over its seed. Farmers then cannot re-use the seed without breaching contract. Farmers are left without decision of their own crops and instead in corporate heads portfolio for next year. Many of the practices of agribusiness are destructive to the environment and companies only look

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