Sydney Even
Amanda Bergemann
October 10, 2015
Dear Diary,
Today I am going to write to you about what a day in my life is like as a hunter gatherer. Hunter gatherers are a group of people, known as a “band”, who live by hunting, fishing and harvesting wild food. Our bands are pretty small, they usually consist of about 20-30 people depending on the amount of food in the region. My band consists of 5 different families, we all work together as a team to hunt and gather food everyday. The labor is divided among our band depending on ones sex. The men hunt and fish for their own meat while women gather nuts and berries and care for the children. Because we live in all different kinds of environments, from mountains to rainforests, the
The BlackFoot Indians make traditional costumes to trade for other goods and services. Mostly woman make them because the boys mostly hunt and the girls make clothes or decorate clothes. Another type of culture is the blackfoot tribe is made up of three sub tribes. These tribes are Siksika, Kainah, and Piegan. Their last culture is believing in mother nature. This isn’t a sunday thing they pray almost everyday. One thing they pray for is the “Sun
The “Blackfoot” or “Blackfeet” tribe is a Native American tribe that is located in the Great Plains. The differentiation between “Blackfeet” or “Blackfoot” is depending on your culture and where you’re at in the world. Most normally, Americans refer to them as the Blackfeet; while Canadians refer to the tribe as Blackfoot. The Native American tribe has believe the name “Blackfeet” to be offensive, therefore the proper pronunciation is Blackfoot.
The leader of are group is hernando de soto he was kinda funny looking with his beard. He went too find riches. We traveled 4,000 miles throughout the region. We found gold and slaves we keep traveling. The purpose of us traveling is too get more gold and slaves so we can be rich and have people do are work for us. We travelled and travelled too get their.
By the time European adventurers came to North America, a lot of things were already not in favor of the Native American people. They had problems ranging from a bad economy to weak empires. Of the many problems, there was also natural disasters that created distress amongst the tribes. These problems are what helped the European adventurers to be able to somewhat easily defeat the European adventurers.
The Woodland Indian tribes started in present day New York and extended to New England, Maryland,the Great Lakes, and Maine, where they settled. The Woodland Indians lived in the forests near lakes or streams, thats why they are called the Woodlands Indians.
The monograph focuses several Native American religious prophets that inspired the Pan-Indian movement to unify the Eastern Woodland tribes together in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Gregory Evans Dowd argues that the narrative examines the religious practices of the Eastern Woodlands Native Americans. Continuing his argument Dowd states that instead of focusing on a particular “Indian point of view,” the monograph investigates two groups the nativists and accommodationists (Dowd, xxii). The author supports his arguments by using journals, military records, and several primary sources. An instance of one of the primary sources that Dowd uses is Benjamin Hawkins’ Sketch of the Creek Country in the Years 1798 and 1799.
You're probably wondering who are the Paleo-Indians? Well the Paleo Indians were known as Native Americans. Archeologists assume that the Paleo Indians,were sometimes referred to as Clovis people. The Paleo Indians lived 15000 B.C. to the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age at about 7,000 B.C. Paleo Indians were originally natives of Asia, who migrated to our continent near the end of the recent Ice Age. The Paleo Indians were believed to be nomadic, meaning they were always moving, so they traveled in small groups of 20 to 50 people. Since they were always on the move they traveled light.
While survival would have been a key goal for the first Tennesseans as the years went by, the four prehistoric tribes evolved and developed increasingly more advanced techniques to move from simply surviving to living. These four prehistoric tribes include the Paleo tribe, the Archaic tribe, the Woodland tribe and the Mississippian tribe. These tribes dealt with changing climates and fluctuating food sources, which defined their developing lifestyles and left clues for future generations to study and share.
I have never usually been the man to keep a journal but I believe that in the next few months or years great history will be achieved, i'm scared about which side will be making that history though. The day is October 8, 1773 and I am currently a merchant in Boston Massachusetts. I was born April 20, 1749, sadly my mother died soon after I was born and it was just me, my father and older brother. Father was a soldier but died in 1762 fighting the French and savage natives, I was 13 when father died and brother was 16. He took care of me, taught me to read and write as father taught him. My brother is a good friend and even better man, while we have become somewhat distant we still keep in touch. He became a soldier once I was 18 and was sent
The first beginning we had hunter and gatherers, and that became something that everybody started doing. People would use resources around them, and they would not stay in permanent settlements. Than a new life began and it was called Emergence of Agriculture. People know started having permanent settlements, the population has became bigger, and their health might be becoming shaky. These changes might have been better or worse.
The exploration and settlement of the Americas by the Europeans had devastating effects on the Native Americans. As Europeans began to explore the Americas and form settlements a great majority of them saw the Native Americans as savages and pagans that needed to be civilized. As exploration and settlements expanded the Native American population and culture was decimated by disease, war, loss of land, the exploitation internal feuding among the tribes and enslavement.
Day 1: It's day one of my expedition, exciting, we are documenting on a thought to be extinct tribe.
Scoresby appears to be a fool but he usually has unique good luck. Actually, Scoresby has intelligence, the clergyman thinks that he is smarter than Scoresby and Scoresby depends on his super luck to gain the glory again and again, not because he is very clever. The clergyman taught at a military academy. Although the clergyman wants to help him make out of the fool less false at the beginning, gradually, the clergyman is jealous of the successes Scoresby has achieved. Mark is the author, he was filled adventure and curiosity. In the article, he was curious about why the clegyment said Scoresby was a stupid person.Scoresby appears to be a fool but he usually has unique good luck. Actually, Scoresby has intelligence, the clergyman thinks that
It is 1492, and many Europeans are hungry for exploration. The “New World” was seen as the future of trade. But there was one problem; the current way of shipping from Asia was by slow land travel, touching many hands before they reached the European market. With a market that was hungry and the means to travel by sea, Christopher Columbus set sail under the endorsement of queen Isabella of Spain, searching for passage to Asia. What Columbus would find was not Asia, but America. This discovery as time would tell, would not come without consequence. In the age of the new world, exploration, conquest and settlement would have consequences for both the people who were adventuring to these new lands as well
Approximately 2.5 million years ago humans lived as hunter-gatherers that would move in bands, later on, they would turn into the great civilization of the ancient world due to better technique and a more organized society. Starting from the neolithic age which consists of hunter-gatherers. There were basically early modern humans. Hunter-gatherers had populated a lot of the earth by 30,000 years ago, continued the hunter and gathering way of life. They would feed off of wild plants and animals and move from one location to another. They would also use the fur of their killings as clothes. In a hunting and gatherings economy, they would move from one location to another to secure their food supply. Hunter-gatherers were very self-sufficient.